Is diablo III worth the money? havent played since the first game
Is diablo III worth the money? havent played since the first game
Only if you can get it for below 20 bucks. And don't expect playing diabolo, cause you wont. It's more like WOW: Diabolo style. The campaign is short and the story is utter trash. Online grinding for the pathologicly bored is what it comes down to at the end. Don't bother for more than a weekend and pay only about what it would cost you to rent it.
RoS fixed everything
Wait,i never actually played diablo 1 online,it is that bad if i only want the single player content on 3?
Don't fall for this meme, D3 is shit. Play D2 or Path of Exile instead. Hell, play Grimd Dawn instead.
Don't pay full price, but if you can get it with the Necro expansion and Reaper of Souls total under $30, it's a good time dump with a bit of variety and an inane story.
Don't fall for this meme, D2 is shit
i mean if you liked d3 and actually go around saying RoS "fixed everything" then every following post like this one is discarded
hang yourself
Not to derail your thread OP, but does anyone know if the D2 community is still alive? I haven't fired up that game in years
D3 was decent, then changes and the removal of the gold auction house killed it. ROS... end yourself.
Kind of yes. Check the twitch, many players hang around there. Also there is ladder reset in like 3 months or something so some people will come back as always.
No, that entire genre is garbage.
No skill or interesting mechanics what so ever.
Just click click click click click click click click click.
Play a real game.
>not playing Diablo 2 multiplayer mods singleplayer
It is like you don't even want to be challenged.
Wouldn't play D3 if it was free. D3 is the game equivalent of Indiana Jones 4
Your opinion is shit.
Just play Diablo 2 instead. Maybe mix it up with some Titan Quest or Path of Exile for a breath of fresh air before you eventually go back to Diablo 2 again.
Diablo 3 is utter garbage and the only ones that would have you believe it was fixed by RoS are blizzard shills.
Get Diablo 2, Torchlight 2, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, or PoE. Any of those will entertain you far more than D3.
nigga if you're not playing LAN with a couple of friends then it's a single player game. Fuck battlenet.
Disregard nobodies on the internet that you don't care about, acquire PlugY for unlimited shared stash pages and other mods like MedianXL if that's your thing.
>Wouldn't play D3 if it was free. D3 is the game equivalent of Indiana Jones 4
lol at this
True I really gave it a chance nad it's so mediocre it's worse than Torchlight.
It's easily the worst Blizzard game to date
It's never ending grind festival. You can just relax and thoughtlessly rip and tear everything around you.
So... yeah it's fun
I enjoyed Diablo 3. The campaign at least with the expansion.
I'm not into grinding games, so that's where it ends for me.
No. Entire style has changed, and I am not talking about art style. In Diablo 1 it is a low fantasy death crawl to the depths of Hell and you just make use for what you get.
Diablo III is a high fantasy action packed grind loot to get better.
>calls d3 utter garbage
>recommends tl2
my god. get a firm grip of yourself retard