What the FUCK happened?

What the FUCK happened?

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Data Sora is cute

Nomura got over his "dude belts lmao" phase.

It's actually the hair.

He got better.

Now he's in his "dude buttons lmao" phase

I still think the oversized disney shoes are retarded as fuck

he got replaced by an asian girl

He grew up. Isn't he something like 17-18 in KH3?

his clothing looks more ridiculous the more they make him look normal

He grew up?

I don't get it. What's the problem?

He should still be 15

Itd be funny if he turned into an asshole like Jak

His hair isn't so lively anymore

No idea. Someone thought this abortion of a franchise was good enough to carry on, apparently

his hair flattened out


This is what happened.

the last one would be fine if not for that retarded smile, it's the same smile one of the dumbest girls I know has.

the hair being flatter irks me so much
and the random plaid is weird too

Be honest Sup Forums.
Would you have liked it if you played as kh1 sora throughout the games?

Literally the only problem is the hair


Something about that third one looks like shit to me. The hair?

The face and hair

He was in stasis for like 2 years, hoq old was he in the first game

Fucking hell.
Really not a fan of his design overall. I actually liked KH2's clothes more as well.

2017 looks much better imo

Nope, he was 14 in 1, spend one year in Namine's capsule and then he went to train at the end of 0.2 to Olympus, it is never stated how much time was Sora training there, for all we know, he's still 15 til proved otherwise

Who is this ugly creature?

There's going to be a KH2 based drive form in the same vein as limit form at the very least.

I've gotten pretty used to the KH3 design. Still prefer 2, but I'm liking it a lot more than when it was revealed.

Is he older now? Ruined.

I'm pretty much ok with his new outfit. As long as Aqua keeps her shorts+thighhighs combo I'm sold for KH3.

the actual design looks fine to me in the in-game footage. that render of it isn't very good.

KH3 Sora has the best silhouette; tighter pants and proportioned shoes give him defining key frames and make him look taller, and the twin spikes give him a more iconic Disney ear look from behind which is where you'll be seeing Sora 70% of the time.

I think his new outfit needs some brighter colors added to it.

1 and 3 are fine, but 2 is unironically one of the best character designs ever. Shame they consistently found excuses to not use it again in any game that came after.

>mfw HJO is a grown-ass man with a beard yet literally has the same face he had as a child

Birth By Sleep is seven years old today in North America, and isn't it a seven year gap between BBS and KH1?

Nah man. Sora growing up as the story progresses is one of the best things about KH.


He's 16 at the youngest.

I believe it's actually a 10 year gap

Sora's VA

Source: my peenus weenus :^)

KH1 had the best character models honestly.

>KH1 story has a darker, more mysterious tone to it
>KH2 throws all that out the window and makes Sora a complete retard
but why

so .2 and blank points are a bit confusing. Aqua gets sucked into darkness, does the blank points gameplay part, then an indeterminate amount of time passes until fragmentary passage, then she walks some more until the end of KH2 and meets AtW?

tfw baby face as well.

can't shave or: I get ID'd for my alchohol, drive or police pull me over and call my mom, fug girls cuz not attracted to cougars

Why cant Riku be the protagonist?
After his Sasuke-phase, he became a really likable character.


Because that isn't his role. I do agree that his character has developed well.

He's becoming the darkness.


I think you mean CoM

>darker more mysterious tone
You're a faggot dude

Because KH1 took more liberties with its translation for one.

did they fuck?

He didn't say it was outright dark. He said "darker". Get some reading comprehension.


Time is weird in the world of darkness. You don't have to think about it so hard.

>fuck ton of zippers
>fuck ton of belts
>fuck ton a buttons
wonder what his clothes will be like in KH4

doesnt mean he wasn't upset about his friends literally moments before this, and throughout pretty much the entire game

Don't forget zippers.

He's right in some respects



The music was never quite like this again. Don't get me wrong, all of the game's OSTs are top tier but they're overall not as heavy and the undertones aren't as dark as KH1's

Maybe you should get some critical thinking skills
>darker more mysterious tone
If after seeing that you think the game as a whole can have a dark and/or or mysterious tone for even a second, you're a faggot dude.


KH plot should never be taken seriously anyways. Half the dialogue is pure cheese, a quarter makes no sense and the rest is enjoyable character banter.

>upset about his friends
That's really heartwarming and all but if you got a dark feeling from this game at any point I think you're a faggot. You don't suddenly forget everything that has happened prior when Sora stops to ask where his friend is.
Not that I disagree with you but in context of the game as a whole it doesn't really lead to labeling any part of the game dark.

>fuck ton of pockets

I love how you're trying to pretend you're smart now.

It's objectively more dark and mysterious than the second game. Stop sperging any time.

>You don't suddenly forget everything that has happened prior when Sora stops to ask where his friend is.

>3D character portrait
what was wrong with keeping the 2D art?

I dont care

I grew up waiting for Kh3

Now i am 25

Fuck you square

Velcro? Drawstrings?

What ever lets you sleep at night. See pic if you genuinely thought that was a retort
>you're wrong because I say so
see pic
The game is so overly lighthearted that no single line does anything to give the game a dark tone. I don't suddenly forget Sora cracking jokes with a group of Disney characters, making silly faces, or the general atmosphere of the entire game just because he stopped to say "Riku!" out loud. Even Hollow Bastion with only Beast as a companion, it never lasts long enough that I would ever associate the word dark with KH.

why is it that people who consistently reply to multiple people are always retarded

it doesn't really lead to labeling any part of the game dark

Like, 80% of atmosphere in video games is soundtrack

I'll play a long and agree with the 80%. If the other 20% is all light hearted, playfulness. It loses all efficacy. Having two pieces of music in a game that has almost always remained light hearted isn't going to make the game, even if looking solely at the part where the music is playing, dark.

its almost like they're trying to bait a reaction out of people

>darker clothes
>flatter hair
>smaller shoes
>smaller head
>less color

Yep, this leak is real guys.

his face doesn't match the rest of the art style lol

Did Riku strike you as someone who was expecting to ever get laid?

He was 16 in KH2/DDD and in the secret movie Ansem the Wise says it's been over a year since he last saw Sora, so it's easy to assume he's 17/18 now.

He's 15 in 2.

He looks pretty damn good desu, I didn't like his new design at first but the 2017 one looks good. I'm more disappointed in how HJO is trying to sound as "Disney" as possible now.

Heart overload. How many people he has infesting him right now?

So it's going to end up a Matt and Sora thing where Tai doesn't win the girl.

I don't get the reference.

Sora's English Voice actor.

Digimon I think

Grey is not darker than black

there's also an equal number of pockets between KH2 and 3


Is it just me or does everything look plastic

What game objectively ruined the plot the most?

>his hair is getting flatter over time
Why the fuck did you guys ruin the new Sora design for me.


Everything was far more easy to understand prior.

Kingdom Hearts 2 because it pissed off the people who were taking Disney x Final Fantasy seriously to begin with and most of those retards didn't seem to notice CoM