Name the game that would sell you on the Nintendo Switch home console system

Name the game that would sell you on the Nintendo Switch home console system.

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an actual good game

Zelda BoTW and Mario Odyssey

No More Heroes.

Samus Sex Simulator


Xenoblade 2

A mount and blade-like fire emblem game


Animal Crossing
Minus the fact I already got one.

Smash bros re-release


This, a Xenoblade game is a system seller for me. It could be the only game on the Switch and I would still buy one.

Wind Waker hd deluxe

Trauma Center

Candy crush. And make it able to send texts and phone calls

Metroid Prime 4 (gameplay video)
L.A. Noire maybe


Alright, so Wario buys a new mansion with all of his warioware money.
He arrives at the house, and it's beautiful
Something something evil magic
House becomes sp00ky
E.Gadd shows up out of nowhere and hands you the Poltergust 4K.
Your goal is to reclaim your house and ll of your gold inside.
You can also eat garlic found through out the level to fill a fart meter.
When your fart meter is full you can gas a room to instantly kill a wave of ghosts in the room. (doesn't work on bosses)

I'd also like to think there would be haunted armor sets that you have to shoulder check in order to expose the ghost.

Honestly this

Fucking wristlets, when will they learn?


Final Fantasy VI Remake
Super Mario RPG II
A good Virtual Console.


Final Fantasy XV: Pocket Edition

Shin megami tensei
Sandbox Mario
Metroid prime

Swimming in happiness over here

It cant even support an on console party system something basic since the fucking 360 yea that wont happen

Xenoblade 2 with better character design

Mega Man Legends 3

I'm not going to read this past warriors mansion. But I'll assume it's Luigi mansion with farts

If Metroid Prime 4 is actually good. It's the first game that they've announced that makes the switch not look like WiiU2 but with a different studio making it I'm skeptical and I'm gonna wait until it's actually released to see if it's worth it.

Knack 3


>fart meter

Breath of the Wild
Mario Odyssey
Splatoon 2
Smash port
Mario Kart port
Prime 4
Animal Crossing
new Pikmin

I'm essentially already sold. I just dont have the dosh.


i want a good star fox game
made by nintendo

F-Zero. A solid Animal Crossing entry would also tempt me, combined with existing games I already play when I'm visiting friends, but a new F-Zero would be the one killer app that would make me buy a Nintendo console for a single game.

Homebrew Channel.

What a failure

I'm not proud but I'll buy one for FE: Musou and then it'll catch dust till the jailbreak

Metroid Prime 4. At least if it lives up to Retro's legacy.

All I'm waiting for is a price drop or a nice bundle. The obligatory GOLD™ Zelda edition would be nice.

Mario HD

He's back.

Fallout 4 Switch Edition, with DLC sold separately.


and this is coming from a die hard Nintendo fan

New F-Zero, new smash, decent console pokemon game

It's not the games. I refuse to support gimmick hardware.


Mainline Fire Emblem
and Anyways I don´t have money so who cares.

Being In Stock 2: Stock Harder

Because there should AT LEAST be 3 games, coming or already released, to justify buying a console

I want MP4 gameplay footage, then I'll probably end up buying one

MP4, SMO and Kirby are already coming out
Animal Crossing and F-Zero would make me hard as diamonds

Yea because the 3g vita sold well


-No gimmicks allowed in any title I suggest.

-get rid of the online paywall, there is no justifiable reason to have this. Nintendo does not incur that much traffic, even combining WiiU and Switch. Their servers do not require that much upkeep and with their low userbase numbers are paid for more than twice over by software and hardware sales since Nintendo is essentially self sufficient. It's just pure corporate greed. You're not paying for some special magical walled garden, its account/credit storage and p2p routing that they control. THATS IT.

-A new 2D Metroid title with the guy who made AM2R directing and making all the decisions. It must make full use of Switch's assets (which wont be hard cuz its a weak piece of shit)

-A brand new overhead style Zelda that doesn't recycle any of the old assets, isn't casualized, No DLC walls, and Miyamoto cant touch or influence it at all.

-New 2D mario that isn't influenced by NSMB in any way shape or form, and doesn't use old influences.

-Secure a New Final Fantasy that isn't some kingdom hearts boyband offline MMO trash, a New Double Dragon game, a new classic style Castlevania, and a new line of Megamans with cool abilities, a new F-zero, and maybe a new Mother game (or close spinoff) and I'll literally sell my ass on the street to get one.

I know none of this will come true, I'm not even remotely deluding myself don't worry.

All these same fags.

Mario maker with new stuff, not just a port.


why do you save images of children holding consoles on your hard drive?


Is "turn every game into BOTW" the hottest new normalfag meme?

>when there's 60 posts and 54 unique ips
Cry more, Switchbab

>this level of nostalgiafagging
>liking 2D Zelda or 2D Metroid


Monster Hunter
jRPGs; SMT, Etrian Odyssey, Dungeon Crawlers, etc
FFVI remake
New Fantasy Life and Rune Factory game

A Zelda game that takes some of the stuff from Breath of the Wild, but makes it more like a Zelda game instead of making it feel like just another generic modern day open world game. That's the only thing that would do it for me.

All games would be great with BoTW's format though.

>Everything has to be some 3D game or grand open world adventure

>Wario's Mansion
>not Waluigi's Mansion

Honestly a sequel to Wario World would be baller

Fuck off cancer. Making a turn based JRPG into an open world game with physics is the dumbest shit I've ever heard. Would completely destroy any compatibility with old pokemon games.

you can easily add turn-based combat and adapt the pokemon games mechanics to 3d

Pikmin 4 (which is already confirmed but it's been "almost done" for months now)
Animal Crossing
Wario World 2
Mario Odyssey looks pretty cool

Monster Hunter World

Splatoon 2

there is no such game

>open world meme
No thanks

>dude just animate 700+ HD Pokemon models into a huge open world with a demanding physics engine lmao
You have no idea how the video game making process works. A game like that is just infeasible.

Bayonetta 3

Skyrim 2

On a hand held pretending to be a console with technology from 2011 sure.

I bet the new Xbox one x could handle it


Is that SammyClassicSonicFan?

very convincing argument user

Shame nobody cares about xbox

A good Zelda game. Not so fast Meme of the Wild.

Dark Souls Trilogy

I would fucking love portable Dark Souls

A Miku game. I'd snap the Switch up. With:

>Puyo Puyo

That would be pretty fucking solid.

Pikmin 4. 3 got me to buy a WiiU and god knows that piece of shit had nothing else going for it.

>Sammy Harbors (born October 31, 1998 [age 18]

>he thinks the Switch can run Dark Souls 3

DS3 can barely run on PS4, it'll never come to Switch.

i never knew how much i wanted this

it should easily run 1 and 2 though, 3 maybe with some graphics adjusts


>Would completely destroy any compatibility with old pokemon games.
who cares

a proper zelda game, not some bastardized half-fucked wii u game they decide last minute needs to be a launch title for their new system

of course if BOTW is this gen's twilight princess that means the next one will be a skyward sword gimmick fuckfest so never mind

>Rune Factory
This this this this.

>two days later the game has an offline mod available
>months later the game finally has cheetah speed enabled after ages of it not working with the online only model
>after a year the game gets an offline mode

gaming journalists need to all just hang and we can start fresh

that's a rly cute miku