Rich and deep lore

>rich and deep lore
>literally no good games


Other urls found in this thread:

>deep lore
it's literally just politics 101 in tolkien land
and gamers hate politics unless it's some generic meme shit like a megahuge pharmaceutical wanting to turn all citizens into test pigs so they can't vote and the player has to stop it

Name 3 books that made good games.

The witcher is not a good game, nor is it a good book but that's beside that point.

>this thread every day
>literally not good


>Rich and good lore

>metahugw pharmceutical wanting to turn all citizens into test pigs so they can't vote
Sounds like game of thrones to me.

The Bible
it has 66 books :^)

But how many games?

i assume you'd have to pay up quite a sum for the rights. even then, the devs who would care about the story and lore would put out some shit like the walking dead games

i was actually thinking about the giant floating pills in deus ex and jerking off to resident evil goonies while typing that up 2bh

Reminder that Stannis did nothing wrong and the show completely ruined his character. He was best choice for Throne and would've made best king

Well instead just think of the targaryens, lannisters and the white walkers, basically the same.

>killed his own brother with blood magic
>did nothing wrong

But now we have Jon

>rich and good lore

Reminder that GRRMs strategy for killing off characters is if they're liked and seen as good they die. Unless you're one of his pet 5

>tfw even if the series is finished somehow, martin likely won't finish dunk and egg
I need the rest of Dunk and Egg.

>rich and deep lore

But his character is ruined in the show too. I only like him in the books.

The You Testament
Binding of Isaac

all that shit happened in the bible, right?

Thanks for getting it out of the way early so we can have real discussion

dunk and egg isn't finished? i thought they released a full collection.

guess i won't be buying that now. fuck you grrm finish your books.

>name 3 books that made good games
>but not the ones I say are bad
Metro 2033
The Binding of Isaac :^)

>tfw people are renly apologists
I get disliking Stannis, but how can anyone like Renly? I don't get why D and D loved Renly so much and made him into this heroic saintlike figure. He was not a pleasant person; its obvious he's an arrogant spoiled brat.

And they made him into a meek guy afraid of blood and disliking war. Which is completely incorrect; he was essentially a Chad in the books. That's the whole point; he was Robert come again, except gay. He liked fighting and was perfectly fine with killing his brother and family for the throne.

It's a full collection of what's been released so far lol so 3 short story collection

I always thought bayonetta was nonsense just to be nonsense

>reposting a crap thread

Posting the same thread twice in 30 minutes
> Sage

Lotr, alice in wonderland, Dune

The LCG is alright.

Metro 2033
Call of Duty 2

Nah, Dunk and Egg is supposed to be like 13 books or something, covering the entirety of their lives. The books are each pretty much standalone though so you can just read them anyway.

I just want to stuff like the Blackfyre rebellions, the Laughing Storm's rebellion, and of course Summerhall.

Who are these likeable characters they killed off besides eddard stark and drago? Or is the tv series really different?

The 5 books have over 1000 named characters so yeah you could say it's a little different.

Whitcher is terrible

>siding with a degenerate that had literally less then nothing of a claim to the throne
>siding with a moron that held tourneys instead of getting his bannermen ready for war
>siding with an imbecile who had never fought anything ever

Oh I'm laffin

Renly holding tourneys instead of fighting was actually a good strategy; he's starving out King's Landing and currying favor from his bannermen.

That's cool. Wasn't terrible enough to prevent massive commercial and critical success.

I meant in ration to who was killed off. Heard everyone going on about the red wedding when it was on tv. All those characters were boring in the books was glad when they were killed off

>>It was good because every told me it was good

speaking of littlefinger and renly, it also sucked how the show missed that renly was probably the only who was friendly with littlefinger; they joked around and Renly was likely as corrupt as he was when it came to doing his job. instead they have renly despising littlefinger like everyone else. its little things like that the show misses out on.

>it's bad because I said so
If you want to be contrarian so badly, at least try to substantiate your opinion instead of parading it around as fact.

You dumb fuck I'm not siding with Renly, I only stated a fact. Stannis killed his brother with blood magic. Whatever the fuck you think of Renly the fact stands.

>I don't get why D and D loved Renly so much and made him into this heroic saintlike figure
Because he was gay.

I fucking hate people who think like this
>well I didn't like these characters they were boring
>even though I've heard about the red wedding and the impact it had on so many people I just don't get how people could care about these characters
>i just can't understand it I'm so close minded I can't stop and try to think from someone else's perspective

Keeping up with the Kardashians is a show loved by millions lol what the fuck is your point?

>The Binding of Isaac
made me chuckle and I agree

Your favourite thing is shit.

And your favourite thing is loved by millions of imbeciles

>ahahaha! Stupid sheeple! Thinking their opinions matter! Allow me to explain why you don't actually like a thing.

Crusader Kings 2 mod is amazing.

That was the question I was asking. In the book nearly everyone involved in red wedding was a whiny 2 dimensional character that was killed off because they had run their course in the story.

The question I was asking was the series that different that they had depth to them. If you get off your high horse you'd might see what people mean.

>Winter is coming.
>As high as honor.
>Hear me roar!
>Growing strong.

All faggot houses.

Man, I really hate D and D's social justice pandering, not only because its social justice pandering, but because its incompetent social justice pandering. They take strong female characters and make them caricatures, and make gay characters into jokes.

Renly and Loras have an offscreen romance that is meaningful to Loras, who swears a vow of celibacy and is mournful of Renly. In the show? He's fucking whores. Then there's how they made the Faith into some anti-gay parallel with the modern church, when the Faith doesn't really give a shit about it in the books.

They take Catelyn who is involved in politics and straight up kills a mountain man, and make her into a generic mother type as early as the first episode, they make Brienne into the typical "they're a strong badass women because they reject all femininity." Its not like Brienne doesn't want to be a feminine lady, its just that she has no choice because she's ugly. Asha is a strong women, so obviously she's gay. Then there's Sansa and how D and D just bombed her entire arc.

And people eat it up.

It's basically the entire mentality of Sup Forums
>i don't understand why people like x. It's not THAT great.

I really don't get Stannisfags. He was a shit character in both the books an the TV show.

And the remaining mentality is to miss the point completely

Fucken pleb. Catelyn chapters were almost always good.
The books wouldn't make a good game. Half of the text is dedicated to world building by characters telling stories or remembering old events. Almost all the best parts of the series are old done knights reminiscing about the old days. The politicking and intrigue wouldn't make for much of a game either, video game writers couldn't make good RPG branching choice stories out of it convincingly.

Something like the Dunk and Egg short stories might work better to frame a game, just being a party of hedge knights doing tasks for minor lords.

Anyone play any of those official GOT games? The Telltale one or that RPG that came out? The best I've played is the Clash of Kings mod for Warband. There are some decent quests in it, lots of equipment/locations etc. Very detailed but basically just more Warband.

Medieval shit is boring and gay.

Why the fuck hasn't there been a good Avatar The Last Airbender game?

>d and d bombed her entire arc

It still hurts. Sands deserved better. Top tier waifu material in the books.

game of thrones is shit

Which one's the "family, duty, honor" one?

No cartoon for children has ever been converted into a game that was anything except shovelware.

Mumma's boy and whiney mum?

Oh you're dad's dead please don't you die too. I couldn't bear it. Oh no we all died. Was always gonna happen bro


House Tully


The game of thrones tell tale game is literally not joking the worst game I've ever played. And I like vn/ choose your own adventure games but holy fuck was it ever bad.

Though games don't need to take place during the events of the books. That's the reason behind the whole "lore" word being put into the OP

bad fucking example
should have gone with this instead

Dawn of War 1 is excellent.

So you've only seen the show? Why are you replying then?

Because it'd be fucking boring that's why. Even when the show turns up the violence factor it's still mostly talking.

No I believe you like a thing. I just think lesser of you for it and it calls your judgement into question

There's tons of action in the show. You know how much those scenes cost to produce? Use your brain man.

>rich and deep lore

Because Avatar is shit.

*in the book


Lore isn't what makes a game good, it's just a bonus.

>You know how much those scenes cost to produce?

A tiny fraction of what the primary actors are paid to stand around chatting.

which part of the bible was it again where jesus put on gun stilettos and suplexed a bunch of angels with his hair? I wanna say either luke or john

CK2 mod is fucking amazing, I just played as euron, conquered the reach, made cersei and Margarey salt wifes and kidnapped and regularly rape dany in my dungeons

>i can't understand why someone wouldn't care about the things I CARE ABOUT

Only read the books. I probably wont see how it ends now that it's gonna end through the show. I'm not sitting through all that

>rich and deep lore

The books are always better it's not a surprise. The show has been altered to appeal to the widest possible audience to increase ratings. Sansa's story was never that interesting though.

>probably spent months reading the books
>shows to long

You wot m8

well i think youre a retard

we all have thoughts, faggot

it really is, though sometimes it can have some odd bugs that crash it

especially if you start modding the mod

What could you even mod to it? Seems good enough already

more events, decisions, and traits mostly

basically more flavor stuff

He was a total try-hard. Kept grumbling that Robert did things the way he did, kept grumbling that Renly tried to cuck him of his throne, and then broke his "HOLIER THAN THOU" streak by fucking a foreign witch which his cuckette wife allowed. He was also a fool that mistreated one of his most valuable assets, the onion knight. Fuck that loser.

>rich and deep lore


I read the books that were out before the series started. Watched first two seasons, while I enjoyed felt they didn't have same impact. So stopped and read the books as they came out. Then after a few years of waiting fatty decided wasn't going to pursue the books. So I'll just deal without it.

And there's more talking about random shit.

That's a shame. Yeah I realize he's talking about the larger setting but my point was that the things that make the books compelling don't make for a good game.
An idealistic 16 year old lad named king unexpectedly by his retardedly eager lords, forced to fight a war against cynical, hardened warlords while navigating the waters of intrigue and currying favor with his own followers from the perspective of a mother dealing with horrible grief and tragedy while she watches another unfold all the while unwittingly fucking things up? I thought it was great, the characters involved in the riverlands all felt like real people who are flawed and blinded by various emotions, grudges etc.

Yeah but you have a lot less thoughts and seems that a few of the ones you claimed to have are crowd sourced

You forgot Noah's Ark 3D

Good concept that didn't really fit into anything other than I'm gonna kill these characters off.

There wasn't much in the book developing these characters other than chapters and chapters of the mum's feeling of impending doom and hey I told you!