Free on Steam

Free on Steam

What the fuck is this artstyle?

looks pretty bare bones

fuck off shill

Simplistic but vibrant
I always heard good things but never had people to play it with.

No thanks.

shill thread

Monaco is pretty good but if you really want to have a good time you gotta get some friends

what the hell is this

Simplistic but vibrant would be Eufloria. This is like a blocky hotline miami, and I already don't like hotline miami's style.

>its a co-op heist game
why play this when payday2 is already a thing

Payday 2 is fucking garbage. I can't believe people actually paid money for that dumpsterfire.

I don't want it even if its free.

If it's free it must mean it sucks balls

How is Sup Forums so butt hurt about a free game

>What the fuck is this artstyle?


neo-Sup Forums

i dont like people advertising virally on Sup Forums

here's a style you might like
*grabs your balls*

my most played game on steam

it is free because they are debuting their new game

Oooo, Sailor!

If I want free games I'll go to a torrent site


>buying a game with microtransactions

Monaco does not have microtransactions

> There are people on Sup Forums so new they don't realize this game has been out for 4 years and we liked it back in '13


>he didn't get it in the grumble bumble for free that one time
oh sweet summer child if anything payday 2 is better than this steaming pile of "I wanted to make payday 2 but don't have the assets or time what should I do"

>this blatant shill thread


yeah right. I know what "Free" means, buddy.

are you bumping the threads posing as stupid? it is an old game, and the devs are giving it away for 24 hours because they are launching their new one

same thing happened with limbo when they released INSIDE

Even if it was a shill, why does that matter? It's fucking free to own forever. Even if you hate it or never intend on playing it, there is no reason to not get it.

>there is no reason to not get it.
Maybe I don't want to waste my time getting something I'm never gonna use?

this guy has the right idea

You hit a single button to get the game in your library, you literally don't even need to install it. How is a few seconds a waste of time?

>I don't even like videogames
Fuck off you stupid faggots.

why would anyone have something in their library they never use? thats like getting a book you're never going to read for your book shelf just to say you got a book.

Wrong, I don't like YOUR videogame.

>it literally takes a couple seconds to grab dogshit from outside of your house and put it in your room, why don't you want shit in your room? fucking stupid lmao

>why would anyone have something in their library they never use?
Better to have it and never need/use it, then to want it but not have it. Also, it's not a physical object, so it's not taking up any space.

I had a lot of fun doing the original missions in co-op with a friend, took a while to figure out how to do the disco level.

Lockpick best

>just fill your life with garbage you'll never use, y-you don't know when you're gonna need it!
Literally Diogenes syndrome.

It's baffling that anyone can look at this negatively. It's a free game, no one is extorting you, if it doesn't interest you then who cares, walk away, but plenty of people would probably appreciate knowing about a completely free game with no fuck arounds. I don't even know what accusations of shilling is supposed to achieve, the devs aren't getting anything from you. What the fuck.

Neat. I still haven't actually installed Payday 2 from that time it went free but I do like free shit

I bought this garbage and have regretted it immensely

>WOW look at that line of text in your steam library...... you got to get your shit together and stop hoarding......
literally you right now

Stop blocking my light, homo

>implying people want to play this shovelware tier trash
PLEASE PLEASE GET MY GAME! I MAKE LIKE 0.08$ PER CLICK! This is just fucking sad

so is it good or not?

Gentleman has on of the stupidest passive bonuses
>Oh yeah, you enter escape vehicle faster

It doesn't "fill" anything though. I think that was the other guy's point.

>Literally Diogenes syndrome.
>Despite no squalor or actual mess since it doesn't have a physical presence
It's boring without friends. Also never pick the Mole since it's baby mode.

if you like co-op games I guess, its kinda meh imo also don't fall for the jews in this thread its pretty much a waste of time

No, I don't want your shitty flash game.

It's pretty fun but not very deep

>No money is involved whatsoever
My only hope is that it's just shitposters, because I don't think I could handle sharing a board with people this retarded.

>backlog getting larger because devs are giving out their games for free


nobody's forcing anyone to get anything. It's just making it aware that it's free for a limited time. people can choose to get it and form their own opinions on it if they want.

>I don't think I could handle sharing a board with people this retarded.
Then leave? We don't want you here either.

How can this faggot ever recover

Only one of those posts is mine and, actually, I'm not the developer of this game.

I did add it to my library though. Does this upset you? I don't know why it would affect you at all, because it doesn't really affect me. I'll probably never play it. I only added it to my library because I had already loaded the store page to see what the game was like and, once that was done, adding it to my library took approximately zero time. I'll be sure to let you know if the addition of this game to my Steam account affects my life in some negative way, but don't hold your breath.

First Mirage now this game.

>look at me, I'm SO neutral! My opinions are so neutral, logical and reasonable they don't offend ANYONE! Just do what you want and let people do what they want, right? I'm such a genius!!


Have they fixed their servers yet?

>I did add it to my library though. Does this upset you?
No? Why would I give a shit about what the fuck you do with your life? I only stated *I* (me) [yo] don't want this game and everyone jumped on my neck, do whatever the fuck you want.

Just in case

no probably never will

>dev THIS thirsty of players he wants people to have his game on their library and never use it

If you care so little why so you stick around in this thread? Just to tell people how little you care? Seems counter productive.

You didn't "only" state that you didn't want the game. You also, in all-caps greentext, accused people of shilling just because they rejected the implication that informing people of a free game is somehow bad.

Also Amnesia when SOMA was released.

not the same guy but I love watching these threads devolve into chaos, shits fucking hilarious. Im still not getting your shitty game

If you installed the game and probably never play it, why you stick around in this thread? Just to tell a guy that doesn't want to play the game that you downloaded it? Seems counter productive.

Yes, dev thirsty for all that... nothing - which they get for people adding the game to their library.

Still not getting your game, shill ;)

I'm the guy who said I added the game to my account, and I'm not the guy to whom you just replied. He's someone else. You know "Anonymous" isn't really a username, right? We're not all one person.

Also, adding a game to your account and installing the game are two different things. I didn't install it.

Saints Row 2, Chivalry, and Jotun were also free for a time

You're mistaken, I have neither added nor installed the game. May later, but the game doesn't particularly interest me. I'd have a better idea if this thread was actually on the topic of discussing video games and I knew what it's about and if it is good.

oh boy I love pointless arguments

Oh my mistake then:

If you added the game to your library and probably never play it, why you stick around in this thread? Just to tell a guy that doesn't want to play the game that you added it? Seems counter productive.

Anyone actually discussing this game or just being bitches?

>Install game
>Click play
>Click first mission
>Game can't connect to server
>Try for about 5 minutes
>Try to click on another option
>Mouse over to something else
>I get in
>Start playing
>Have no fucking clue what is going on, what any of this shit is, or why I should care
>Friend starts shooting me
>Walk away from him
>Still no clue what to do
>Just leave

This is...sure a game...

Still not getting your game ;)

It's like Payday Pacman, but removing any of the shootouts of Payday. You can play solo or online, but solo is boring as hell. Every character has one specific trait to help out on Heists, and different teams lead to different playthoughs. There's also a map editor if you are interested in that sort of thing.

Sounds neat but I doubt I'd have friends interested in playing it, shame.

Anybody still playing Payday 2 at this point are underage or poor college shitters who don't want to grow up.

Your game has more DLC than normal content, the hit registry sucks and you have so much clashing meme garbage that goes against your original style.

you can go online with randoms as well, if you want

Of course Sup Forums would complain about a FREE fucking game

Divinity original sin 2 or Xcom 2: expansion?

Maybe reddit is more to your liking?

That's better.

>it's reddit to like stuff that's free

Fuck off you high schooler

Already bought this game twice and don't regret it. It's extremely fun and the Dev did a great job.

You do need friends though.

>its reddit to try and reason with Sup Forums
Yes it is. Now please leave.

>Implying retarded faggots don't fight on this website for stupid shit every second of the day.

Are you mentally challenged? Do you even know where you are? Summer is over, go back to school.

Hey guys lets talk about an actually good game. Just got Munch's Odyssey about a day ago. shits fun

Learn to read.

>really enjoyed monaco, bought a 4-pack a year after release and had some fun nights with friends
>good post-release content with free dlc and active modding community
>looking forward to redwall commie rts
>nowhere to talk about either because apparently a discussing a free game is shilling
