Bungie doubles down on shader fuckery
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What's wrong with this?
The fuck do they mean by shaders, does it make your PC graphics better?
Just call it what it is, a fucking palette swap
So to confirm every game where cosmetics are not permanent is a shit mechanic correct?
apart from it being brazenly anti-consumer to hold content hostage behind a roulette wheel and introducing pointless obsolescence?
yes. you're retarded for even asking.
no you dumb pc player
Shaders are the armor color
in destiny 1 you use one and it changes all your armor pieces color,now it's the opposite,you pick your helmet and a shader and it change only the helmet
wow, its pretty stupid that those graphics programmers would rip off bungie's term like that
Luke Smith is a corporate faggot who will shill anything his company does.
He should be ignored and mocked for the corporate cock goblin that he is.
They mean skins, or color swaps, but for some reason Bungie and all of their fans are retarded and call them shaders.
In his 1up days any game that wasn't Halo was trash and he was really obnoxious about it.
What did they do? Is the system different from Destiny 1?
>apart from it being brazenly anti-consumer to hold content hostage behind a roulette wheel and introducing pointless obsolescence?
People had their chance to revolt against this shit when TF2 introduced the Mannconomy and they didn't. They had more chances to revolt against this with CS:GO, Dota 2, Overwatch, and other games. They didn't.
It may be "unethical" and "anti-consumer," but the market has chosen to be OK with roulette wheels for cosmetic skins for the past several years. Don't like it? Too bad.
They're 1 time consumables and only work on 1 piece of armor instead of all of them at once.
Wow, a color palette for a pistol is sure an anti-consumer mechanic.
they used to be infinite use and could be applied to several parts. now they are one-time use items, so you need several to even get a cohesive color across your armor, and once you change gear they are thrown out with the equipment.
is this a troll by these devs? shaders are pallet swaps/skins now?
First, they came for my skins, and I did not speak out...
Remember when games had built in cheat codes, then they parted that off to purchasable DLC?
How is this any different from grinding in other games?
>you are required to like it because its too late to complain
what makes you think we haven't been complaining for years?
how is it acceptable in any other games?
Basically Shaders used to be infinite use. Now they're consumables and only affect one piece of gear. In a loot and shoot.
Also there's something about microtransactions but I don't know too much about that
I like the individual armor option, that i'm totally ok with, but the 1 time use consumable is bullshit. Seeing as they did that, there is no point of using shaders until you get that one specific piece of gear you want and you have to farm god knows where just for that specific shader over and over again.
The idea of different shaders for each piece gear is awesome, but they executed it poorly.
>Using a holocaust poem in reference to video games
who cares, if people are mad as fuck for fucking colors they need to revaluate their boogie bodytypes first
I'm sorry, are you seriously asking why grinding is a part of video games?
>what makes you think we haven't been complaining for years?
Because if you were, this shit would have been stopped dead in its tracks when TF2 introduced the Mannconomy, just like how paid mods for Skyrim were quickly rescinded after the immense backlash. Ironic, since the acceptance of the Mannconomy was the acceptance of paid mods.
You've had your chances, you've made your bed. Lie in it or don't play Destiny 2, either decision doesn't matter to Bungie because they'll make shitloads of money with or without you.
nowadays it's more like you get a roughsketch of the monalisa and you add the paint and details with DLC
i'm sorry, are you seriously trying to pass that off as an argument?
cheat codes aren't even a thing anymore, saints row sold them but after that I've never seen anyone attempt to do it, they just don't include cheats
aw those poor jews
they succeed because of fagposts like yours user
And how is this different from painting armor in other games? Almost every game has one-time use ink for armor. I mean, I get what you're trying to say here, but considering this game is mostly about showing off your e-penis to friends and foes, I get what they are trying to do here with the shaders here.
Something isn't adding up here.
Sorry, I should have put a trigger warning for delicate faggots like you.
name 70
Grinding is a necessary evil to ensure any game is properly padded out in content. Hate it all you want, if they gave you everything to use right from the start, you would be bored within a few days.
really activates those almonds
Only happens when the game is shit.
>what is actual good content?
>what is difficult content?
are you actually so braindead that the only gameplay you can imagine is doing the same thing over and over, and then praising the devs for forcing you to?
Sounds like they want to fuck with OCD people who don't want mismatched armor piece colors
>they succeed because of fagposts like yours user
Do they? I stopped playing TF2 in 2009 when they introduced hats and changed the drop system for weapons. I've never played CS:GO, Dota 2, Overwatch, PUBG, or any other game with loot crate cancer. I never even played the original Destiny and I don't care about Destiny 2.
The people that play the aforementioned games have had plenty of opportunities to speak up and say "no, this is bullshit, fuck you." Yet they lap it up. The only thing responsible for their success are the enablers that accepted the nickel and diming.
So it's like Warhammer Online's dyes? Are they tradable?
I'll just copy and paste a list of MMOs and RPGs, and you get to pick 70 from it.
sorry you're still at 0
No one is praising it, but you damn well know without grinding, a vast majority of all games be rendered crap by how short it is.
I've played multiplayer games for 1000's of hours even though I had access to the entire arsenal from the beginning.
I don't know why you think that
Here you go, senpai.
So do you think you're entitled to the best possible loot in Diablo as soon as you start the game?
>long and bad is preferable to short and great
still at 0. tell you what, don't worry about it. i accept your apology.
Name 1000.
>dyes are called shaders
>bullet spread is called bloom
>recoil is called kick
Why do bungie/halofags insist on being so different? It's like smashfags and the retarded terms they use compared to the rest of the FGC.
you know I can't do that
but I guess grinding is a necessary evil if people want a place to hang out and a cosmetic sense of progression instead of a skill based one
I say skill in terms of technical proficiency and not icons
they called it bloom when they added it to reach when 343 took over
Shader is at least the technical term. The rest is stupid.
Not nearly as stupid as League of Legends' "snare"s though.
The act of giving colour to armour isn't called "dying".
Other games call it Bloom too. Spread often refers to how wide the spread of the shot is, not how innacurate it'll become with continued shooting. Bloom makes more sense. Overwatch uses bloom too.
What are you talking about? It uses recoil. I'm playing the game right now and it says "reduced recoil".
Are you making stuff up to be angry at a game you don't even play?
user, grinding does exactly that. Gives player that sense of progression. Seeing your numbers rise up with every new piece of gear/skill/stat makes players think they're progressing through the game and it drives the player forward as it fuels the player's obsession to max those numbers out. Not to mention the boner one gets when an incredibly rare loot drops.
And others enjoy the progression system, it's not a hard concept
The problem is that they broke something Destiny 1 did right for the sake of grinding (and microtransactions apparently).
Quick question, do they sell shaders at the Eververse store?
Because that would be hilarious.
Pretty sure "bloom" is spread increase and not spread itself.
so if you don't want to grind for them you can buy them?
if not, why are you complaining?
Nah, they didn't break it. They just followed industry standards, that's all.
Nothing in the game can be traded with other players.
That's not a good thing.
Then stop making it industry standard in the first place by supporting such practices.
I didn't get it because I was afraid that they were gonna pull a stunt like this. I'm just disappointed.
Yes because only I can stop it. I already have but it means nothing when millions of people still support it.
have you seen this fucking industry? that is a synonym for breaking.
if you aren't shaming people for their complicity, you aren't helping enough
it's fucking cosmetics
calm down
still doesn't stop d2 from being d1 with new models tho lol
>hur dur cosmetics don't count
There's a lot of changes I like in D2 but this is one of the absolute worst. Only getting 3 uses per drop AND costing money to apply them is retarded. Shaders used to be a thing to earn, and this cheapens the feeling of accomplishment when you get a new one that's not from the store.
There's exclusive ones, but what you get is random and you can get them without paying cash
Look, let's be real here. You are not their target audience. No matter how much you bitch and moan and don't buy the game, it doesn't matter. They never expected you to buy it or support it, because they don't have to. Your opinions and money does not mean anything to them. You are quite literally a nobody compared to the vast millions of paying customers that bought and support their game. You can only ride the waves, or just give up and go do something else. Because there is not a damn thing in the world you can do to stop it from ever happening again.
someone post it
thats exactly it. nobody cares in OW, CSGO, PUBG, DOTA or whatever either
Thankfully we can still get upset about it online, and maybe we can convince others not to support this. It's the little things.
"With D2 We want statements like "I want to run the raid, trails, or go back to titan to get more of it's shader"
This is seriously the best they can come up with?
Shit even call of duty has a better solution to this and it's just straight up weapon challenges. Even if it's something as simple as "Get 100 headshots to earn this shader" It's way better than "Hurr i gotta play this map 10 more times and hope for a RNG drop so i can unlock a camo"
I would honestly respect them more if they just came out and said it was for money instead of pretending it was a (dumb) game design choice.
In every scenario possible Character/Weapon specific challenges and rewards would've been a better setup for players to earn Permanent shaders and or weapon ornaments.
This industry deserves another crash.
they really don't
why not?
I love how FUCKING SHADERS are the one thing this community decides to take a stand on
Then why would they make players grind for it? If anything the lootbox craze has proven that cosmetics are incredibly important.
Nice MMO.
People like to look good. I guess that's where the line is drawn.
Because it the first game it was one of the few things you could personalize and serves as bragging rights
yes, it taps into your PUBG folder for ReShade and allows you to get more colors
>were you one of the 10million who bought that game, user?
Why not just call them fucking skins? this triggers the shit out of me. they're not shaders.
They are still one time consumables which is the dumbest thing ever
I haven't played destiny yet but shaders sound more like clothes dyes from MMOs rather than skins.
Because "shader" sounds unique and the term sticks to you even if you hate it.
shader is the actual technical term, these are much more than a texture, they define how material applied to a model works
so hierarchy looks like
why are they called shaders when they're just colors
Yeah, good job there. I can already feel you making a difference against all the many 'industry standards' that's plaguing the video game industry by bitching on an image board. 10/10, you're doing great!
because it doesn't have any effect on gameplay or anything competitive in nature
It makes them sound more unique and worth the money spent on it. I mean, anyone can have skins for their characters like a pleb, but do you have "SHADERS"?
what are these, like filters or something? like the crt ones on emulators?