Xbox 360 came with a THREE year warranty standard

>Xbox 360 came with a THREE year warranty standard.

Tell me again why Microsoft is cancer?

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Because they all broke down after 4 years.

Micrococks current console is mundane

Only braindead retards claim MS is anti-consumer and then turn around and praise $ony and Jewtendo. Look at the Xbox One and all the bang for your buck it gives you and it compare it to fucking barebones switch and PS4 where you get two price increases a year.

>Tell me again why Microsoft is cancer?

i've never thought they were. companies like apple are the true cancer. MS are alright. their product is still cheaper than all the competition.

It launched with a 1 year warranty, it was extended to 3 years after the RROD scandal became massive.

Because their motivation is so predominantly commercial.

It sorely needed one, given the 50% failure rate.

Because the warranty wouldn't actually fix the biggest hardware problem on the console

Lol you gonna need it

because mircosoft started most of the anti-consumer stuff and still does it more than ninten and sony

>Tell me again why Microsoft is cancer?

Because the Xbox 360 at launch was notoriously flawed.
>A second source cited that, at one time, there was just a 32% yield of one of the test production runs. 68 of every 100 test units were found to be defective.

Peter Moore was the one who announced the 3 year warranty in Spring 2007. The 360 I bought in 2005 got an RRoD in Fall 2007. The thing was a fucking colossus mess and had they not given out warranties then MS's Xbox division would've collapsed and they'd eventually pull out of the console race.

How old are you child? I suppose you're not old enough to remember when MS was considered the great corporate evil of the 1990's when they would constantly go after competitors in an extremely aggressive way and attempted to fully monopolize the software industry (see: internet explorer fiasco) until the fucking federal government had to step in.

And they refused to honour the warranty when the rrod's started happening.
The rrod was also a known fault by Microsoft before they even launched it.

>Since its release on November 22, 2005, many articles have appeared in the media portraying the Xbox 360's failure rates, with the latest estimate by warranty provider SquareTrade to be 23.7% in 2009, and currently the highest estimate being 54.2% by a Game Informer survey.
Is there any other company who has released a product with such a high rate of failure?

seagate harddrives

MS are the ones who introduced paid DLC back in 2002 with Mechassault. Then 15 years later here we are with lootboxes, season passes, etc.

I've been a fan since OG xbox launch. Even beta tested xbox live which was well worth it at the time. I laugh when I read ignorant shit on here from children. I had to buy a hdd and network adapter fir my ps2 and the free online was shit compared to xbox.

Old enough to remember the 80s and Nintendos shenanigans.

This. Microsoft are a buncha cucks. I fucking sent mine in twice and they kept sending it back without fixing shit. I eventually threatened a lawsuit and they sent me a brand new one, that later red ringed and I got frustrated and told them to fuck off for good. The fucked up thing is, I know at least 10 people where this exact same scenario has happened.

There's a reason Sony is destroying this generation, people don't trust Microshit anymore, and they earned that mistrust.


Opinion discarded

aww did I hewt babbyz feewings?

You're a faggot and I know ten other people that think so too.