ITT: "it still hurts"

ITT: "it still hurts"

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Guild Wars 2

>Finally, the first build of Paper Mario 4 is complete! I hope Miyamoto-san likes it!

what about archeage? I'm playing right now.
Or are you talking about that shit american version with tons of p2w? Yeah, that's a shame, but that was obviously going to happen. no korean publisher gives a shit about the western market. I don't know if you've ever tried to look a little deeper than the shit, unmoderated, uncared for version you get, but the KR and jap versions of games are usually pretty fucking good. And usually free of p2w and RMT because it's equivalent to a fucking felony if you RMT without proper authorization. fun stuff. Also a lot harder to bot since you need to have a phone number tied to your account which they can easily track to you, since burners don't work



just gonna dump a few



And probably my biggest hurt

What happened?





i fail to see the fun if everywhere i go i just see moonrune speak

What went wrong?

Pay to win up the ass, whales, shittiest publisher of all time ruining a top tier mmo

is it my fault for buying into the hype, Sup Forums?

>Take everything good about gw1
>Take a massive dump all over it


Here's to you, Nicola and Bart, rest forever here in our hearts, the last and final moment is yours, that agony is your triumph...

shitty casual mmorpg with all the downsides but none of the upsides from the original

My friends and I still mourn the loss. Pay to win filth just kept getting worse and worse, then the balance went out the window. I wish I could go back, but even the playerbase is cancer now.


>expected: dante's origin story with awesome gameplay
>got: shitty reboot with so-so gameplay and emo dante

I fail to see the fun in having to pay $50 to have the same enchant rates as if I'd just played on another server with an english community of about 150 people.

You're literally fighting for survival. It's pretty great.

I still have the collectors edition box.

I'm not the only one, right?



i was scrolling through my images folder. i was about to post a picture of my doggo that died 3 years ago. but then i realized nobody would get it.

also why isnt ragnarok posted yet? i never played it (wish i did when it was at its prime, because i'd probably be able to withstand playing it. attempting to play it now feels janky) but i'd expect someone to post it. it's been like 40 minutes, come on guys. if not ragnarok, then at least Tree of Savior because of how much of a flub it turned out to be

Fuck Tekken

never heard of ragnarok going to shit

Nothing wrong with summoner. Scholar on the other hand...

you are. The lack of progress taken to advance the game past the fucking earliest alphas in terms of stability and optimization. Everyone in the world who played the alphas or betas saw that when the game essentially didn't change or grow in the backend from the earliest teasers, it wasn't gonna be fun. also that whole self-censorship with the titty sliders was dumb. REALLY dumb.

fe0 was the best. ragnarok was shit.

One of my fav games and I didn't even know there's a collector's, that shits going on my buy list

>One of my fav games

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Cube World

SC6 just has to happen. It'll be better, don't worry!

No, it's Konami's fault for being evil, squinty-eyed cunts.

I still play, but there's a few things.

The game has a veneer of polish in its execution of dynamic events, which quickly becomes stripped away once you realize they're all on timers and have very little impact on the overworld.

Lack of emphasis on guilds as a means of player organization and impact, in favour of the Living World stories and shallow single-player personal stories. Should have skipped any pretense of building up characters as special heroes and just thrown them into the world to construct their own stories. Save money on voice actors and put more work into dungeons and events.

My strongest criticism: playable races should never have extended beyond human. Developers should know by now that MMOs are dens of autists, sex-fetishists, and the socially perverse. Letting players insert themselves into fantasy races with established lore will only degrade their narrative weight when newcomers pass by an Asura named Kazuto Miyamoto ERPing with a blue-haired, bug-eyed Charr. We know human beings are dipshits, so seeing humans get up to typical MMO nonsense is a given; but if you want to protect the integrity of your NPC races, don't let players get behind the wheel.

>MMOs should only have humans

You are more autistic than anyone you described, as you are unable to see that human only always = dead MMO.

That's not true with Eve online

Once you get over it, it's actually pretty great.

>counting EVE as an example of typical themepark MMOs

>It's another episode of korean mmo goes jewish just a few months after release


do you need the expansion/buy the game to play/be competitive?

Goddamn I just want Gen 1-3. The rest can go die.

it was the chosen one tho

As you are on the losing side of the argument, I understand why you just moved the goalpost.


the expansions introduce overpowered subclasses, so if you want to do endgame or PvP, yes

gonna play this again what am i in for

every day my heart hurts a little more

>b-b-but the extended cut fixed it!

Wake up.

And yet people are still playing the original Guild Wars. Human players outnumber and overwhelm the number of NPCs in any decently-populated MMO. The tone and image of any playable race will be determined by the players. On top of that, if a game's benchmark for different races is "the smart, arrogant ones", "the war-minded ones", "the hoighty, nature-minded ones", "the brash, spiritually-minded ones", and "humans", then it's probably to the setting's benefit to just make those into sub-groups of the same playable race. Especially since there's no actual mechanical differences between any of them in-game.

At this point, yes, to be competitive. Elite specializations are just better than their base classes. You can still do PvE and have a nice time without them, though.

It still hurts my heart that I'll never be able to play this ever again.

I miss them, guys...

>playing the beta with Sup Forums
>fuckery with what items open what types of dungeons
>stacking titles and buffs for luck to make mad money early
>game goes live, f2p w/ p2w model
>suddenly filled with shits and gold spam

>here's my literal one example, which has a completely different atmosphere and way of playing than themepark MMORPGs, therefore I win, goalposts!

At least you confirmed you're way more autismo than any of the people you mentioned.

Now you're just doing damage control

What do you know about hurt?

Still stings.

How is the Korean version any less p2w than the English version? It's the same shit.

But, the main problem with the game is how ridiculously large the power gap potential for gear can be. You can have a guy with decent gear vs a guy with top tier gear and the guy would literally do no damage.

IT fucking hurts and i killed what I loved, it had so much potential, but they fucking ruined it.

so pvp/wvw not viable being f2p?

>we were finally going to the moon
like tears in rain

dead game

wvw is zerg tactics, so you can just hop on the train without being spec'd out. pvp probably won't fare as well.

If you keep tossing out buzzwords, you might eventually land on one that fits the situation. Last (You) from me, ya sperglord.

Why have I never heard that remix before? It's really nice, but boy, I now see what you mean.

damn this game used to be fun as hell, i remember those NHAA rooms. But isn't Rumble Fighter still around but just under a different publisher?

It played on the game's website when it was up. It sounds so celebratory, too.


It's starting to get to be fall weather. I just want to open my windows, put some sweats on and to a taskforce but I fucking can't

Fuck you.

It's around, but the playerbase is dead and all there is is moon and NHAA. Don't get me wrong, I love some moon. I think some of my favorite moments of my playtime have been in moon.

But there's just... too much moon. Not enough variety. NHAA is boring as fuck, only good if you have friends in it.

>you will never come home from school and get bodied by Malta ever again

The biggest argument for humans only is that devs don't need to make armor sets for several models, just male/female.

Cute outfits > playing your fursona or fuccboi elf

At least those gunslinger assholes are in hell now.

God damn it this could have been Armored Core/Custom Robo Online. Now its just Gotchapon Simulator. The Beta was soooo good.

Koreans believe in capitalism and classicism culture especially in video games.
Play any Korean multiplayer game. FPS games for example. The best guns are P2W. The best characters are expensive as fuck. If you go full F2P you'll be grinding hundreds of hours for garbage F2P nerfed shit.
Can't wait until those slanty eyed fucks get nuked.

and the Knives of Artemis with their FUCKING CALTROPS

>"fresh""start" server goes up
>crashes for 24 hours
>bots take all the prime land anyway
>queue for 16 hours
>get some decent land, not prime ever
>hit lvl50 and pvp with same tier gear retards like myself
>tryhards hit lvl55 in 2 days
>same tryhards get max gear within a month
>game becomes unplayable
>community manager is still a tranny who cant do shit right
>servers shit themselves randomly
>another 5 year old hack from korea nobody fixed
>hack isnt revealed/fixed until days before everyone quits the game
It's a fucking endless cycle with Trino and Archeage, I fucking swear to god is trino retarded

Will it ever stop hurting?

what ruined the game was trion doing stupid decisions, not p2w

it was p2w from the start, dumb weebposter-kun

Homestuck's Ending

Weird that in an era full of MMORPGs there isn't one free one that's decent enough to play. We never got enough people playing Twin Saga and the group has kinda died out.

Maple Story 2 is still unknown at this time.

Imagine making a decent game and scrapping it because it didn't instantly make you a billion dollars. OH WAIT THATS DAWNGATE

Stupid Walter faggot detected.

I just wanted Golden 2+1 that would finish the story, not a "dude where is my car?" game set on a magical world.

Fuuuck. That hurts

I will never not be assblasted over what the final product turned out to be.
Tfw you will never play in a 3D underwater environment, create some kind of cephalopod monstrosity and crawl your way onto the beach, evolving it to conquer terrestrial life.


fuck man, I had already forgotten

Scholar isn't that bad. The new abilities are mostly wasted on the already strained aetherflow stacks, losing leeches is sort of annoying for older content, and you actually need to worry about MP now, but it's nowhere near as bad as summoner's downright shitty dps and insane rotation.

all i wanted was a dev team that wasn't pants on head retarded

Why did you have to remind me