FFXV was bad

>FFXV was bad

Can we stop this meme?

It was literally a solid entry in the franchise

I can't wait for the PC port

too bad you need a NASA super computer to run it


It was a shit fucking game.
It brought nothing new. Dozens of fuckng games did everything FXV did already but much fucking better
Nier Automata was better than this garbage

It's not as good as some of the previous FF games but still better than FFXIII


but it was garbage compared to 12

Ok, now you are going too far. A half-assed game is still better than Automata.

I liked the camping aspect of it. All those delicious foods. I enjoyed being out in the wilderness with my bros hunting down monsters. The plot was shit, the characters were basic and unfleshed out, and the game was obviously cut to shit and incomplete... but damn it was comfy as hell. I really enjoyed my 70 hours with it.

Even my wet farts are better than ff13 user

It will be beautiful on PC but that's literally it. The gameplay is abysmal and they completely ruined magic.

>Bland hold down button to win combat
>Attrocious main story
>Side quests are MMO tier kill x collect y

FFXV was "good" but what they're doing with all the bullshit DLC's (not the Bro Episodes) is completely whack.

They need to stop it with the exo-suits, cup noodle shit. That stuff ain't cool.

As long as the learn and don't give FF16 to Tabata, then I'm happy.

user, First Person Shooters are literally point and click games, with occasionally pressing R to reload so you can point and click again, because your "clicks" ran out.

Fuck off ok? First Person Shooters are lame as fuck, yet because America loves guns, they sell by the hotcakes for the braindead masses.

But you played it already, why do you want a PC port?

Good thing I'm not paranoic otherwise I'd think your a PC gaymer who shat on the game all day at launch but now wants to say it's good since this garbage is finally arriving.

dumb shitposter

>It was literally a solid entry in the franchise

as someone who beat XV, it was weak entry in the franchise and the worst game I played of 2016

>As long as the learn and don't give FF16 to Tabata, then I'm happy.

I want Taro to get FF16

Final Fantasy shouldn't just be solid, before FFXI every single game was a hit.

>solid entry in the franchise
Nigga we don't even know who half the cast is and its almost been a year. Fuck's sake.

My Xbox One runs it just fine.
Over 150 hours and no problems.

and its weird that they made a big deal over Jared of all people.

The party was sad that he died and I am going "who the fuck was this guy"?

XV was a fucking mess.

Ok, you are going to far. A half-assed bait is better than this one.

How is that a shitpost? FPS is point and click, he's not wrong.


Also, you're a fucking retard. Because FF11 made the most money out of any FF title. Learn your facts before you type, kid.

The fact they were actively changing parts of the game after release tells you everything you need to know.

I know cutscenes and stupid shit like VR fishing and Multiplayer were added but what was changed?

>when your game is such a tremendous financial failure you have to ADVERTISE YOUR COMPETITORS GAMES in them to try and break even on it

fucking ayyyy lmao dude

wish these fucking zipperheads would go back to good ol' ATB or turnbased.

Speaking of VR fishing wasn't that other VR game where you play as Prompto supposed to be out already? Also adding off-road for the car was a big flaw they had to fix.

>Speaking of VR fishing wasn't that other VR game where you play as Prompto supposed to be out already?

I know his DLC is out but this is the first I heard of a Prompto VR thing.

It's good that they're at least doing something instead of just leaving the game as a half-finished mess not that it'll help much but the fact they even need to in the first place is pretty fucked.

>games released nearly two years apart

>I enjoyed being out in the wilderness with my bros hunting down monsters
Running up to monsters and bashing them with your swords hardly counts as hunting them. It isn't like you have to follow tracks, trails, check their food sources, call them in, or have intimate knowledge of the land.

>promoting your competitors games in your own

1. How was Drautos able to lead both the Niflheim and Lucian armies? Unexplained.

2. Why is there not a single mention of Luna being an Oracle in Kingsglaive? Unexplained.

3. Why is Luna apparently not able to use magic in Kingsglaive, and yet, in the game, which takes place at the same time, she is able to use magic with and without her trident?

4. What is the actual reason behind the method of communication between Noctis and Luna? It's not like Noctis is hiding from the Empire, considering that there are dropships coming at him every 5 seconds! And why can't Umbra just teleport him to Luna?

5. If Gentiana loves humanity and is the protector of House Fleuret, where the hell was she during all of Kingsglaive and during the Leviathan fight?

6. I'd just like to point out that it bothers me that the game relied on the party's insane naivete, carelessness, and stupidity in order to get them to follow along with Ardyn's plans again and again and again and again.

7. Gladio: hey, Noct I gotta go. Bye!
Noct: ok see u!!! Not gonna question it, just like everything else that happens to me!
then when they're both wearing their space suits
Gladio: tee hee... nice to meet you
Noctis: nice to meet you

They announced it at E3 like the year FFXV released or the year before, you play as Prompto taking pictures and shooting monsters. You also get to drive around in the Regalia with Cidney and rest your head on her lap.

8. Camelia: ok, evacuate Altissia before Luna summons Leviathan.

*Luna gives speech*
*Empire comes in 3 seconds later*
*Luna summons Leviathan immediately afterwards*

You're gonna tell me Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis magically evacuated all of Altissia in what is probably less than a couple hours? If even that?

9. Anyone wanna try making any sense of the scene where Niflheim soldiers point their guns at Luna and she shoves them aside? Or can we just say that Tabata wanted to use this idea that he came up with during pre-release to prove that Luna is strong? And couldn't come up with anything that made sense but still wanted to include the scene anyways?

10. Anyone wanna try explaining how the Vesperpool is underwater and not underwater at the same time? How are the party members breathing?

11. Shoddy writing: Ardyn is responsible for absolutely everything and can do everything without getting caught. No background checks, no one keeping track of anyone, nothing! Ardyn can also manipulate time, and regenerate his body parts, and teleport pretty much anywhere, and do anything, because why not?

12. Gods: we hate Ardyn. We need you to defeat him. We don't want him to win. BTW you still need to arbitrarily follow our rule of dying even though that means Ardyn will win.

Regis before the game: ugh... the line of Lucis will end... definitely shouldn't try alleviating this by having my son procreate or anything.

13. When the Regalia is taken away:

Crew: we feel wrong using a car other than the Regalia... so even though the entire world's fate rests on our shoulders and the Empire is destroying everything, let's travel on foot as opposed to using a temporary car, until we find the Regalia, which is conveniently placed in some random military base.

14. Why did Noctis have visions for only Titan and then nothing else?



>6. I'd just like to point out that it bothers me that the game relied on the party's insane naivete, carelessness, and stupidity in order to get them to follow along with Ardyn's plans again and again and again and again.
This irked me more than anything.

I enjoyed ffxv,but I have to admit you are right

The only reason why this game sold well was because of the brand's name and the hype marketing. It's a very bad action rpg and a terrible open world game. It's a 6/10 in my book. There's hardly any replay value at all due to the shitty barebone combat system and little depth.

The guy who led both armies apparently. You'd think that would be a major plot point.

I don't even recall his name being mentioned.

Do you see the problem? He was in the movie, and then mentioned like once in the game, even though he was an incredibly important figure.

>He was in the movie

never saw the movie

>waiting for camping road trip sim after FFXV
Untapped market that square in their fumbles found.

No worries, it should've been in the game to begin with.

It was okay, which is far more a disappointment for all the assets they had at hand. A complete waste of talented artisans.

I can pick a 1 random house from witcher 3 and it's looks far better than the whole town from ffxv.

>then when they're both wearing their space suits
>Gladio: tee hee... nice to meet you
>Noctis: nice to meet you

That part was so fucking stupid.