ITT: Things that SquareSoft fucked up HARD

I'll start

Hard mode: No Final Fantasy Tactics


Not making Garnet real so I can marry her

Not making a real crystal chronicles game for the 3DS.

>remade FF2/3 but not FF6


imagine being so stupid you can't differentiate a port and a remake

And IV. Didn't remake V or VI though for some weird reason.


Japs like 4 more than 6 so that makes sense but what the fuck is up with remaking 2/3 and not 6

>including a PS2 demo disc with a PS1 game


still a port

don't bother posting that trash mobile version either

Why haven't they ported IX to PS4? I just wanna play it again and I have a shitty laptop

Cancelling the Chrono Trigger remake
I will never not be mad about that

Buy it on CD that's what I did

In what world is running a SNES game on CD with added loading times a 'remake'?

I still have my original disc but my PS3 finally died after 11 years of service a couple months ago and my ps2 is lent out to one of my friends cause he wanted to play some of his ps2 collection. I'd buy it on Pc if I knew my laptop could do it no problem but it's just a piece of junk that I do paperwork on

I'd love to play a FF9 remake or even a good port. The framerate and load times in the original is fucking atrocious
>Random battle starts
>Queue up attacks
>Go make a sandwhich and come back
>Battle is still going

Anyone who doesn't have shit taste likes 4 more to be fair

Fucking this! Every Nintendo handheld since the DS has been compatible to consoles with Wireless eliminating the GBA link cables for a Crystal chronicles Square does nothing with the series. WiiU happens so we have the gamepad would have been great for a Crystal chronicles a lot of games took advantage of it for inventory management on the console Square does nothing again hell even Capcom did something with MH allowing local play on a console, present we have the Switch handheld console Square will once again act as if FFCC was never a thing.

not making a 3DS version of IX is 'fucking up HARD'?

4 is easily the weakest of the 3 SNES FF games. Its story and soundtrack are slightly better than V but other than that V/VI are better in everyway

V is better than all of those, that not getting the 3D remake is the real shame.

it would be if the game doesn't nosedive after gulaf dies


>first post wasnt FFXIV 1.0

you guys fucked up HARD

PS2 was BC and that was a big deal. People were still buying PSX games for their PS2.