
Based Ubisoft.

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hilarious, classic South Park mocking both sides.

This is fucking bullshit I am so sick of game companies being infiltrated by the marxist kike liberals of the left that plant these insane conspiracy theories about "inequalities" into our medium. I have never seen a black person as anything but a white person with black skin until all this, but now they openly call for the genocide of whites and I call them apes because it is unfair.

welp, watch this thread get 300+ replies because you're all 12

all this free publicity from such a small joke
they weren't joking about adds getting smarter, people eat it like it's candy

>You will never be able to talk about this game because something hurt Sup Forums and tumblrs feelings
I hate you all

seriously what's the last fucking major title released that doesn't turn into some shitposting hurricane?

But is there a gender slider?

>doesn't effect combat

fuck off idiots, it's a joke

It is, but it's also what the SJW want unironically.

So who's laughing in this situation?

>Ubisoft said they were told the difficulty of the game affects the amount of money you receive and the way other characters speak to you throughout the course of the game.

>During the difficulty selection Eric Cartman will comment: "Don't worry, this doesn't affect combat. Just every other aspect of your whole life."

Can i be the cripple kid?

Trashing pol is a Sup Forums pass time you unmigitable cuck


later like an hour in the game you meet with Mr. Mackey and pick your gender and if you cis or trans choosing non male options has Mackey call your parents to confirm your choices revealing you were always that way in Stick of Truth as a slight retcon

I'm not even sure who they are mocking with this but I'm kind of surprised how well Sup Forums has taken it.

I just hope this game is way longer than the last one.

I was going to buy this, but not anymore.

It's fucking satire you autist.

Hey maybe this will finally lead to dickgirl options in RPGs. If I have to put up with this nonsense in the industry at least I can hope that it'll eventually cater to my fetishes.

Trails of Cold steel on PC, idk if that counts as a major title though. People here to seem like it.

You got that the other way around, Sup Forums is the board that's Sup Forums's meat toilet.

Sup Forums used to get really upset you guys a lot for all the cross board posting, maybe this is karma.

What if gearbox did it

But then why is that the "hard" mode? You'd get more free money from the government and everyone will be more agreeable with you because they're afraid of you.

It's south park humor so it's expected

It might matter if it wasnt south park

>Sup Forums
Hello Redit. Did you Trigger that 4channer? Sick. Upvoted and following your r/politics account

i wonder who (((this))) could be.

>Sup Forums thread
>everybody having a giggle and shitposting about it

>Sup Forums thread
>strawman posts, MS paint comics and insults hurled until the thread 404s

>Hey maybe this will finally lead to dickgirl options in RPGs.

Actual dick girls though, not trannys. They gotta have girl voice.

>White male, the easiest difficulty there is

Really made me think.

Who cares?


No one cares about Madden.

only disappointment is that I doubt they'll have asian jokes


1997 called and they are outraged about southpark

Shitty Wok

It doesn't actually affect the difficulty. The game plays exactly the same if your character is human or nigger. It's just one of their political jokes.

Because you will be dumb as fuck

You guys are ready for the slider to not actually affect the difficulty, right?

Hopefully, but it doesn't matter too much because trannies want to pretend to be real women so the devs wouldn't make them manly on purpose.

They don't even have to show dicks, I just want my female Dragon Age character to be on the male side of the sex scenes next time.

Except is should, just the other way around.

Nigga, the difficulty slider is what causes the skin color change

Was the stick of truth fun? I heard it was surprisingly ok

>get stick of truth for free
>cancel pre-order
>keep the stick of truth
ubisoft btfo

No argument from me, Sup Forums is shit. It's the only board on Sup Forums where the egos and struggles to communicate without being passive aggressive rival that of reddit.

Reminder that true White Privilege comes in the form of STILL HAVING YOUR FORESKIN.

You guys realize this is just south parks excuse to have the game yell nigger right?

Eh, Mount & Blade did it with women, and it was good. Playing female in medieval settings was basically hard mode.


2013 was pretty shit so it was definitely an unexpected gem

The difficulty slider doesn't change the gameplay in any way.

Breaking news: south park tries to be controversial

In other news, water is wet and birds can fly.

Back to you karen

The joke is that all of it changes fucking nothing jesus christ Sup Forums

Black guy here ask me anything

>I just want my female Dragon Age character to be on the male side of the sex scenes next time.

All political shit aside I don't get why RPG's don't already do this. They are supposed to be RPG's so you'd think they would be more open ended like that. RPG's with voices MC's make it harder because you'd have to have to female MC read all the male lines on top of female lines.

>South Park


honestly it didn't go far enough. realistically you should also get massive stat penalties, but it didn't touch that.

Go play it you double-nigger

How's your mom?


>capable of understanding what a joke is

were you kangz

Yeah, this would be shocking if it wasn't, ya know, SOUTH PARK.

Are video games fun?

Any news about if it will be censored? I live in europe so I'll buy it only if it's completely uncensored.

Because openly catering to degenerate fetishes is not very justifiable. However if you say you are catering to social gender issues or whatever, then you can easily justify it and be praised for it.

Do you feel that things like affirmative action undermine your struggle for being a normal person?

Favorite RPG? If you're answer is shit I'm joining the alt right.

It's literally a joke, nothing changes besides the skin color.

>from the show that brought you the shitty shitty fag fag song

Yeah i doubt it

No censorship anywhere.

I'm going to laugh when they pull a switcharoo and there are a ton of moments in the game where if you pick dark or trans you get special treatment for no reason and shit like the PC police help you do things without effort.

Why can't your race be more like the asisn? they wetn through slavery, they went through poorfaging, they went through genocide and they never compalined, they just got gud and wow'd whity with their hard work and humble desires. Be more like that and maybe the cops won't shoot you guys on sight anymore, make sure you tell your mexican friends that,too.

if you can buy it in the first place I very much doubt it'll be censored, I mean, the first game was released already, just look if it's censored in whatever place you live in

Uh oh here comes pc principal

So what, a strength debuff, and a bonus to gaining int at low values, but diminishing returns for points invented on INT past median ones?

Has anyone here even watched an episode of South Park?

The last few seasons are GOAT my dude

I think he means censored by nations. Some countries force them to censor games before they can sell them. Pretty sure a lot of European countries have backed off on this lately though. Poor little Germans aren't allowed to see Nazi symbols though because it might inspire them to round up the jews again kek.

I did

It's like you fucks have no idea what South Park is.

Watch it do almost nothing to the difficulty, but if you're black, there's a little extra dialogue about how everything must be extra hard for you on account of being black and if you're white nobody mentions race at all.

Stale pasta

Why is this surprising to you? The first one was censored in the EU and australia. This is why I'm asking.

Have any source?

Stop baiting

No joke

Also you should get raped if captured.

You mean 2014?

Fuck you

I want to be angry, don't tell me what to do

I know its subjective and everything, but season 20 was just a mess.

Wasn't the last game censored in Europe for some reason?

I'd fuck the whole spectrum of these Shimikaze

It's clearly a mockery of the one article that said being white is easy mode.

>they went through slavery, they went through poorfaging, they went through genocide and they never complained

Literally all of Asia still hates Japan, you're dumb

Just buy the game and then pirate it.
Or wait for a mod that removes the censorship, like with the first one.

Yeah, the season after they introduced pc principal was not that great, but the 4 or 5 seasons before were pretty good actually. They've really just stopped caring about holding anything back anymore.

>the moment a notoriously politcally unbiased comedy show makes fun of me, it's the liberals fault

You can't make this shit up hahahahaha

No matter how edgy South Park is they are still libcucks through and through.

Just look at the entire Trayvon Martin incident. They shilled hard for Trayvon Martin, but when it was found out that Trayvon really did ooga booga South Park never apologized or made a follow up saying they fucked up.

Can you play as based randy?

Yup. Been pretty solid for a while now.

No, but you can beat him up.

It's just that I'd like to preorder it to get stick of truth (pirated it) but I don't want to pay for the game if it's censored, even if I can get around it. So I'd like to know before the game comes out.