Why does its success upset Sup Forums so badly?

Why does its success upset Sup Forums so badly?

It has no games

>when you're so salty you resort to blatant lies

Because it's a terrible console with an even worse fanbase

Because this is a Nintendo board and it anally raped the Wii U

Dudebro Console like 360 last gen
Paid online
Is pretty much a multiplat machine
Only a few good exclusive games like Bloodborne & Yakuza
Sony fanboys are pretty cancer

He wasn't lying.
>Walking simulators and interactive movies are not games


It is a much worse console than the 360.

The 360 at least had a good controller, was powerful on release, and had really good multipalyer games.

Never ever, Nintenbros

How does a nogaems machine sell 70M units?

360 had better exclusives for the first 5 years i would say
PS4's first 5 years is almost here & it wasn't that great, if you had a PC or Xbone, you didn't miss out on too much

>PS4's first 5 years

It hasn't been four years yet.

dude the xbone is more of a nogaems machine than the fucking ps4, and that's damning


When the alternative is Xbone, nogaems is the logical choice.

I switched from PS4 to Xbox as soon as the Scorpio got announced. My line of thinking was I play multiplats 99% of the time anyway, might as well go with the better console for that.

No games? Or only the games Nintendobros so badly want to play?

We know what PS4 is getting in 2018, GOW4, maybe Detroit, Spiderman & that Zombie game

It's really not impressive

PS4 & Xbone share most games, the highest selling on both platforms are multiplats

If it's such a success why do sony fantards feel the need to shit on the switch?

Oh wait, it has no zelda or mario. So they SEETH.


Same reason anyone shits on anything here. It's successful.

Because anyone with some level of intellect can deduce that the Nintendo Switch is a much better option with far better games. Unfortunately all the braindead sheep buy the PS4 so it's sales numbers are inflated; but I suppose we wouldn't want to associate ourselves with those neanderthals anyway, so it's great that it's keeping them way from our community where true gamers reside.

They only succeeded because the competition shit the bed this gen
>Jack Tretton announces that PS+ is gonna be mandatory for multiplayer on the PS4 during E3 2013
>mfw audience claps


yeah but xbox has the least amount games
go away shitposter this thread had nothing to do with nintendo

because it's the same type of people who defend xbox paid online sony paid online and nintendo paid online


ps4 has anime tiddies

didnt want to do this
but just like nintenbros when persona 5 was shown to be ps3/ps4 only when nintendo only got a spinoff

This. The moment Microsoft pulled the whole DRM and mandatory Connect bullshit while Nintendo tried to rely purely on the Wii brand alone is moment Sony got a free lazy pass to bash their competition to win the gamer crowd.

no it all started with mircosoft fucking things up even before the xbox was a thing

This is why.

Because Sony is the laziest and most commercial, unoriginal and profit driven console maker. I hate Microsoft for what they did in 2013 as an Xbox fan but at least I appreciate the fact MS and Nintendo always try to think outside the box and keep the industry moving forward. Sony is just a useless platform always playing it safe.

And then sony fucked microsoft out of the game with the same vile tactics.
>what are some gaems where the protagonist overthrows the villain and takes his place?

This board is a PC majority and of course there are Nintendo and 2 Xbox fanboys who will naturally always hate Sony. PC users are largely upset about the success of the PS4 because of a variety of things.

Firstly PC Master Racer began as a ironic self parody but people started taking it seriously and combined with PC's low entry point and accessibility to poorfags you soon had millions of young poor teenagers who have been playing consoles all their lives, a free pass to move on up to the next level believing their hardware choices would make them inherently superior people and they ate it up. People began internalizing PCMR meme's like ''30fps is unplayable'' and ''exclusives are anti-consumer'' and that playing consoles were for ''lesser'' people.

What dinosaurs console players are huh?

To cut a long story short, PCMR fanboys and oblivious Steam shills who emerged post 2008 who've been brainwashing and building their cult since thought PC gaming was not only the future but console needed to be killed to cement it's superiority.

The PS4 alone shattered the PCMR cult's hopes and dreams by proving there is still a demand for sub $200 box that plays a ton of third party games and has compelling exclusives which justify the hardware purchase.

The PS4 forces PCMR's to realize that a digital-only PC gaming future will never materialize, AAA games developed exclusivity for PC hardware would never happen, PC would always be treated as a second-class citizen by publishers because of it's low profit margins yet incessant demand for quality and optimization, PC would miss out on tons of compelling games and since they helped Steam form a monopoly they would not only stop developing games for PC but help destroy the platform by killing the physical market for PC games then flooding it with early access shovelware while profiting off the corpse of what was left

That's why the PS4 success upsests Sup Forums because PCMR is still alive and well and in a permanent state of anguish

so you are saying sony did all the things mircosoft did you know everything mircosoft did they are still doing sony and nintendo didnt do that much compared to mircosoft and that's why pc is now pretty much the best platform because of mircoshit

you have pc gamers and then you have the *pc master race*

>but at least I appreciate the fact MS and Nintendo always try to think outside the box and keep the industry moving forward

How can one man have satya nadellas indian cock rammed so far down his throat he thinks the most cancerous company in the industry is pushing things forward by trying to start a spec war and graphical arms race with it's competition instead of developing compelling first party games for their own hardware instead of buying timed exclusivies like Microsoft dose?

This is an important distinction, just like you have console players and autistic fanboys of certains companies

Yes I agree, that is why I've specififed PCMR, I might've missed here and there but I am refferring to PCMR people specifically, I should've mentioned.

I'm a PC gamer and I was here before PCMR and I saw the cult rise with my own eyes and what it did to people and the PC platform and the attitudes it sprung at consoles and I still can't believe it happened.

>Because Sony is the laziest and most commercial, unoriginal and profit driven console maker
>I hate Microsoft for what they did in 2013 as an Xbox fan but at least I appreciate the fact MS and Nintendo always try to think outside the box and keep the industry moving forward
m8 that isn't even remotely true. Microsoft were the ones who started this absurd cash-milking with the 360. Sony lowered themselves to their level because it was working. "He who fights monsters", etc.
Also, Sony have funded/published some of the riskiest titles this gen. They've hardly played it safe.

back to Sup Forums faggot

why do you even keep coming here linux will never be a fucking thing

true my most used systems is a pc 3ds and a modded ps3

dude what

What the literal fuck of note has MS done since 2010?

>cross buy between Xbox and PC
>looking for group
>Xbox game pass
>mods on consoles
>Backwards compatibility

literally everything MS has done since they fucked up the Xbox One reveal has been pro-consumer and made console gaming better as a whole

Made Kamiya have a nervous breakdown.

Should I go out and buy a Pro for MHW? Or will just the slim do just fine?

>not waiting for the PC version

why would I wait when my friends and most people will be playing already?
no thanks, but enjoy the extra wait, user.

Enjoy having multiplayer locked behind a paywall

>literally everything MS has done since they fucked up the Xbox One reveal has been frantic damage control and made absolutely no difference to console gaming as a whole
ftfy, microsoft are responsible for sending console gaming down the crapper in the first place, they haven't even begun to repair the damage they caused

oh no, $60 for a year!? I'm going to go broke! :(

That's $5 per month. Why would that bother anyone who isn't poor?

DirectX 12 exclusivity is more anti-consumer than all of that is pro-consumer combined.

ps4 will have more players and gets the game early pc will have mods maybe private servers and look a little better

>paying to use something you already pay for
You don't need to be poor to think that's stupid

I don't pay the internet bill so fuck it. I rent out a room for cheap.

>le nogaems
>actually has the most games out of all the current consoles
doing a think

never defend paid online
but the *pc master race * dude should just leave


Because Sup Forums legit thought Sony would go bankrupt during the PS3 era and that there will never be a PS4 and if it did it would flop even harder, so the reminder that it existence and success makes Sup Forums froth from the mouth

I'm not defending it but it's just not a problem for me. I don't wanna spend over $1k on a decent PC with all the peripherals when I can just use my laptop for basic and movies (I hook it up to my 55" TV ) and consoles for gaming.

>being against paid online means you're a PCMRfag

Because Nintendogaf was sure that "there will never be a PS4, SONY is junk status".
That shit was posted nearly every day since 2009.

lrn2 reading comprehensiom

i said never defend pc master race i said the ps4 version will have more players
you can run it with about the same graphics on a 600-700 dollar set up but yeah ps4 does cost way less but pc and ps4 has it's ups and downs
just go with the flow chose what you think is best

i said never defend paid online i said the ps4 version will have more players
how did i fuck that up

>more frenchies hopping around with their baguette glaives
I'm fine with waiting

when nintendo implemented paid online two thirds of the market had embraced paid online. to miss out on such an easy moneygrab would be retarded.

i know mircosoft did it for more money then sony started eyeballing paid online for 2 generations then did it so they can get that extra cash so then nintendo sees it and then started doing it this gen
fencing is great

Because this whole gen is shit and there's no reason to own one over a PS3 other than being current

like the entire architecture behind the PS3 is abandonware now, we'll never know what that system was actually capable of

>there's no reason to own one
other than, you know, games

>flop even harder
ps3 sold 80 million units, that's not a flop

>PS3 with BC can play literally any game that had ever been on any Sony console through that entire generation
>PS4 has not-Zelda and some fighting games

>PS3 with BC can play literally any game that had ever been on any Sony console through that entire generation
And? Maybe you want to take a look at my post again and try and find where I said it wasn't worth owning a PS3
>PS4 has not-Zelda and some fighting games
First off, let's not pretend that not-Zelda didn't already exist during the PS2 era under the name Dark Cloud.
Secondly, PS4 has the sequel to great PS3 exclusives like Demon's Souls and Yakuza. It also has sequels to great Vita exclusives like Gravity Rush, and it's own new IPs like Nioh.

If the first PS4 game you think of is Horizon, it just goes to show that the shit taste is on your part.

>>If the first PS4 game you think of is Horizon, it just goes to show that the shit taste is on your part.
Holy shit this

Xbox lost Europe with their launch.
>yeah b-but just wait a year longer
And everyone here bought a PS4.

I seriously don't know what Microsoft is thinking, and who the fucking retard is that is running that company.
>whaaaat? the Switch is selling more than the Xbox one x one x -z in Europe and Japan?


Fuck everything Microsoft. Retard central.

Why would anyone be upset about something as silly and unnecessary as a game console

According to Sup Forums, it is

because they're too young or too poor to be able to afford more than one and they desperately need to justify and seek validation for their choice of platform
adults who enjoy video games happily give themselves the means to play any game that might be of interest to them

Yet the instant a PS4 game is announced for PC, you celebrate.
No games, indeed. Stupid goatfucking faggot.

PS3 won the previous generation on every level and you need extreme denial to try and dispute that. PS4 was doing the same thing to this generation thanks to corporate assassin Don "Hitman" Mattrick murdering the Xbone, however Microsoft is trying to start the next generation early with XXXboneXXX so it remains to be seen if PS4 actually turns out the winner of it was still too slow on the draw.

Cheers mate

Since when is Sup Forums ever right about anything? Sup Forums is nothing but literal retards, trolls, contrarians, Ditto-heads, Hillarity Clitlickers, and old fags too bored to leave.

np bb

Like the Switch and the Xbox One???

>why does the ps4 success upset Sup Forums
>it's the nintendobros fault
>why does the switch success upset Sup Forums
>it's the sonybros fault
this board is confirmed sony vs nintendo

>implyng its not all pcfags impersonating sonyfags and nintenfags

>PCMR is still alive and well and in a permanent state of anguish

Why are they doing this to themselves?

they won every level but sales
the wii is kinda weird and not that good

>"I'm an assmad Sonyfag who feels the need to mention Nintendo ever 5 seconds"