What are your thoughts on Odin Sphere?
What are your thoughts on Odin Sphere?
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Everything but the gameplay is interesting.
i want to fuck the rabbits
Those things?
odin was a dick
not the girls tho
would love to play, like dragons crown. but i dont own any sony device. would you reccomend getting a psp for them? can i make it run emulators?
those rabbit things gave me a foot fetish :/
? Dragon's Crown is on PS3/Vita and Odin Sphere is on PS3/Vita/PS4. Vita also has Muramasa. The games have some slowdown on vita though.
The PS4 version is really solid. Original is a bit lacking.
Best food Vanillaware has ever made by the way.
as much as I love the style of Vanillaware games, I think the only one I've finished is Muramasa
Played the hell out of it on ps2.
It was fucking repetitive and grindy, but gorgeous and with pretty nice bosses.
The story was surprisingly OK, and the little riddle thing to get the good ending was easy but a nice touch. The bad endings make me cry like a crocodile with conjunctivitis.
I heard the remake was a bit better gameplay-wise.
>willing to trade off his own daughter to Shadow the Edgehog for a ring
>starts a war against the fairies just so he could obtain more power
>almost got his illegitimate daughter executed
The man's entire existence is just a catalyst for fucking things up for everyone.
If you want to play all the Vanillaware games on a single system, you'll want to get a Vita.
Emulators run perfectly Odin's Sphere on pcsx2, Muramasa on dolphin, and Dragon's Crown on rpcs3.
You need good hardware for rpcs3, though.
But Vanillaware should really begin to port on PC.
Huh, quite odd since it's the exact opposite for me.
Yeah sure Vanillaware games are repetitive but fuck me they somehow found a way to make it even worse in Muramasa. Literal backtracking is some serious dildos.
>Emulators run perfectly Odin's Sphere on pcsx2
But that's not the remake with improved combat.
Same. Muramasa always moves at a steady, satisfying pace which makes it easier to keep playing.
It's not even the muramasa with all the content. It's not like people with only PCs have any choice.
get a playstation tv instead of a vita
Yeah, I know. But it's the best thing waiting for a neverever PC port.
>tfw plated every vita vanillaware game
Muramasa was the worse one because of the massive number of things to do again and again with the six characters but it's also my favorite surprisingly. I didn't spam special attacks or used magatama/sharpstone for the one-hit death mode and the game became surprisingly though and fun.
Fuck those caves tho.
I enjoyed it, one of the reasons I own a PS4.
Makes me wish they would release Muramasa for PS4.
I want to play the Vita DLCs but I don't own one.
I thought it lacked the longevity and replayability of Dragon's Crown, but I liked it.
What happened to this?
Like it. PS4 version is a remaster done right.
They canceled it and are working on a new project.
Really good at first but really repetitive. By the time i got to the start of Velvet's campaign I was too sick of the same enemies and the same bosses in the areas to go on.
>The only decent male playable character (compared to Edge: the character) is turned into a rabbit for 99.9% of the game
Frustrating game
>aegis rim canceled
nigga wat
it's not cancelled
they showed a "new" trailer at E3
13 Sentinels? Not finished yet, but Atlus were showing the trailer at E3 which means they're still working on it. Vanillaware is a small studio afterall like 50 or so.
Looking forward to it.
Good game. If you're playing the ps4 version make sure to play with the original ost. The new ost is absolute ass in comparison.
Fuck you, source?
I played the shit out of the PS4 demo, bought the game, and got maybe four or five chapters into the first route before dropping it. The story is terribly bland, and the gameplay doesn't evolve at all from what was in the demo. I might revisit one day but for now I've had my fill.
shut your fucking whore mouth you dingus
He's the most fucking badass rabbit of all time
Velvet is probably my favourite design for any female vidya character.
>source: my ass
george san is taking his time to create another masterpiece
Leifthrasir is probably my favorite Vanillaware game so far. I might have liked Dragon's Crown more if I had local co-op buddies to play it with though.13 Sentinels looks dope.
Mercedes is broken especially late game. Fun to use
>water is wet
>dat visible trembling whenever king valentine is near
made my dick diamonds
>Velvet fighting the final boss
>this music plays
I wonder how they'll handle the combat. My guess is turn-based.
I keep meaning to get it then forgetting it exists
She's an overpowered flying fucking fairy. Whose brilliant idea was it to make a flying character in a game where enemies can't really touch you when you're in air? And give her a magical assault rifle?
It's fun as shit though, true that.
Fucking how do they do it? How do they create such appealing environments?
I just want to live in that world instead. Looks so warm and friendly. Not to mention the delicious food.
Löfdraszzerrrino is good enough to warrant me getting the platinum and I almost never bother.
>living in a world that is ravaged by constant racial-warfare and inhabited by dragons and forest monsters
wouldn't mind being a pooka and living in their underground village though
You could settle in a remote quiet village somewhere and any girl you meet will be a 11/10.
I wouldn't mind having sex with the pooka, if you know what I mean.
Honestly, I think I prefer my own kitchen. That kettle is probably a bitch to clean, the pans hanging from the ceiling are literal dust collectors, the table looks shoddy.
2/10 would not cook nor dine
Vanillaware cooking game when?
The man got shit canned as being a rabbit for the rest of his life and he managed to kick a lot of ass along the way. Plus I find his play style fun. Almost as fun as Mercedes.
Odin Sphere is a farming/cooking game with a mediocre 2d rpg mini game
Small dev team, great art, low budget, artistic freedom and Japanese and Nordic mythology. The latter is quite rare in video games the only other game I know is Valkyrie Profile. Also they don't have to appeal to the masses.
yeah, but he did win at the end. Got the last coin, reversed the curse, banged the best grill. Dude's a legend.
a-user.. pls
Can't help it. Pooka and the mimiga from Cave Story are the only furry shits I'd plow. God, I'd plow so fucking hard.
Wouldn't mind if they did a Grand Knights History 2 in terms of gameplay for Aegis Rim, it was a great system, can't fathom why those mongs that did Grand Kingdom squandered it on that shitty pseudo action garbage instead.
The Vanillaware guys are a small studio powered by love for what they do, gameplay is a hit or miss sometimes, but everything else is always great, the art especially.
>Small dev team
Yeah, the entire studio is just 25 people. Less than 20 actual devs.
To be fair her skills require her to remain grounded if you want to take full advantage of her damage. Plus it's almost more stylish that way. I went in expecting fairy dust and fruity magic, what I got was Dante in Tinker Bell's body.
More like the other way around really
Him and Velvet got the best ending.
Was it implied Oswald/Gwendolyn were the equivalent of Adam and Eve or were there other human survivors? Cause your kids marrying eachother seems a bit bleak.
Would you fuck like rabbits
Yes. Both literally and figuratively.
I know that people like to hate on the Wii U. But I still unironically really wish that Leifthrasir had gotten a Wii U version.
The inventory management/crafting was always my biggest gripe with Odin Sphere by far. I quite like the game otherwise though. Always did. Most parts of it I really love even, though admittedly dragged on a little bit around the latter half of the middle or whatever. But it gets up to speed again and I quit enjoyed all of it.
Being able to manage your inventory with the gamepad without ever having to pause the game. Would have been an absolutely wonderful enhancement to the game. Of course, suggesting a Nintendo version, let a lone a version for the dreaded Wii U. Naturally must mean I am an enemy of Sony, right? No, I am kidding. But you wouldn't believe how upset I've seen some people get for merely suggesting a Wii U version.
I really wish the game looked more 3d like valkyrie profile 2. The 2d artstyle feels cheap and unappealing. I don't ever comfortable paying a full +$45 for a 2d game.
Don't crop that you fuck
>Grand Knights
That's exactly what I was thinking. Just instead of that round battlefield it'll be even maybe with a bit of sidescrolling just without the action.
I guess the small team of devs makes the work enviroment a bit more relaxed. Less pressure and all.
I'm at the final chapter on my Vita but I haven't touched the game in months for some reason. Maybe because I don't want the game to end.
Fuck yeah.
Do it, user. Finish the job.
You'll realise you were right.
I think it was pretty evident that they were. It was stated in the prophecy too. Everyone besides the Pookas and those two is dead
Everyone point and laugh at this man without taste.
I hope they do more games with the OS and Muramasa action systems.
I didn't like Dragon Crown at all.
If you want something similar to Valkyrie Profile there's still Indivisible coming out soon, I guess.
>small dev team
the most important part
too many cooks syndrome is very real, the more people there are working on any one thing the more generic and soulless it will come out feeling
see any modern hollywood movie
Vanillaware's userbase is on Sony consoles, Muramasa on Wii was a failure and compared to how much love Vanillaware always got when they published on Sony consoles made then take the "never again" road.
Can't blame them since they're a small studio and they need to make even, small publishers or franchises don't really survive on Nintendo's platforms, the audience just isn't there.
>Just instead of that round battlefield it'll be even maybe with a bit of sidescrolling just without the action.
Yep, that's what I thought too.
But we'll see anyway, since the game is focused on premade characters instead of generics like GKH or templates like DC, I guess this is going to be a sidescroller beat-em-up.
Maybe I dare hope too much, but it might even be the second coming of Cyberbots, don't forget that George was a former Capcom employee, it wouldn't be too far fetched.
Wait what? I didn't know the music was changed. I'm almost through Cornelius, how do I change it?
Comfy and fun to play.
Going to the rabbit town to eat meals was the comfiest shit I think I've ever done.
Very enjoyable.
Hollywood is a different kind of fuck up. They just make one rehash after another. Stopped watching that crap years ago.
>we'll see
They haven't disappointed me, yet. But that whole mecha setting is something they haven't done yet and I'm a big fan of /m/ tier stuff tho. If it's done right.
I always felt that gameplay was the most weakest for dragons crown. Great art, great music, and they even somehow managed to make that ol vanillaware repetitiveness not too boring. But fuck the combat felt jank. I ain't saying it's unplayable but it could have done better. Combos requiring up or down buttons in a multidirectional 2D beat em up is just weird. Either you have to perfectly press the buttons on time or you are gonna shift slightly up or down and causing the attack to miss. That or start off the combo with a basic attack every time to root yourself in the spot but that still felt weird. At least they had the decency to increase the width of some of the skills.
Another thing though, and just a personal opinion, is that the skills you unlocked felt pretty bland. I don't know how to put it, like the skills you have to unlock feels like they should have been part of the basic move set of the character already. Rather than the skills feeling like a new option or an interesting ability to add to the mix, they just felt like part of a missing move set.
I wouldn't sperg out for Wii U since I too own one as well.
But back to the topic. Really? I thought the inventory system was pretty well organized in Odin Sphere. Potion crafting melded well with the combat and I never felt that the inventory was cluttered. You never really run out of space, they keep on giving out items that increase it, and plus you never really get to spend that long of a time with a character for you to get to the point where your inventory is just a mess.
The pause when quick access to the inventory is necessary in my opinion since you do need to make potions on the fly and without it the game would have been much more chaotic. Unless you feel that the pause is giving too much advantage for the player.
I didn't mind repetition, but movement speed was the think that irritated me.
It felt way too slow even compared to guardian heroes or dnd games. Not even talking about muramasa.
>But Vanillaware should really begin to port on PC.
I really want a port of this game to the PS4. I'd love to do the entire game with a brand new community and have people join my playthroughs out of the blue at random. I never got a chance to do that with PS3 despite buying it at launch, but I'd love to get another opportunity to do so.
I mean. Being able to use the inventory without pausing thanks to the gamepad, naturally shouldn't remove your ability to pause and still manage the inventory like normal.
With that said. It's less that I ever had an issue with the inventory being cluttered. So much as how much the game wants you to go into your inventory. All the time. For everything. Making potions. Switching potions. Planting seeds. Eating. It's just pause, pause, pause, and pause and then pause some more.
Now this by no means ever killed the game for me. I've always loved Odin Sphere. But the above grew really tiresome really fast. And I'd argue it became an issue really early on in the game and then it just stays and even slowly grows more severe as the game proceeds. That said, of course you'd want to pause to manage your inventory a lot of the time. But a lot of the time you really wouldn't want to. Like if I am just circling the map, then please let me manage my inventory while I am at it. Multi-tasking is good. If I am juggling enemies and could switch or throw together something while doing so, I'd like to be able to.
I still feel like it'd be huge.
It is on the PS4
who /KingGallon/ here?
I think he's talking about dragon's crown.
user I..
I am. Sorry about that.