For the love of fuck, I'm playing video games because the real world is full of stupid shit like this...

For the love of fuck, I'm playing video games because the real world is full of stupid shit like this. Why the hell does everyone feel so goddamn obligated to buttfuck needless identity politics into everything? Yes, we goddamn get it, if you belong to a smaller group it's harder than belonging to a bigger group, this applies everywhere in every aspect of life regardless of what the groups actually are.

Can I get one fucking day without some hurt-feelings bourgeois pussy telling me how big of a faggot I am because I have less melanin? Why the fuck do all of these assholes feel every single piece of media needs to turn into a "who can act like the biggest victim" contest?

Fuck this nonsense.



you expect me to read all that shit?

Hey ubishill. How is the outrage marketing going?

It's a joke just like your thread

You poor soul.

it's a joke, calm down captain autismo lmao

>he can't read

Reminder to report all ubisoft shill Sup Forums threads

back to dumbass

the fact that you can't take a joke as simple as the image shows how shaky your insecurities are

>South Park lets you choose which racist jokes you're character gets to experience
How is this a bad thing? Cartman even narrates over that part and says it changes no gameplay but does change characters' interactions with you

What's with all the people against OP?

when did this place become a bunch of nigger lovers?

I mean if I had an iq of 80 I would be playing on hard mode too.

It's really silly to be this mad at that joke.

>"this game is fucking stupid and I hate identity politics"
>wow this guy sure loves this game and likes identity politics

Are you legitimately retarded?

gib reparations cracker

Here's your You

Lets be real here Sup Forumstard. You came into this thread just to falseflag.

It does change gameplay though, it just doesn't make Combat harder.

The devs said non-whites will get less money for quests, and the cops are more likely to fuck with them.

>Make a skin color slider
>Label it 'difficulty' as a joke
>People flip the fuck out

why can't jokes just be jokes? What is it about the last few years that has made -everything- about politics? Fuck off

>the joke is that black people have it harder than you and we won't stop saying it
wow great comedy

>he disagrees with me
>he must be pretending to disagree with me just to get me upset, there's no other explanation
get over yourself

>one half of Sup Forums is losing its shit while the other half performs damage control by calling them shills and viral marketers

loving every laugh

I hope the game flops
You fags better boycott it now

It's just satire bro, the reduced money and harder quests are just a joke, they don't seriously imply being black is hard or white is easy, just buy the game you'll see Matt and Trey are based, remember PC principal, they made fun of SJWs too.

So you went into a South Park game, a series that does pop culture and political jokes consistently, and said to yourself "man, all this politics sucks, I miss the good old days"

Here's your reply retard, no (You) for you though.

I think it's pretty funny.
Still not buying it though. It's Ubisoft after all.

it's sad that you get upset by a shitty joke. Kinda like those SJW's you keep complaining about.

>Life in America is harder for minorities
>Literally the only laws and policies that exist about race give preferential treatment to minorities in many areas, therefore being literal institutionalized racism.

Don't worry user, whites are the minorities now so we'll start getting gibmedats, get into college easier than blacks, and have quotas to hire us in the workplace.

>>Literally the only laws and policies that exist about race give preferential treatment to minorities in many areas, therefore being literal institutionalized racism.

You must know all about gibmedats seeing as you're fucking retarded.

Why would he go to pol to discuss vidya?

>say thing
>that thing is a shitty thing to say
>bro it's satire

Where's the joke? What's the punchline? It sounds like the same bullshit that gets said constantly, how white people are just the worst and shit.

I get upset by more needless identity politics and virtue signaling in video games. They're shitty and annoying.