5 Minutes in

>5 Minutes in
>Killing possessed children and suicide bombing little girls

This game is WAY too edgy
I can't believe you assholes recommended this shit

>Listening to Sup Forums


I don't know why they made fast movement system yet made a bunch of corridor levels

well you'rein hell it's supposed to be edgy

Because it's for non-plebs like you. Shit back then wasn't made for babbie-hand gamepad players.
Fast movement was the standart.
>inb4 muh nostalgia

>go over to friends place
>he shows me this game
>fucking badass physics engine
>stake gunning baddies to the walls
>holy shit jump scares around every corner
('cause we were in like third grade)
>run out of ammo against this boss who is in like a lava fucking hell circle arena
>get out that spinnycutter thingymajigger
>fucking destroy the boss with it immediately

felt bad ass.

That's from the expansion, though. Play the original game first

>Because it's for non-plebs like you.

you might want to re-read that

Looks sick. I wanna play

Did you just complain about a videogame being too fast?

Holy fuck go play pokemon you salty neo Sup Forums faggot.

I bet you look like one of those MLP mouth breathing shitlords.


Painkiller is just a bland "arena lockdown" shooter. I'll give it that its more fun and varied than Serious Sam, though.

> bland
With some of the best level design in the genre? Ha

Of the arena-lockdown genre? Yeah probably.

>With some of the best level design in the genre? Ha
Stop right there lying degenerate scum

of the FPS genre as a whole

>Mfw the swamp level from Overdose

Im not complaining its too fast, im complaining b-hopping is annoying in small corridors with physics objects slowing you down and sucicde bombing enemies around tight corridors

>mfw Overdose

Lol no. Not even close.

sure thing mate

It has few alright levels like Riot and Studios.
But most of the game is garbage.