What does Sup Forums think of this?

What does Sup Forums think of this?

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Based af.

I think it's amusing.

>another thread

inb4 mods delete this Sup Forumsbait

It's funny.

I think you should work on your marketing skills, shill.

Stop making this thread when one already exists.
Stupid Sup Forumstard or ubisoft shill, probably both.

i have no opinion

This is without a doubt the biggest load of horseshit to ever grace the board. Dozens of fucking threads trying to start some controversy and get a rise out of people. If you are offended by this joke and are complaining about it then congratulations, you are why the joke works and why the joke is spreading

Wasn't it confirmed that it doesn't actually change the difficulty at all

its true and funny. the average white person just doesn't have the same trouble in life that brown people do.

>south park offending suburban soccer moms
>south park offending Sup Forums

i don't think i've been more disappointed by this website

>it's a trick and very hard is actually very easy

I think it's ridiculous. Ubisoft® has gone too far!

>What does Sup Forums think of this?
I'm going to say it funny


are you saying all brown people are inherently inferior?

It's just viral marketing, you idiot. Ubisoft shills tried the exact same thing when the latest Far Cry was announced. Just report, sage and move on

Satire. There's only one difficulty.

yes I am

I'm for it if it makes Sup Forums that much shittier.

>complaining about a south park thread

Can you please stay in your containment board pol? Stop coming here we don't give a shit.

Secret hard mode.

Affirmative action black who lacks the necessary skills to even beat the game.

Ufff okay nigger?

pretty epic honestly

Nah, it effects how much money you get and how certain characters treat you

only on Sup Forums do turbofaggots like this actually exist.

Yeah because being black is much harder in the world with free government hand outs, government housing, Obama phones, lower requirements for college, workplace quotas that give preferential treatment solely because of your skin color, and a statistical fact that cops are more hesitant to shoot you because you are, in fact, black.

If you think this is 'Based af' you're a fucking


What do I think?
I think Sup Forums is naturally a shitty board with a terrible userbase and that isn't Sup Forums's fault.

that's besides the point. It's just harder in society for them.


I think it's simply a joke with some basis in reality and black people will use it as a reaffirmation of their belief that all of their problems in life stem from the color of their skin and not their actions.

it's hilarious

also: GTFB to Sup Forums, you commie bastard.

Neat feature. Neo-Sup Forums (Sup Forums runoff) will complain though

Yes, being a nigger is much harder because you have to live in a world as a human when you're an animal. We don't expect monkeys at the zoo to get a job why do we expect niggers to? They should be swinging in the trees that's their natural habitat

Don't you ever fucking reply to me again you leftwing fucktard.

>pick very hard
>the game's difficulty doesn't change at all and is the same for whatever skin color you choose, nobody even mentions your skin color at all in the entire game except for maybe a comment here or there by cartman

You know this is what's going to happen

Even if it's backwards in today's society, it's still hilarious.

>another autismo who cant take a joke
Your race has little effect in this

If I were possessed by a genetic predisposition toward both a low IQ and violence, society would be hard for me too.

That'd fucking hilarious and I'm black. It's obviously a joke, I mean it's a South Park game people.
I'd buy it since I liked the first one but denuvo.

Uhh. That's a little fucked up that the game makes it harder for non-white people who want representation and to also enjoy the game with the difficulty they please.
Would kinda make you say uhhh that's FUCKING RACIST. RACIST SHITLORDS.

Red pill.


It's just a joke. it changes nothing with difficulty.
How are you all this stupid?

Main Narrative Designer is a Jewish SJW woman who is fan of Anita.
Game dropped. SJWs ruin fucking everything.

This is going to be a pirate if I can mod it and skip if I can't.

Actually yea

It doesn't effect the battles at all but instead how much money you get from battles

They've always been good at offending everyone. It's why you see people champion South Park as being liberal or being conservative then also see them shitting on it and saying south par USED to be liberal, south park USED to be conservative. The reality is they've always flip flopped around and pissed off every group.

Well yeah, it's very clearly a skin tone slider with "difficulty" slapped over the top. That'd be so many levels of difficulty if it was real that it'd be retarded to tweak and balance for them all.

There are anons this stupid on Sup Forums? I thought summer was over

Make a Sup Forums thread. Suddenly Sup Forums ambushes. Why is that?

>wahhhh I get called nigger once in awhile

Really, source?

Mass affect andromedia made them oit that shit with their blacks only characters.

You are like the fifth person to post this today. Stop.

It does actually. Cartmen tell you in the character creation that it doesn't change combat "just everything else in your life". So far it's confirmed to changed NPC interactions and to affect how much money you get in battle.

I love how this whole website is getting baited
Seriously, Sup Forums used to be the place that rused people, now you faggots are the easiest victims of some cheap laugh

>Main Narrative Designer
What kind of retarded title is that?
The game was written by Trey Parker and Matt Stone.

You won't be laughing anymore when you realize the game devs actually believe this.


Not even once

It's the other way around.

Personally, as a POC, it gives white people (South Parks targeted audience) a glimpse into the cruel reality of what it is like to be black.

> forced to live in section 8 housing because of laws preventing banks from lending to African-Americans
> no electricity becaus white people hold all the power
> forced to attended prison-like schools because of segregation
> police constantly search us because of stop and frisk
> girls can't date us because parents forbid missintegration
> constantly getting shot by police for no reason other than the color of our skin
> can't enter resteraunts or grocery stores becase skin color does not match paper bag test
> unable to recieve medical treatment due to one drop rule
> go home at night to the fire of a burning cross

While you experience our world through video games, this is the reality of our lives.

Sup Forums doesn't "ambush" threads. Sup Forums users simply browse multiple boards. Get over it.

Quite funny, really. Kind of reminds me of Pokemon games because the difficulty varies with which type you pick in the beginning of the game. Fire type lives matter too.

it's 5 options, goofass
way to let on that you've only been seeing screencaps and not a single video clip of this screen or the accompanying texts

it affects prices and other minor things in-game but not battle difficulty

This is poking fun at SJWs as much as it is as anyone else. Don't be the VA for Chef and forget that South Park makes fun of anyone and everyone.

>be a monkey
>game is harder
not a surprise



The joke is not even made by the creators. Just Ubishit.

brown people are more likely to be bullied for being muslims and terrorists

black people are constantly called niggers and are profiled for the colour of their skin


So I'm forced to play on easy mode if I don't want to be a subhuman trash? Hope it gets modded.

>racism is funny

American culture at it's finest. It's enough to just say "nigger" for you to laugh. You are the lowest denominator of human kind.

>White urban kids getting butt blasted about a joke

There has never been a more sure sign that Sup Forums is mainstream.

nigger pandering


the shit timeline

We'll it's no surprise I have to deal with bullshit from niggers constantly, today at work I tell a nigger this area is closed for construction he tells me to fuck off or he'll beat the shit out of me.
Every single nigger I ever see at work acts like this, no wonder they get shot in America

And the darkest guy gets everything for free? I mean bc he's a nigger and all.

Oh and btw a source would be nice.

cartman says that ingame

>it affects prices
Probably rises them in regular shops and lowers them in the black market

>no electricity becaus white people hold all the power
made me chuckle


V is the easiest place on this website to bait by far

So how is dark skin not easy mode then? Since the government gives you free money and people are forced to treat you better or you can use your racist card.

racism is funny tho.

> no electricity becaus white people hold all the power

Pretty based how they take shots at all sides

This will surely trigger trumplets

>being this much of a newfag
Moderation has changed. More ppl getting b&, more resetted routers and more proxyfagging. It's not fucking rocket science.


you missed the point you retard

I didn't know this was a YLYL thread

This. It's pretty sad how blacks are trying to make a career out of being professional victims.


honestly this guy makes sense, got to hand it to him. dude knows whats up

>"You get free money! LUCKY BLACKS!"
>actually thinking black people just get free money in general
>actually thinking that even in the case of poor blacks who need government assistance, that trying to survive at the poverty level living little better than a hobo is "easy mode"
God, you people are retarded.

Makes sense, nonWhites have inferior genes, so it's only natural that they'd have inferior stat builds that make the game harder.

Gamergate really ruined this place, didn't it?

Former Drumpf supporter here. Yeah, they'll be triggered en masses. They hate opposing view points.