Do we even know or care what this game is anymore...

Do we even know or care what this game is anymore? I stopped caring about it like 7 months ago after MGSV was a total shitshow. And from what I can tell by recent news, we still know exactly as much about it as we did back then. More proof that Kojima is a hack and Konami was right all along.

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>Kojima is a hack
What was your first clue?

we know joost is in it. and thats all that matters

You thirsty faggots are exactly why MGSV failed. The game would've been a million times better if Kojimbo actually did work instead of oggling his bimbo waifu

Kojima has been a hack since the end of MGS4. Nobody will fess up to it, but I realized it when he outed Hayter for Sutherland. He only cares about becoming a hollywood Big Shot now.

Joost /ourqueen/ is gonna be in it, that's enough reason to get it.

>Its enough reason to contribute to the celebrity cancer killing the industry because I say so and i cant control my hormones over a woman i can't ever have.

Neuter yourself and swallow your dick already. Its not like you'll ever use it you waste of space.


I'm going to ask. How much time do a company need to make a video game? It's about to 4 to 8 years. More or less depending the case. So if 1 guy is making some sound about his game that is not even in planing stage, please stop being a retarded faggot saying:"why I don't know more about this game, hurt hur why he doesn't show anything?, he is a fraud!!" There's is nothing to show period. I don't know if he is a lair or not but use your fucking head

>I don't know if he is a lair or not but use your fucking head

Evil geniuses have lairs, that doesn't mean they ARE lairs you racist biggot.

i think with ttp and mgsv kojima said they had the game ready to ship exactly after peacewalker was out but they wanted to release the game on next gen consoles and ps3 so waited

I think most of the time was wasted on making the fox engine

feel the exact same way desu


Theres clearly a capital A there

w-why is Miyamoto-san evil?


But what does it mean?

>MGSV was a total shitshow

maybe you should play a game before you say its shit.

>4-8 years
yea, if you're a fucking 'sape. Real men take 20 years to make a game

Since Sony is paying for it I just expect something really generic and story-driven despite Kojima saying "LOL NEW GENRE THE VIDEOGAME TO VIDEO ALL GAMES"

I did, I spent my entire fucking year hyped as shit for MGSV, got it on PS3 when it launched, and promptly got disappointed when the entire game decided to take place in boring bumblefuck africa with little tiny outpost missions, and unskippable annoying credits before every single mission. And ifo the retarded additions to the story to legitimize peace walker weren't bad enough, they didnt even make an effort to finish the thought by leaving out an entire chunk of unfinished chapter nonsense that never even got DLC.

>I spent my entire fucking year hyped as shit for MGSV

pretty pathetic about any game.

>entire game took place in Africa

>left out a chapter

it was cut early in development

And thats an excuse? You're going to have to try a lot harder if you're going to insist on convincing me otherwise, because I've got a metric ton of uranium grade autism to splurge about what they did to my favorite series, and elimnating stealth in favor of call of duty style military warfare where you can just run up and shoot the fuck out of everyone is just the tip of the ice berg.

im excited that kojima is finally going to give us a proper female protagonist

You could do that in some of the other games as well.

A 3rd person game about sticks and rope.

>7 months ago

thats the problem with people and media consumption these days
yer all impatient faggots
its all falvour of the week then the next big thing the next week

fuck you fucking little faggots ''

fuck you fuck you fuck you!

I lost faith in Kojima after he cancelled ZOE3 because the shoddy PS3 version of ZOEHD didn't sell. MGSV opened my eyes completely to the whole "Hackjima" thing and I have not once been interested in Death Stranding.

>Be patient

For what? I agree with you for the most part but its been over a year and we haven't seen a single bit of gameplay. No engine, no controls, no direction NOTHING. All we know is norman reedus and Joost are characters and it involves a naked man with a baby. Why the fuck would I be hyped for this?

Idk why it bothers me so much when known actors faces are just straight up modelled in makes me not want to play it..

it takes more than a year to get gameplay that can be shown publicly, unless your game is incredibly simple

Okay somebody explain this relationship to me, is he hitting that or what? Isn't he married with a kid who hated metal gear? There were so many documentaries of Hideo working with joosten off camera and how much he idolizes her like some reverse weaboo with jap idols, but whats the actual story here?

Quiet was easily the worst part of MGSV because she took up more than half the game with story about a mute nobody cared about for anything other than Tits n ass, and her character was fucking stupid. Really? she has to be half naked because shes a plant? Thats the best you can come up with to justify your boner kojima? Come the fuck on.

And now shes suddenly a main actress in his next big project? Awfully suspicious.

Which is exactly why you don't showcase anything until the year and a halof mark. Any good company knows that. People show something when they have an actual project to show, not fucking concept art and a cryptic trailer. I swear kickstarter has ruined this industry.

Same. I play games for fantasy interpretations of characters that are franchise-able and recognizeable, not to self insert as some creepy human dude who actually exists, Thats just wrong.

>why you don't showcase anything until the year and a halof mark. Any good company knows that.
youd be a shitty business person.
the game is literally getting free marketing because it was announced with a teaser

The game's moral will be that you are stupid and pathetic for playing video games.

Why do autists care about her so much? She's cute but not anything special and her character in MGS5 was completely forgettable apart from being fap bait.

>Do we
Sorry, I don't associate myself with faggots and mouthbreathers. I'm looking to another MGS V-tier embarrassment, just to see what the kojimadrones say, or if they even have the balls to show up at all.

Cleveposting just seems stale now that the game's out and it's as bad as everybody expected.

>Joost /ourqueen/
Do you have to type like a sack of turds, though?

Is it actually bad? I wasn't sure how it was doing after the hype from the release died down


Her face is off

>I stopped caring about it like 7 months ago after MGSV was a total shitshow
So when it was announced?

Hello, reddit.

Pretty much. I'll care again when we get some actual information and not this cryptic OH MY GOD KOJIMA HAS A NEW GAME dickriding.

Stop posting in memes and deflecting to reddit when you don't want to hear how much of a shit you are.

Neither have I, but I heard it's unbalanced, broken, illogical and has a bad mix of art styles that range from anime to 3D pre renders.

Take from that what you will, gentle user.