>draw a girl
>call it a boy
Why is this allowed in games?
Draw a girl
why not?
Remove sissy white bois.
how does one draw a gender identity?
How does one manage to be this stupid?
your post is one word away from being deleted in an instant
>ghost deleting threads
bad mods
>ywn fuck a cute girl(male) in her asspussy
why life?
Already have.
>not transitioning to female to be a transbian
>not having a harem of thirsty traps lusting for you
>not breaking atleast 4 hearts every time you date one of them
What's wrong with you?
go on
u can do it user
i belive
uh idk, iv been on hormones for about 3 years now and all the cute trannies i know crush on me for my personality and my unusual breast and ass size.
Honestly transitioning was the best thing i have ever done.
your voice is cute af. talk more or post pics
The real question is why it's allowed in the first place.
>Why is this allowed in games?
It's allowed because companies and groups have little restrictions when it comes to content.
you sound adorable! talk about lewd things~
>constantly wonder if I'm actually trans or it's just AGP or just a mix of other problems
add me on discord if u ever wanna talk to someone about it
do it cutie!
>Honestly transitioning was the best thing i have ever done.
We'll see about that after 20 years. Remember; you can fool yourself only for so long. There's a reason trans people commit so much suicides.
I'm expecting massive amounts of trans suicides when the 90s trannies reach their 40s.
Post penis size
>the pill popping mentally ill freaks are here
Fuck this thread.
>There's a reason trans people commit so much suicides.
i have a long copy pasta about why other trannies suicide and none of the reasons affect me.
It was either transition or suicide 3 years ago and my life is already 100x better.
Every time I see this post I always think to Ramza from Dissidia. That is not a dude
>cute trannies i know
Nice LARP, nerd
>create culture of harassing trans people
>wonder why trans people kill themselves
4.8 flaccid 7.5 erect. Might be a lil les since on hormones, might be only like 7.2 now or so. Its still really thick however.
you were either going to transition or kill yourself? what's your problem
Your voice is very cute and you sound like a very sweet person.
I hope your day is going well.
show your "unusual breast size"
Wait I mistyped, I meant "post penis"
>I have a gf
why are the cute trannies always taken..
I like to think of gender confused "people" as weak.
The change seems to occur most in "people" between the age of 8 and 20, when the human body is most into it's stage of growth, when hormones are surging and the mind is most unstable.
The desire to switch gender usually comes from the idea that the grass is greener on the other side, for the majority it is that they wish to become a woman, so they never have to grow up, so that they can remain childish and mothered by other people - so that they never have to go through adulthood. Lazy, selfish. I find most traps are incredibly narcissistic too, victims of their own complex now that they have designed, in a way, their dream girl, having given up looking for her, they become her, then wear her like a corpse over their real identity, and act as her, fooling others.
Having others see you as what you want is manipulation, it does not matter how you put it, and traps are sly, damaged "people" who live through manipulation of themselves and their surroundings.
Even on the Internet they try their best to be feminine through their misguided view of women (":3" spam, etc).
You are a failed male.
You will not escape this in the eyes of people who don't sympathize with your immaturity and failure
I hate this. I hate traps. I hate people who meme about "hurr durr traps arent gay".
Are you daft?
Gender dysphoria made me extremely suicidal living as a man. Decided to give transition a chance before an heroing and im glad i did.
only showing cleavage shot
because everyone wants to be with a cute tranny?
good post
Maybe you just want to be a cute girl because then people will like you
t. assmad tranny
Enjoy wrecking your hormones and killing yourself
You seem cool for delivering, I just wanted to see if you were lying cheers
What's with this pussy suicidal shit? I'd sooner kill someone else before I'd ever off myself.
they willfully choose to be disgusting abominations and force their repulsive shit onto normal fucking people, they should be lucky they aren't euthanized for being the mistakes they are
We accept trannies enough as it is in western countries.
My post wasn't about acceptance, it was about the fact that your biological clock will make you hate yourself some day. Some day you'll wake, watch yourself in the mirror and realize that your body is decaying and no amount of money (that normal people can afford anyway) can change that.
In the end, it's all about what's inside your head either trannies become so fucked up in the head that they will push through to their 60s or become depressed and kill themselves before they reach their 40s.
If you're somewhere south in the UK I'll give you a "boyfriend" if you know what I mean
Oh look ANOTHER SWB thread
im not suicidal anymore. its simply why i decided to transtion
This post is a lot of projection from an obviously beta male who thinks everyone who transitions is the same as him. How silly.
Also, for the sake of argument, why would a failed male not just transition anyways if they "failed at being male".
That was pretty good
How'd you train your voice? I have a friend who has been doing hormones for a while (about a year) and she doesn't wanna go through with it.
Sissy faggots need to be castrated.
Is your GF also a tranny?
Wow you sound like a closet/self hating tranny.
because choosing to transition makes them a failure
>Draw a boy
>Call it a girl
Why ISN'T this allowed in games
>100% truthful posts
>h-haha, no u b-beta
please yourselves sooner rather than later, disgusting trannies
basically what you want to do is project your voice from the back of your throat above the adams apple instead of projecting your voice through your chest. This is because male resonance comes from the larynx, so you want to bypass it by not having your voice go through it. Once you are able to project your voice from there its not going to sound good at first and it takes a lot of practice but thats how i did it.
at the moment. Ex gf had a vagina
I was a failure no matter what desu. Im 5'5 and a half, i was always weak and feminine, gentle personality, overly emotional, not interested at all in male hobbies, etc etc. I was just lying to myself thinking i was ever going to be a real man.
It's no rocket science to figure out these things
Speaking about things as they are doesn't make me a "a closet/self hating tranny."
I'm a fag. I fuck men
Wow man you are so fucking woke.
>not interested into man hobbies
>on Sup Forums
>Im 5'5 and a half
All manlets should transition. You made the right choice voice user
It's a masquerade, an elaborate game of pretend. If it's enough for some people then good on them.
>i was always weak and feminine, gentle personality, overly emotional, not interested at all in male hobbies, etc etc
Yes, because liking cars and lego makes you a man. Also
Fucking attention whore, just kill yourself, brain damage faggot
I got nothin against fucking a cute trap while they're young and supple but their expiration date is very short.
At least with women they can go into milf status, but once a tranny enters his 30s, fucking GG no RE on that shit, it's fucking over. There is no such thing as an actual trap or passable tranny above the age of 30
>only boys play video games
This isn't the 90s grandpa.
>Yes, because liking cars and lego makes you a man
>missing the rest of my post
And like i said, video games are not an inherantly male hobby. These days i mostly play comfy games like animal crossing, zelda, stardew valley, or mobas where i can be a healslut.
I'm sorry user did you want attention too?
Good, the trash takes itself out
how would you rate yourself on a 1-10 scale based on passing alone
>p-please give me attention
You freaks need to be took out back and shot, i am glad we still beat fags around here.
>doesn't post dick pics
We posting Tomboys?
>There is no such thing as an actual trap or passable tranny above the age of 30
I know 2.
if 10/10 is everyone always assumes im a girl and a 0/10 is hulk hogan i would say a 9 or a 9.5. Havent had anyone think i was anything but a girl in over a year. I met an old doctor the other day who had known me since i was 13, last seeing me 3 years ago, and not only did he not recognize me he thought i was a girl for sure and kept asking my was i
if you dont want to give me attention stop replying to me. How new are you?
gf says i belong to her so no. cleavage is only ok because everyone already sees my cleavage irl
>I know 2.
Wow that's some fucking fantastic evidence you've provided there buddy. Post the pics, I'm genuinely curious to see this.
gotta agree with tyrone on this one
>im not an attention whore I swear
>hijacks the thread
>It's a masquerade, an elaborate game of pretend. If it's enough for some people then good on them.
Yes. I don't give a shit as long as they keep it normal and to themselves, but they can't, since most of them are fucked up. Lots of gay people look down on trannies too.
can you elaborate on what dysphoria is actually like because I'm confused if that's what I'm feelin or not
I just want to like myself
>it's another episode of that same attention whore tranny hijacking a thread
$10 says he made the thread too
>gf says i belong to her so no.
My gf is 34 and still passes easily.
>these beta orbiters are so beta that they don't even orbit actual girls but granny attentionwhores
whats with these fag threads? Sup Forums has a real problem with feeding attention whores
shes 30
the other one you will have to give me a little bit i dont have any pics of her saved but she goes by faye on mtfg and she is 35
sorry user
i never claimed to not be an attention whore. I have a histronic personality disorder and my gf is at work so im bored.
What is normal and to themselves?
I get the feeling these worthless faggots and anime posters are the same people
>sorry user
stop replying to the freak
I have reason to believe it's 50% Fujo fantasy and 50% fags
Do you often get aroused by looking at yourself in the mirror or fondling your girlparts
Just wondering if shemales dont feel a need to look at porn anymore
>Nearly 100 replies
>No porn
Only reason I even clicked this, wtf are you all doing
that's clearly a man, baby
>draw a boy
>call it a girl
Why is this allowed in western games?
>Faye on MTFG.
Oh lord