Hi, I like Skyrim

It's a good time

>have to install mods just to make it playable
>"Skyrim coming to Switch!"
I still haven't stopped laughing

Skyrim is the only ES game that doesn't need mods to fix the game.

Ok thanks for sharing


good joke

What do you need mods to fix?

the terrible gameplay
that aside the game suffers from pretty much the same basic (sometimes game breaking) bugs the other gamebryo games have

>the terrible gameplay
real specific stuff
cant say I expected more

>the gameplay

What specifically? What mods do you use?

Sup Forums gold is real

Mods that make gameplay better.

You've never even modded it, have you?

terrible combat
boring quests
especially bad guild questlines
tiny, instanced cities
generic ruins/cave infested by faldmer/skeletons #45523
just to name some

haven't played the game in years so i don't have a modlist to give

I did, I installed all of the mods back in the day.

There are not mods to fix any of these complaints.

feel free to ctrl+w

that's blatantly untrue
theres tons of different combat enhancements/overhauls for one
for the instanced cities open cities skyrim exists
and there are plenty of custom quest and dungeon mods too

>TK Dodge


Im going to agree with this unironicly. Try playing vanilla oblivion or morrowind again they both are fucking messes.

I enjoyed it, sure, but it really wasn't anything special. Without the Elder Scrolls name would it have recieved even HALF the praise it got?

>muh dark souls
As much as I'd love to say it's a game changer, it really isn't a saving grace when no matter how many weapons you mod in or how cool they look, they will all act the exact same way barring maybe two exceptions in the base game.

Does the Switch version support mods? I've only ever played vanilla on PS3 because I have a toaster and I feel like I've missed out on a lot.

You're completely right, and Arena to that list while your at it.

Mods can at least fix the others


Prepare To Die was a mistake


OG meme oh shit

If Skyrim had the gameplay and weapon/enemy variety of Dark Souls it would be an infinitely better game.
Prove me wrong.

The vast majority of people who have played it enjoy it as well.
Congratulations you aren't a cuntish hipster.


>"I really enjoyed playing this game to the point i bought it multiple time"
>It's complete trash though

Weapon Variety yeah, but that's because every weapon in Skyrim is the same besides swing speed and damage

Dark Souls combat works because it's essentially a duel with an enemy theoretically on equal footing as the player, but it just gets aggravating when you have to fight groups which is the norm in TES, if you want a game to take inspiration from then Mount and Blade would be way better

Enemy Variety wouldn't work either, black goo monsters and armored knights don't blend well with TES setting.

literally me

I can't say much about the Mount & Blade thing since I've never played it, but weapon variety is a huge problem because of the reasons you already said. I think the Bloodskaal Blade(?) and the final "boss" of the Dragonborn DLC's weapon are the only two in the game that act mildly different, and that's just because one shoots lasers (like a red Moonlight Greatsword oddly enough) and one has tentacles.
And the saddest thing is you can mod in all the cool looking weapons you want, download hundreds of them even. But in the end they're all going to swing and act the exact same fucking way.
When I said enemy variety I didn't necessarily mean dark souls enemies in particular. Just something to break up the monotony of bandits/draugr that plague the game's dungeons. What about reanimated giant skeletons or something? Unless I'm missing something lorewise, something like a necromancer reanimating a giant's skeleton is totally believable.