whats the greatest videogame secret?
Whats the greatest videogame secret?
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quick rundown
Why couldn't that guy spell at all?
>spent over 900 hours on DS1
>never encountered one
what the fuck i thought i saw it all
Is that Skullface?
If we knew what it was it wouldn't be the greatest secret anymore.
I did like how other dimension Luigi had detail on his clothes while the Luigi you play as looked more cartoony.
the greatest secret is obviously something we haven't found yet.
the leftover characters in virtua fighter 1 arcade was pretty huge.
it came out in 1993 when 3d was new and we just found the beta siba character and several proto tekken characters in the game in 2016.
Is this where you hide the games?
Speaking of,
That rainbow coin that was found just a month ago in Donkey Kong 64
Though I just like it because it rendered all 100% runs invalid.
Here's and XD, bro. Free of charge
that was supposed to be for TV connection, right?
There was the dev mode in the MK2 mame as well discovered recently. Probably a shitton of TCRF-style material in a lot of earlier MAME roms, but the tools for sniffing it all out isn't remotely as convenient as it is with console emulators.
>getting angry in defense of the vita
>current year
You sure he's the one you wanted to reply to there, champ?
Who knows? It's still a secret.
Alternatively, maybe that one for that Trials or whatever game that we'll all be dead for the conclusion of.
Excuse me?
How's it found?
Can't believe every inch of the game's maps just hadn't been explored until last month
You need to do a crystal ground pound as DK in some tall grass. With the panel being hidden, and DKs pound costing a crystal to use, nobody would really think to use it on some random grass patch.
It was only found because of data miners combing through the map data.
The hundreds of hours I put into this game and I only think I've seen one (Maybe two but I can't place what area I saw the second one in so I might be misleading myself). I only got a Twin Humanities like in this video, but I guess the real reward is being able to see one at all.
Wasn't there a FF9 sidequest people only discovered a year or so ago?
That or the Arkham City teaser in Arkham Asylum. If I recall the devs had to tell people about it after City was already announced just so people would find out about it at all.
>whats the greatest videogame secret?
nintendo's fanbase has crippling peter pan syndrome
It's all I see anymore
Wait. There isnt supposed to be a guy there right.
Redpill me on this im interested and I cant find anything
In MGS5 Skullface tells you he was apparently following behind Naked Snake through all of Operation Snake Eater, basically cleaning up after him.
This was a profoundly stupid revelation, and that picture is shopped. As a joke.
The purpose of DS1's pendant
That video games can actually be fun. Most people don't know that
So stupid. I remember accidently figuring that out when I was like 8 years old. And I know I'm not the only kid who figured it out.
For these self absorbed speedrunning losers to have their heads shoved so far up their own asses to believe THEY are the first ones to find that "secret" is beyond me. Fucking beyond me. They're just looking for anything to feel special about. That's why the whole "hobby" of speedrunning was invented. For losers to feel special.
It ain't do shit
I hope Odyssey has hidden shit like this, like you have to jump into a well or fall into a specific pit that leads to a secret
sauce on model pls
I don't know the context of this image, but I have played this part in MGS3 and just thinking about it this is actually kind of scary. Like just imagining going through this section climbing and suddenly there's a guy following you up the ladder. You keep climbing up but the section is so long that you just have to watch the guy as he chases after you. Maybe he climbs a bit faster than you do so he's getting a little bit closer every second. And when he gets you it's instant game over. So all you can do is keep climbing. Fuck it's like something out of a horror game. I think I'm giving myself a panic attack.
>Who are you?
>I'm you, but stronger.
Just grab the sides and slide down into him at full speed
no u
But seriously, you have autism.
Exactly, I remember finding this when I was around 7 years old. The feeling of the raised object was too suspicious for me. So I'm just glad I knew about something and everyone is memeing about it like its gold or something.
playable luigi has the same internal bone structure as mario, it's just his model and textures overlaid on mario's skeleton. if you look closely you'll see his arms and legs are shorter than npc luigi's
>luigi has the same internal bone structure as mario, it's just his model and textures overlaid on mario's skeleton
eeew ru fuckin serious
the speccy emulator in Rare games.
We probably don't know it.
I've around a thousand hours and I've only seen two. But I'm a lucky one, if you ask on /dsg/ peeps like aren't rare at all. Vagrants really are a fucking rare thing and the more time passes the rarer they will become.
Jesus fucking Christ.
Mew glitch in pokemon red/blue.
Runner up: naboo starfighter in rogue squadron
I've seen one in maybe 6-700 hours.
right ;)
>x files theme starts playing
But fucking WHY
>years of playing game and never see one
>finally one spawns in Duke's Archives
>is on one of those bookshelves that is a pain in the ass to get to and is blasting me with 1HKO attacks.
GTA V hidden jetpack could be pretty neat.
Although it would be fucking retarded if they never put it in the game because they were planning to release it in DLC
That's a bullshit Easter Egg.
I read the comments and it had to be some insider leaked bullshit and get advertisement and YouTube views.
>Wasn't there a FF9 sidequest people only discovered a year or so ago?
In the west, yeah. It was detailed in a Japanese strategy guide, so they knew about it all along