This is your protagonist tonight

This is your protagonist tonight.

male version is better

It's true.

>o-onii sama you don't look like a com- complete faggot this time around


Die, Fuhrer Sue.


Who else /pirating/ her game?

he's always been better

Do cute dragon boys begging to mating press go into heat?

Any Elise/Sakura threesome doujin yet?


he's only asking with a face and body like that

>the entire Fates family circus is confirmed
>still no-one from Archanaea besides Marth and Tiki (implied)

I'd rather let dead series die

But user, Azura isn't confirmed yet.

If he was less of a pussy I'd be tolerable of him, he's fun in Smash


>bisexual albino half-dragon prince/cess of three seperate warring kingdoms that wields a legendary flaming chainsaw sword
Did deviantart make this character?

This is your sister tonight.

>posting a boy

>the 1 character of the whole roster so far that is not royalty, an MU, or a starting character
Where the fuck is everyone else?

>Get Fire Emblem Musou
>No Radiant Saga
>No Binding Blade
>No Sacred Stones
>No Shadows of Valentia
>Fates gets bloated representation

This game is the fucking Monkey's Paw curse

>we went from best bro/sis robin(chrom) to whiny idiot corrin(azura)


as if you people are any better

What about Anna?

There's Tiki though.

>implying NPC Anna will stop her sister Anna from being playable


Dragon fox babies or Dragon wolf babies?

>no literally anything that's fates, some awakening, and marth/tiki
they honestly should rename it. it should be a fates-centric crossover with awakening with FE1 cameos, not Fire Emblem Warriors.

Dragon incest babies

It's a Warriors game featuring warriors from Fire Emblem. Roster isn't my cup of tea either, but it's aptly named.

>Make Male Corrin
>Class Change him to Alchemist, then Mechanist, and finally Ballistician when the DLC came out

By ignoring his boring swordplay and lame dragon heritage plot Corin suddenly became a worthwhile MC.

He makes for a cute homo. I'd totally hold his hand

Hardest choice in Revelations. Selkie and Velouria are the only worthwhile Fates girls.



>Mikoto writes Corrin a letter telling him/her that Takumi and Sakura aren't related to him/her so go ahead and fuck'em
>The games own timeline contradicts this with Mikoto marrying Sumeragi when Corrin is an infant
>Mikoto treated her son/daughter like such a special snowflake that she didn't want him/her to feel bad if he/she ever wanted to fuck his sibling


but I like them both?


I know the Switch was hacked, but can you even play pirated games on it? I would think Sup Forums would have exploded with threads if that was the case.

>ywn be one of Garon's concubines
It's not fair.

Sumeragi could've taken in Mikoto as a consort. Hoshido's pretty much Fantasy Medieval Japan, so it's not unheard for a ruler to have multiple wives.

>both girls are pretty cool
>both have pretty great dads

Decisions desu

Better than the piece of absolute shit female version, at least. Too bad the inferior one was chosen to rep this game.

They ruined it. It looked like it was going to be a game about Corrin and his family trying to go against Garon and they ruined it. It just pushes Azura to the forefront and the siblings way into the back.

Get rid of Azura; which frees up the story to actually be something good, make Corrin a character we observe the story unfold with but him not being the focus, make Conquest's lord be Marx and Birthright's Ryoma, and make Leo be the strategist. The premise of Conquest is so promising. So much could be done with it but IS ruined it.

lol, no

>Hinoka becomes the BR strategist and gets another layer to her character as well

Why would Ryoma need a strategist that's dumber than him?

I hate how every woman in this game, except for Azura and Corrin, has no specific kids.

Take it back! Hinoka is SMART!

Prince "I have a ninja spy network? Better go infiltrate Nohr by myself" Ryoma is almost as dumb as Xander.

They just did the opposite of Awakening.
Kids were determined by their mother in Awakening unless Chrom or Robin.
Kids were determined by their father in Fates unless Azura or Corrin.

>robin could have ended the family feud in potentially a week
>robin could have saved nohr without fucking over hoshido's populace just to get the cartoon villan to sit on a magic throne.
>robin would have used the magic crystal ball of plot in front of all the siblings so they all could take on garon
> would have known who that mysterious dancer was instantly

Damn it. forgot the pic

Wait, who was she supposed to be?

Who was that dancer, anyway? I don't remember the game ever explaining it, goddamn fates writing

Conquest could almost be a good game about working for an evil empire because of famlial bonds and making the best out of it regardless.

Remove the thing about the father being a demon - He's an old, tired man who has run out of fucks to give and is pushing his violent agenda hard for two reasons. One, because the peace is just getting his people killed - Almost all of the best resources are on the Hoshido side, meaning that his people are starving just because the land is shittier, because their lands were divided in half for no fucking reason.

So he starts the war and starts annexing lands, and he's already gotten enough farmland to feed his people but there's no reason not to go to war - He's got this reputation, he's already allowed violent monsters into his army, and if he tries to settle or slide back his people (and the hoshido) will view him as weak.

However, he has a recourse. He knows his family is noble. So, when he lets out his worst, most violent plots, who does he get to do it? His family... Who know better than to do exactly how he says, and uses loopholes to save people and become beloved by the common folk for risking their lives to save them from their 'mad king.'

It could have been a game about politics and shaping nations, but instead it was about muh evil dragons and muh demons.

>Kids were determined by their mother in Awakening unless Chrom or Robin.
Shit, I never noticed this.

2 AC - Ryoma/Xander are born
1 AC - Hinoka/Camilla are born
1 AD - Corrin is born
1 AD - shortly after Takumi/Leo are born
2 AD - Sakura/Elise are born
2 AD - shortly after Sumeragi's wife dies and he ends up marrying Mikoto

How is this farfetched?

>same hair as azura
>wearing the same exact outfit except black and with a veil
>potentially got innocent dancers killed because of her plan

Gee I wonder...

So Hinoka is blood-related?

BRB time to play Hoshido route

So you're saying it was Lucina all along?

The elder siblings are most definitely not related.

Now that's not fair. Lucina can actually think ahead incase there are consequences.

No, sadly. She gets a letter too.

I don't dislike NBR but the devs should stop acting like faggots and give us real incest.

Then play Sacred Stones lmao.

Roy/Lilina is real incest

Ephraim belongs to L'Arachel, sorry

>clearly lusts for Corrin
>immediately ready to jump him after finding out they aren't blood related
>Corrin just agrees to it despite just having worried about muh incest in their support
On a different note, I think (male) Corrin gets more hate than he deserves. He's fine in Birthright, which IS apparently considers him the protag of.

There's a 3DS version coming out, I assume he means pirating that.

Yes, i'm actually considering hacking my 3DS just so I can not give Nintendo money for this pile of shit.

Azura is your cousin.

How? Hector and Eliwood can't marry the same woman.

>Implying he doesn't dick Eirika on the side whenever he's got free time.

>not L'Arachel
>not forcing him and Innes to be brothers

Congratulations for creating the the third biggest cuck queen in Fire Emblem history.

Hector/Florina or Farina and Eliwood/Fiora
Bam, cousins

No. But for all intents and purposes she may as well be. She spent her whole life thinking they were and wanting to fuck him anyway. Corrin also says he's felt the same for years despite finding out only seconds prior. Random plot letter of convenience telling them they don't share the same blood doesn't change the fact that they both mentally wanted to fuck each other even while believing they were related. It's just IS's poor attempt to handwave it as fake incest so it's totally not weird.

Cousin fucking is barely considered incest in our own culture.

I like hoshido corrin. Him and Aqua actually think rationally.
Nearly every character in nohr becomes so fucking stupid..and somehow spreads to kaden sadly.

Innes is so fucking pathetic. The best part is he's pretty much useless on Ephraim's route.

sup corrin

The Hoshidan siblings spent very little time with Corrin so they barely count as actual siblings in every possible meaning of the word.

>useful in any game pre-14

They're okay in RD

Or even 14 itself.


>always assumed this was an edit
>finally get around to Fates
>it's actually in the game
What were they thinking?

But archers are great in Fates. Especially if you can get your hands on a Dual Yumi.

>Ryoma talking all that shit about Birthrights
>Knew the whole time that Corrin wasn't blood related

They're still bad.
Wyverns are much better.

>same power as axes because lol green weapons
>perfect accuracy because lol have your free +40 hit
>bonus crit
>the three snipers in the game are either really fast or really strong
>dual yumi
>worst stat barely even matter

Ryoma is an asshole, what else is new?

Honestly, I feel like Corrin may at one point been a non-customizable lord and able to marry the siblings, but IntSys was too afraid they'd upset waifu/husbando fags.

I mean it wouldn't fix the game entirely, but you'd help it a lot by taking out the super-secret family backstory shit.

The actual sub is not in (or maybe just in the english version?).

*not able*

You don't have to be blood related to be a family.

Can you really say he's wrong? Hoshido siblings got more closure in invisible than the Nohr kids could ever hope for for some reason.