Is anyone else looking forward to the new South Park game like I am?
Is anyone else looking forward to the new South Park game like I am?
don't pretend you have any interest in the game, you're just here to shitpost
No, but I am looking forward to the next 800 threads about this.
honestly I thought it was pretty funny
It actually doesn't, its just a joke by the devs
How come the black thief joke didn't get this kind of attention during stick of truth?
Why do white people act like black people dont have more difficult lives?
Yeah, it's just Matt and Trey taking the piss. You can be a girl (male) too.
>people still care about south park
Or the jew class.
>waaaaaaah SJW game!
reminder that literally cartman's character throughout the game is called The Coon
That's pretty funny but I hope it isn't true. I don't want to play on easy mode but I will NOT play a black.
>Heather Alexandra
Black people do have more difficult lives, it's just that it's entirely their fault.
>Sup Forumsirgin tryhards now have to play as a nig because they need to prove how good they are at video games
>SJDubbs gotta play as a Cis White Male because they are shit at video games
no its going to be shit just like your viral marketing campaign
its perfect
Nigger Monkeys on Sup Forums will go apeshit over this
Are you saying they are low IQ?
That's pretty racist
>oh boo hoo, niggers have such a hard time
Meanwhile, Whites have been the most abused victims of slavery and are discriminated against even today.
I wasn't, but now I am. I mean that unironically, that's a neat idea which indicates they're thinking hard about their game.
>Conservatives getting triggered by south park
The more things change the more they stay the same
>you lived to see Sup Forums get triggered by South Park
Master level viral marketing.
Everyone could tell this makes sure everyones heard of your game.
This is funny. They should have a mode where you play a female and are invincible and NPC's just give you everything for no reason.
See if you have an easy live with an IQ of 80. Stupid Drumftards.
last time they pushed nigger shovelware i didn't buy the game. first one was prototype 2.
That's pretty neat.
I dunno if I like having the game's difficulty being tied to a cosmetic change. It's also meant to appeal only to americans.
Good stuff using race to create ads for the game though. Guys are ballsy.
Hoping for a Jew god mode. Better call it YHWH mode or g-d mode
It's self-inflicted difficulty, like chopping your hand off intentionally then complaining it's harder to drive.
I hope at max difficulty that Officer Brady just shoots you on sight.
>I dunno if I like having the game's difficulty being tied to a cosmetic change
it doesn't do anything. they just took the part of character creation where you pick your skin color and called it 'difficulty selection'
You dumb nigger, it's a joke and doesn't change anything about the game, except some black commentary from cartman and probably mr. garrison
It did. You were just still on club penguin and not here yet.
Sorry to look like a pleb
>people can't take jokes anymore
You gain less money according to the Eurogamer article.
>pick hardest difficulty
>skin color is a minute after midnight
>game doesn't even seem harder
>get to a section of the game with police
>pic related
nu-males are looking more and more sickly.
this I've known many very respected black people in my life and they've all made sure to act like upstanding citizens and have never once engaged in thug culture. It's amazing what you can do when you don't act like a retarded fucking ape.
If the joke was that the darker your skin color you can steal more money then it wouldn't be as funny would it.
A lot of people are insulting Sup Forums for being offended but not a lot of people are being offended.
I'm just laughing at people giving free advertisement to the game for such a small joke
al they did was rename "skin hue" to "difficulty level" and the internet lost their shit and is getting massive attention to another half assed rpg with DENUVO with a 10 hour campaign at AAA price, because lulz they make such fanny jokes!.
god damn, stop posting skeletons, im scared
Survival of the Fittest at work, same reason why people shouldn't be offended by the existence of gay people.
Gay dudes have more fertile sisters.
Because they're fucking stupid.
>"Ew, what are these?"
Yeah we'll see. Being a jew in stick of truth didn't change anything but dialogue and jokes.
>muh IQ
How to spot a twat who doesn't know what IQ is and thinks it somehow effects living standards
I mean I had too much money in the first game, I couldn't spend it fast enough.
>people are still getting triggered by south park in 2017
Why everygame has to be political nowadays? i want to go back...
Depends on where they were raised. If you grow up in the middle of an ape village, and the only thing your parents can afford are bananas, it is obviously more difficult for you.
Go tell the niggers that it does not affect them then
You are a normal person just trying to make a life for yourself. Someone who looks like you commits a crime, now people are associating you with that guy, treating you like you're a criminal despite the fact that you have done literally nothing wrong. People you've never met have strong opinions about your right to have a job or where you can live. Eventually, in a world where everyone treats you like a criminal, you decide you might as well be what everyone says you already are. The cycle continues.
as a guy who got a massive boner at the part where you had to inflitrate the girls' club in Stick of Truth, i really like this. and so does my penis.
How is that below average IQ treating you ?
>white people dont steal
>white people dindu nuffin
The literal state of /polv/ right now. LMAO JUST.
Bananas are both delicious and good for you. There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that bananas are in any way linked to their behaviour.
Thats pretty fucking good lol
Since wealthy people tend to have higher IQ then it might affect living standards but im just stupid nigger so idk famalam
lol ok
Name ONE white person who has ever commited a crime
So when can we expect "South Park is SJW" to plague Sup Forums?
>Being black is hard mod-
Could it be that... maybe they're just so genetically dysfunctional that no matter how easy you make it for them it's never enough?
it's still their fault for being born the wrong race. if they don't like it, they can always jump on the incinerator and hope they have better luck next time
I was super looking forward to it at first since the Stick of Truth was amazing.
But then news of how they were working with Ubisoft instead of Obsidian surfaced and I got worried.
Then we got news of the Denuvo+Uplay cancer combination further hurting my confidence in the game.
But recently Mario+Rabbids Kingdom Battle has restored my confidence in the game somewhat. They're even both strategy games so who knows, they might make it work somehow. Kingdom Battle was actually great.
There is still the Denuvo+Uplay cancer bullshit though.
I think the discrimination from cops and facing harsher punishments than whites effects them more
poor discriminated non-low-IQ niggers
are we done Sup Forumsling this thread?
Alternatively: wealthier people have more money to spend on education, more time to devote to intellectual pursuits, and better diets which promote mental and physical growth.
I though being black is more easy
more guns
more drugs
Hillary Clinton
>Data shows that blacks commit more thief related crimes
>Data shows that blacks are less intelligent than whites and asians
>Data shows that Asians suffered more hardships as race
>Data shows that Blacks are more often to not pass high school, more often to work shitty soon to be automated jobs and have no health insurance
WAAA why are the police targetting us and people being mean to us!
It's the same with mexicans, but at least they know they're only worth keeping here because of how cheap they are, blacks just have a victim complex and contribute nothing to society
Oh it definitely is when you have an average iq of 85 and are a half ape thrust into a world with a 100 average iq.
>discrimination against cops
They do more crime than anyone else and they do a lot more violent crime, proportional to percent of population. You think police just lets violent white criminals go?
fucking retard
>I think the discrimination from cops
Yeah, they be always getting picked on, just cuz they be murdering at 9x the rate of whites.
Wealthy people can lighter punishments than average or poor people, it has nothing to do with IQ
>this leaves the Sup Forumstard dumbstruck
Why are broflakes so triggered by this? It's hella funny.