Buy my mods, or I'll brick your PC

Buy my mods, or I'll brick your PC.

Fuck off Todd, the creation club mods are shit.

You have 6 months to give me a total conversion mod, a mod that adds a new big place(bigger than far harbor) and a tales of 2 wastelands in fo4.

chop chop, get to work faggot.

>tale of two wastelands
>when the FO4 engine's only had one game so far

What if half of the Toddposters are actually Todd himself?

Speaking of mods, what's with them today? Why are video game threads being deleted?


>fo4 engine
>not the same fucking engine from 2003

Here's a better idea. If you don't reply to this with robotnik reaction images your mother will die In her sleep tonight.

You gonna let that happen Todd?

>rerelease skyrim so that it can't be modded
what did he mean by this

Hi Todd, it's been a while. I haven't bought Skyrim Special Edition or FO4 yet. How's your mom btw?

>[INT 9] People can't be killed over the Internet. Your obviously bluffing.

What do you say we change that, big guy?

>[INT 9]

I'm not Todd, but please don't do that.

>mfw this only applies to OP so I don't have to respond to this

Better to be safe than sonic


Hello there Ms. Howard. I might start using the creation club, which is a great addition and not at all paid DLCs. How's your husband btw

Sayonara niggers

Killer Queen already touched your mouse. Goodbye.

Google tells me it 42 other games have used it as well

See that mountain over there?

Todd I appreciate your kindness to make The Elder Scrolls: Skyrimâ„¢ free for the weekend and half off until the free weekend ends.

Can't this possibly be...

>when the FO4 engine's only had one game so far

It's fucking Gamebyro. Same with Skyrim, FO3, FNV, Oblivion, and Morrowind. They changed the name to pretend its different doesn't make it different, it still functions the exact same.

>What if half of the Toddposters are actually Todd himself?

What if half the Toddposters are normies who unironically think it's to praise him rather then parody and mock the man.

Are you thinking what I'm thinking, that it could just be...


What, did you get taken by Candlej