The past few operations and character additions have all been an attempt to get this one single operator used more

>the past few operations and character additions have all been an attempt to get this one single operator used more
Have they succeeded yet? And why does ubisoft care so much about this one operator when there's other operators that are picked less than her? I don't see them trying this hard with any of the other unpopular operators.

They just have to make it so she tags stuff.
If you detect it, it stays there.

Her gadget is really niche but somewhat easy to buff by making more new characters use gadgets while having good guns. The REALLY shit characters are massive overhauls

because she's the cutest operators

>Every new defense hero is just going to be cloaked trap dispensers when an easier solution would be to just buff IQ
God damn it Ubisoft

Being able to know where gadgets are is great, but a lot of the times you can't actually get a firing angle on them to take them out. Frag grenades help in that regard, but Jeager has been super popular for ages so even that doesn't work that well. I can't really think of a way to fix that and still be fair.

Twitch is better at taking out single gadgets and Thatcher can't be beat when it comes to just getting rid of everything.

When the fuck are those chibi figures shipping?

Would need to reduce the range then
They are definitely running out of ideas

I used her before to hunt down tryhard pulse

Can you still use the scanner to see through smokes? Don't play anymore but that was always neat

You're not wrong but you're also not telling the whole truth, they've also been trying to make it so rush B cyka isn't the meta anymore. The new characters make it so sweaty ash mains can't run onto the point and kill 2-3 people before getting shot up

IQ shines in vertical maps since she can shoot through floors and take out batteries and jammers easily.

But yeah I think she needs another buff before she'll be seriously picked. Although I haven't played the new patch yet so I don't know if she can detect Lesion's stuff or if he'll become meta.

That shit's been gone for over a year.

The new map has an absurd amount of wooden floors so hopefully she can shine there. Buck is gonna be a terror on that map once people realize just how much of the flooring you can open up. Probably gonna see a lot of underneath/overtop Pulse defenses also.

I also just realized that she's the only intel gathering operator with no way to share the information.


Ela is better than Lesion assuming they haven't nerfed her at all since leaving the test server
Four disorienting + flashing mines and amazing weapon, she's very good both as a roamer and a camper

Yeah, Lesion needs to start with 3 or 4 mines instead of 1 if Ubi wants him to be able to counter early rushes.

I'm always wanting to play IQ because of her cool design and guns but then I remember that her guns aren't any good

Her guns are very good. It's just we're long past the days of picking operators for their guns.

her ARs are probably tied for worst in the game, sorry

That reminds me of something

You might not need to reduce range if the highlights either have a cooldown or if they disappear when she dies.

Haven't played since march. What's new?

That's a good idea. She should also be able to see the outlines of gadgets as she can in her operator video to make distinguishing between them easier, and Discover biohazard containers and bombs for the team when she sees them on her detector instead of having to use her eyes like everyone else

New matchmaking, new lighting, new servers, new voip, new ops and alpha packs.

give souce now!

>ying is literally a fuze you can use on hostage missions
>people still pick fuze on hostage missions

>High fire rate with little recoil

Stay silver.

>games been out over 2 years
>play first ranked game of new op yesterday
>someone fuzes the hostage on first round

nigga how

Only Season Pass 2 owners have Ying right now, give it a week or two for more people to buy her, we might get less exploded hostages soon.


>give her a "hack" ability
>she can hack an enemy electronic that she has detected with her wrist gadget
>hacking the device will disable for a brief time (10-15 seconds)

boom, she's now just as useful as thatcher and twitch while also being a 3 speed. she can also hack things like pulse's heartbeat sensor which prevents him from using it for a short time.

Besides being able to highlight stuff for other players, that's probably the best suggestion I've seen on how to buff IQ. Let's her deal with stuff around door frames and such but doesn't replace Thatcher. You should seriously post that idea to the official forums or reddit. Which ever one the devs read more.

>high fire rate
objectively wrong for the 552
>little recoil
objectively wrong for the 552 and the AUG

which is a shame because they're pretty and cool guns I'd like to have a reason to use more often

because she's cute

>tfw IQ main
the 552 is fucking sex. Giving her grenades was a good decision

>operation health
>didn't fix any operators besides glaz and arguably jager/bandit when at least 10 others need balancing

mhm ubi's not taking one of their only decent games seriously

So who do you think needs fixing

>blackbeard needs shield buff
>blitz needs fucking something
>ela's nades need to not be useless
>lesion's traps need to be not fucking useless
>fix ash holy shit
>hibanas guns need nerf
>buck could use a few more shotgun shells but not vital
>c4 is a wild card
just a few that come to mind

>Ash's hitbox (why make a character with a smallest hitbox and the best gun?)

plus they did nothing about people changing their datacenters to get a advantage and absolutely shit on people with normal pings

552 sucks. AUG is good.

>He can't control recoil on the AUG
Go back to the mp5k, silver.

i can agree
no one would agree with anything but your ash and blitz suggestions

yo lesion's traps are god tier what the fuck are you on about? You have to put them in place they are guaranteed to step on like a door way or a window. The trap also alerts everyone in ear shot that has been activated.

>buffing blackbeard
Instantly dropped, didn't even read the rest. Get out of bronze, shitter.

They need to buff semi-auto shotguns. I remember how bad they were pre-nerf, but they nerfed them to be comparable to those operator's SMGs. When they went and buffed a bunch of the defender SMGs they didn't bring the shotguns up to that new level. Also the destruction seems really shitty on all the semi-auto shotguns now. No idea what happened there.

The GEO secondary shotgun needs to be good at something besides hatches and killing people 2 feet outside of knife range.

Have they even got dedicated servers yet? Have they fixed the netcode so the entire game isn't abusing peeker's advantage and spraying around the head?

Could I replace CSGO with this game or is the game shit?

I'm more worried about getting stomped by people with over +1200 hours on it

Did ubisoft fix ghosting in this game? Or does the lag compensation still suck cock?

I'd honestly wait until they fix the fucking netcode before switching games.

Have they even fixed Hibana pellets yet? Those have been broken for 6 months now.

>Did ubisoft fix
haha lol

Hibana pellets have been fixed IIRC

from what i heard the TTS servers were great but the live version feels like ass and nothing changed

>peeker's advantage
every fps game not on LAN has this
the meta is still headshots because you give one team nothing but submachine guns with low damage and the other team assault rifles but give them both 1 shot head shots

R6:S is the worst case of Peeker's Advantage that I have ever seen.

>every fps game not on LAN has this
It's worse here though. Even disregarding the netcode issue the maps are designed to enable peeker's advantage.

Look at something like CSGO: peeker's advantage isn't even an issue there because most of the meta game revolves around using nades and flashes to push through. This means the focus is more on reflex shooting, not angle peeking.

>Could I replace CSGO with this game
you could but this game has a way smaller playerbase and imo a even worse community

there is no way to play the game casually and not get stomped by 5 man stacks in "casual" mode, low ranks ranked mode is better bet for playing alone/casually but to be down there you have to really god damn bad.

This, BB is crazy strong even with the high recoil of the scar. You cant play him like most operators, he's for holding down sight lines and punishing anyone who trys to peak him.

>high recoil of the scar.

hey let's see your IQ stats user
the GEO shorty works well enough being a hatch-opener, and a wall-opener for Mira. how flexible is a secondary weapon supposed to be? just gotta make sure to equip the USP40 if you're playing hostage mode with Jackal.
The game is good. As a level 200 player I find the casual matchmaking generally does a good job of putting you against players of similar skill levels. Now would be an extra good time to start since there are a lot of new players around after the free weekend

Imo I think it can take some unexpected recoil patterns (I know the patterns are random) making it hard to control at longer ranges and sometimes close

Let's see your stats first. Didn't you claim her guns were shit?

takes up more than 1/4 of your screen with ACOG
high horizontal spread when spraying, hope RNGesus love you
okay but its a LMG with a slow ADS

>imo a even worse community

when was the last time you played CSGO?

>Avoided the question entirely

Stay silver, my man.

i'm not even the same guy but her guns are shit in different ways plus her gadget is almost useless

that's a different (and correct) user. win rate left, k/d right
you can get "good" stats like it's nothing with any operator with automatic guns, i'm just saying I wish her ARs received a slight buff along with her gadget. visually the 552 is my favorite gun in the game

>Did ubisoft fix

look at this guy


The teamkilling in siege is way worse than in CSGO too. Hopefully the new ban system helps a little

I mean they updated the servers. I can't tell if it's all in my head but it feels better. Haven't run into any 200+ ping japanese people trying to exploit peaker's advantage though so it's hard for me to say