How many games do you buy in a year, Sup Forums?

How many games do you buy in a year, Sup Forums?

Danke herr doktor.

>Pre Divorce
About 40
>Post Divorce

0 this year. I think I'm gonna buy a ps4 for Hatsune Miku. What exactly should I buy to get that 200+ song game?

at least a dozen or two. I don't think i completed any of them

Depends on the year and steam sales honestly.

I guess on average it breaks down to something like:
>4-6 new AAA games, usually after a few months on their first sale
>4-6 older AAA games, usually from the previous year or much, much further back and only ever on at least a 33% sale
>3-4 new indie games, either at launch or on their first sale
>2-4 older indie games when they're at least 50% off
>Like 6 or so AA titles that are nearly always from Japan, varies a lot depending on year

So far this year:
>New AAA games
Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2
Horizon: Zero Dawn
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
>Older AAA games
Dishonored 2
Doom 2016
Forza Horizon 3
>New indie games
Divinity: Original Sin 2
>Older indie games
Hyper Light Drifter
Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun
Pillars of Eternity
>AA games
Puyo Puyo Tetris
Persona 5
Gravity Rush 2
Nier: Automata
Everybody's Golf

I might pick up Wolfenstein II, Super Mario Odyssey, and Sonic Mania before the year ends as well. Maybe the new Jackbox Party Pack as well if the games look fun.

How did you get fucked that hard? Games aren't even expensive.

Thanks doc

>still have to pay for house that she gets to live in
>takes half my paycheck in alimony
>still pay for the kids shit

I've bought about 100 vidyers on steam, bought 3 at most in the past year

Honestly and literally just not interested in new releases anymore

Do you get to see your kids?

Every other weekend.

>Radiant Historia
>Warhammer 2
>Div OS 2 (although technically I bought that a few years ago with the Kickstarter)
>Nier A Tomato
>Fire Emblem SoV
9 or 10 seems about average

Damn my dude. No prenup?

I feel in bad shape because my long term gf left me a few months ago, but it's got me thinking of how to not completely fuck up my life should I fall in love again. I hate MGTOW faggotry, but I want to avoid your situation.

TFW no gf fags have no idea how good they have it.

We were just a small town high school couple that got married too soon. I had no idea that shit could happen to me.

Fuck women.

>_ ____'_ _ ____, ____

Can't tell because every year I buy less and less games

like 20 on average, this is the slowest time of year for me though.

Games Purchased:
>Gravity Rush 2
>Resident Evil 7
>Sonic Mania
>Persona 5

Games not finished and on hold:
>Resident Evil 7
>Sonic Mania

Games currently playing:
>Persona 5

Games Traded in:

I... I can fap to this.

Don't grow bitter, I'm in the same boat relationship-wise. Dated for 8 years, loved her with all my heart, then one day she says goodbye. I had my life planned with her, house, kids, growing old together, gone without explanation. She didn't cheat on me, or leave for greener pastures, and honestly that just hurts more. I hate that I don't hate her, but I don't want to be jaded either.

Are you Brendan Fraser?

I bought only a couple of titles this year. I decided to run trough my backlog. I even managed to go from 80+ to 47 games in the past 2 years
Also there are not many new games i'm interest in, i'm sick of AAA and most of indie is garbage, so i guess once i'll finish my backlog i'll go back playing STALKER for the 100th time

It's not just her, I've shit luck in relationships.

I know this probably isn't the place for advice, but don't forget to look inward. Many times we blame others, and sometimes others are to blame, but it's rarely so one sided.

That said, I know it's hard. I begged and pleaded to work on things and didn't get any positive progress. They certainly don't make it easy to reconcile, and sometimes you don't know something is broken until they decide to rip out your heart.

Anyways, best of luck my dude.

this year so far uhh maybe like 4, 5 maybe?

Yeah it's probably me as much as them, but I'm ok with single life.

No gf fag here, how would you get a woman to agree to a prenup?

You just say no pronup no marriage
Simple as that

Yea, but she'll take it as you doubting your relationship right? I feel like she would just get pissed off.

This is why traps > women.

Traps are worse.
Just go to Sup Forums, you'll be disgusted by the amount of attention whoring and the mindless worshipping of them.

Sup Forums traps yeah.

I usually buy 1-2 AAA/AA titles a year, and the rest I just buy on sale or pirate, can't remember me spending any money on games last year. So far all I bought were Persona 5 and around $80 on the steam sale, since I started seriously pc gaming this year. I also bought humble bundles, but I just trade the shit I don't want. The rest of my money usually goes to my friends who want vidya.

Depends on the year. I usually grab maybe 15-20 games during the winter and summer sales combined, and then maybe 2-3 games on release.

>We were just a small town high school couple that got married too soon.
Sounds like you're both to blame tbqh. You made a choice to marry young, and I rarely see that shit turn out alright.

post the 2017 ship

It was different this year

no, we did both a squilliam collage and a "going to e3" collage for the past few years

Squilliam collage and Ready for E3 are different things

There are lots of good lasting marriages here in the south that start that young. But the divorce is because she left me for a rich old man because she never has to work now. I didn't want the divorce.

I got it


5-10 depending on sales.
Maybe one of those will be at full price, most times I'll wait half a year until it's a decent price.

Wow that's awful

Ready for E3 has never been good

That should tell you then and there that she's no good.

Merci, docteur!

What form of transportation will we use to get to E3 2018?

Ranges from 2 to 10, depending on the year and what I haven't played yet and am interested in

I can't stop buying games for my Switch pls help

Maybe two or three, would buy more if modern games weren't shit.

you mean you haven't run out yet?

Around 1000. But that's on steam, so it doesn't really count.

Hell no