It's been exactly 20 years

>It's been exactly 20 years
>No one cares
What happened?

I mean they could've at least released something about the remake.

I wonder how much it would cost to get those tiddies

The Square that made FFVII isn't the same company. The remake won't be anywhere near as good as the original and will be full of all the cancer current Square games are full of. How anybody on Sup Forums could be exited for this game is beyond me.

>never really play FF7
>Go back as an adult
>It's amazing
But for some reason, I don't know if it will translate to the modern day very well. I can't quite put my finger on why a graphics update will hurt it.

The original FFVII's artstyle had that classic 90s look to it, and anime in general looked much batter back then. Square's artstyle now is weeb beyond belief and everybody will be a prettyboy and the gilrs will be even more moe than they were before. FFVII remake is going to be very underwhelming.

Its clear as day that it will be awful. Why couldnt they just remastered everything like Crash? It would have been cheaper and safer sell for the company.

>How anybody on Sup Forums could be excited for this game is beyond me.
Well, user. There's something called being happy about being alive and not being a cynical fucking prick (such as yourself) that many people outside of Sup Forums experience on a daily basis.

I'll be buying the remake, simply because I don't really fucking care about your sad/depressed opinion and I'll formulate my own once I play the game. So fuck you, you degenerate piece of shit and waddle in your own pessimism some more. But I ask you kindly, can you prevent your fingers from typing please? Because I'm pretty sure, nobody gives three fucks about your shitty opinion, and you're simply wasting energy that could be utlized elsewhere, by other human beings that contribute more to this planet, than your lowly sack of shit ass.

They already did, fuckface.

So many kids have never even heard of Tifa. They can't understand how she was a great example of a strong, independent and attractive female, video game character.

People like you are part of the reason games aren't as good as they once were, you're way too easily pleased with the meager scraps you're fed, like all the other braindead normies out there. You're so unbelievable upset, and I think it's because deep down you fully understand just how correct I am in my assessment. We're in a rather shitty age of gaming that doesn't hold a candle to what it once was, with the exception of a few gems.

Square sadly isn't one of them, and the new FFVII remake WILL be vastly inferior, as will KH3. Only normies without taste such as yourself will be satisfied, that or you'll just lie to yourselves.

Played FF7 for the first time this year and the graphics definitely lend themselves to the atmosphere of the game.

>>No one cares
I'm replaying it right now, planning on doing everything and leveling all the relationship with Tifa.

We haven't see that much about the remake.

To be honest, the only reason I'd get this is to just fap to Tifa, Aeris, and Yuffie. Everything else about it will be so underwhelming and shit. Especially the combat.

Honestly, good. Tifa is too good for modern degenerates.

There aren't enough pure-gril-next-door-dresses-like-a-whore characters

I think he meant no one at square cares.

I actually replayed FF7 last year and it definitely hasn't aged well mechanically. I'm cautious, but welcome to an attempt at a remake.

All the older titles, as well as IX aged way better. The materia system just isn't very good and neither are any of the fights.

>hasn't aged well mechanically
What exactly?

We don't know to see anything to know it's not going to be as good as the original. Only a handful of game companies maintained the quality they once held. Look at FFXIII and FFXV, now tell me Square is remotely competent enough to give FFVII the justice it deserves? Square's fundamentally changed from what they used to be, and the FFVII everybody knew and loved will never come back, the game we'll get will be a zombie version of a game that's simply well polished.

We don't need to see anything*

FFVII is one of my favorite games of all time, but please don't remind me that the Remake is coming. Everyone knows Enix is going to fucking destroy what good was left in FFVII by going after the original game after fucking up its continuity for so long.

Seriously, this fucking blows, I legitimately do not want this remake to come out because it's going to be fucking awful. They literally do not have the staff for it. FFVII is the game that put Square on the map as a fucking company, and their biggest game of all time is going to be given such shoddy treatment in this remake. They already confirmed story changes, so I'm already 100% out the door with it already.

he literally said the materia system sucked.

I wish they'd remade FFVIII instead and fix the leveling problem.

Turn based games sucks dick
t. squeenix

They showed a snow sculpture and a picture of Sephy and Cloudo during the 30th aniv. symposium where they showed off the noodle sword and stuff

I didn't read it, sorry. I like the materias system actually, What is wrong with it?

You know what sucks? Sephiroth.

Tifa is as basic as you can get for western waifus. Everyone who has or had a crush on her should be ashamed.

Back to NEOGAF

Because when games were sprites and pixels, you used your own imagination to fill in the blanks? AKA the game was "better", so fuck off you little child.

Also, what are today's "Gems" ? The Witcher 3? LOL... Took 2 mediocre games to get to the 3rd that everyone goes batshit crazy over. Is a fucking rip-off of a medicore book series, not a CD Project Red in-house creative design (Same with Cyberpunk too, btw) and the music is literally 100%, Repeat ONE HUNDRED PERCENT rip off of traditional slavic folk songs (that have been used over and over in earlier no-name games that nobody gives a FUCK about, but somehow they love to death now, because of how "amazing" TW3 is)

Get outta here you fucking normie scumbag piece of shit. You're the retard who lost your imagination and shits on everything nowadays, cuz of your sad excuse for a life.

Gaming hasn't changed, it's the influx of normie fucklords and mongoloids that have brought devs to cater to their retard tastes, and you're just another one who's been sucked up by the mass wave of braindead consuming retards. Go fuck yourself, fucking fag.

Materia is really shallow with the benefit of hindsight. If you understand it, there's very little practical consideration on what you should do with it, and if you don't haven't played the game previously like I did or look up a guide, it's really counter-intuitive since there're only so many real options and so many traps otherwise that'll make the game harder for not understanding the system.

It's probably the worst take on ATB in the series, and mashing attack is way too good of a strategy in almost all circumstances due to how it operates. You don't want to waste time selection options when most of them won't do as much damage, and the ones that do do good damage give enemies extra time to swing on you. Going full DELETE in combat is pretty much always ideal. The depth only really comes in from out of combat preparation (materia, status effects) or boss gimmicks.

Eeexcept the boss gimmicks kind of suck in this game. When they pop up it's almost entirely "attack this at a certain time" because strategies other than damage are so weak.

I still like the game, the story and cast hold up, but it's definitely one of the weakest titles gameplay wise. As a series FF is particularly bad about cheesing combat instead of playing it straight, but FF7 is bad even for an FF about it.

>The materia system just isn't very good

>Strong, independent, attractive female
When is the tactics remake on the Xcom engine?
>tfw no strong honorable knight waifu to keep me safe and protect me and then I get stabbed while she's going to the bathroom

Gaming has absolutely changed, and it's not a matter of "sprites and pixels" and the advancement of technology, it's how streamlined the entire industry has become and how profit driven and focused grouped everything is now. Games simply aren't as creative as they once were, but the focus now is on appealing to as many normies as possible for a quick buck, rather than focusing on making a really good game. I'm not bashing entire on Square, but they certainly aren't one of the companies that have adapted properly to this new age.

The FFVII we're going to get is not going to be as good as the original, this is a simple fact. It's not that I'm jaded, I realize there's a huge problem that needs to be addressed with our current gaming age, and we can't fix the problem if we act like everything is fine. It's not fine, things need to change.

Yeah yeah tell me how perfect your rainbow colored quirky waifu is you special snowflake

You don't need to know

Don't get me wrong, it's a good idea, it's just that the execution was poor. FF always making new systems and then throwing them out instead of developing them more lends to a history of badly balanced things.

It's just that it's particularly bad in FF7. Most materia are actually trash you shouldn't bother with, materia growth makes it messy trying to adjust your builds to your encounters while playing which encourages you to just find a way to power-ball with your choice materia, and the way they interact with the weapons in the game doesn't really add a depth to the decision making but rather just complicates things, when there's always going to be a weapon at any given point that's de facto best for your character and you shouldn't use anything else, but it needs to be mathed out

A lot of other RPGs since have messed around with some similar similar stuff and just did a way better job at balancing it, probably thanks to knowing where FF7 went wrong.

This. Plus there's the fact that it's going to be a fucking episodic RPG.


>When is the tactics remake on the Xcom engine?

I threw up in my mouth a little.

Materia's xp system was far too slow, especially late game, but having a meatshiled that covers for everyone and then counter attacks more than Knights of the Round

Guess who designed Cloud Strife and Sephiroth? Tetsuya Nomura. Same guy directing the FF7 Remake. Same, Fucking, Guy.

Of course gaming has fucking changed. You think gaming in Pong days is the same as PS1 days? Everything fucking changes, that's not up for debate. Now that gaming has become a multi BILLION Dollar business, guess what, corporations have millions of dollars riding on single games.

If a corporation goes BANKRUPT, that means thousands of WORKING PEOPLE, WITH HUMAN LIVES go unemployed. And retards like you, expect companies to go BALLS TO THE WALL risk EVERYTHING for you, because you don't live in fucking reality.

You wanna know why FF7 Remake is going to be in 3-4 episodes? Because they can't bank on people liking the game simply because it's not going to be Turn Based anymore. Because Nostalgia fags like you, haven't gotten over the late 90's and can't give new ideas a chance. But noo, you want them to blow hundreds of millions of dollars and risk releasing a game that will get panned, not on the merits of judging it as a game on its own, but judging it compared to the game in 1997 and your flashback wet dreams of the game when you werent a depressed middle aged man who criticizes everything.

News Flash: Westerners are fucking RACIST and do not like FInal Fantasy simply because it's a Japanese game. The "Modern Gamer" in the west, is a gun tooting American who loves AMERICAN THINGS, this is why games like Grand Theft Auto and Call of Duty sell so well.

Square-Enix already knows it's market, and that are the old nostalgia gamers, but even they are fucking fickle nowadays and have a chip on their shoulder, because "wah wah, older days were better" for fuck sakes most of you are only like 30 yrs old now and you already sound like a grandpa talking about the good old days. Kinda sad really.

What's wrong with xcom? I more mean just Tactics but with good graphics and real cinematics and shit like Xcom does.

George Lucas also directed the 3 prequels to star wars and they're shit.

wasn't the game just announced to have entered full production a few months ago? there's literally nothing new to show yet.

They're better than that Abomination called Episode 7.

And he only directed Episode 4, retard. You still can't DENY that he is the father of Star Wars, and everything you or anyone else likes about Star Wars, wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Lucas.


Oh I'm sorry for being somewhat optimistic, user.

I'll leave you to waddle in your own filth of an existence, while you struggle to talk about meaningful things. on your "meaningful" video games discussions.


eh I don't even care, the remake is going to suck, given squeenix score, maybe it'll come alright but most likely not.

I'll wait until I see full length gameplay. It can't be worst than the original really since the plot is most likely the same with added elements.

Tifa was nothing but fap bait, there's a reason why she isn't the most popular female character in nipland and one of the most iconic moments in the game doesn't involve her.

Can't wait till they reduce her titt size so tifacucks will lose the only thing worth mentioning about that slut

I don't even care about your opinion

your posts are just extremely insufferable to read and you sound mildly autistic

Nostalgia babby tears, can't fucking grow up lol.

>News Flash: Westerners are fucking RACIST and do not like FInal Fantasy simply because it's a Japanese game.

Newsflash: those same westerners originally bought FFVII and a slew of other Japanse games in full knowledge.
Hell, there was a time when being a Japanese game by itself was good pedigree.

The fact that - on the impulse of westerners, fuck MS, I'll give you that - the industry adopted a hit-driven model with exploding budget to kill off the competition that couldn't keep up is now coming to bite companies in the ass is not the buyer's fault.

The fact that Japan has been in a creative slump for a while and SE went from being a company that shat gold - there was a time when you could buy basically anything they released blind and be assured it would at least be good - to being the embodiment of a cursed monkey paw to its own fucking fans is not said fans - whatever their origin.

>News Flash: Westerners are fucking RACIST

that's nothing compared to how racist the people from asia and middle east are.

Kinda agree with this. FFVIIR is a special case for Square Enix since they know it's their golden goose and they can't afford to fuck it up. It's probably why they put Nomura in charge even when he's busy with KH3 cause fans have faith in him to deliver. Kitase is on board as well.

And there's not a whole lot to fuck up here. Upgrading the visuals and environments can be accomplished (UE4 was a better choice than Luminous Engine). Story and characters are already established. That only leaves combat which they clearly have to modernize into some action/turn-based hybrid that works well. Going episodic makes sense given how massive the original game is and it'd be ridiculous trying to fit all that content onto one disc when transitioning the setting into the HD era.

t. angry aerisfag
sorry about your waifu dude, she was a good girl and didn't deserve it

Considering that development was being outsourced to CyberConnect2 and Square fired them some months ago, chances are we've seen absolutely nothing about the remake

I absolutely do no agree with you whatsoever, nor do I think it's a simple matter of "nostalgia" or "fickle" natures of people unable to move on. The current meta of today's multi-billion dollar gaming industry is inferior to its past self, unable to keep up the sheer advancement of fans and the need to generate enough profit. The square of today is not as good as the square of the 90s that gave us all the classics and FFVII, but again it's not just them but many other game companies of today.

I have absolutely no hope for the new FFVII. To think it will hold a candle to the original means you're either a normie who just doesn't care, or are fully aware of how bad things are and can't accept it, burying your head in the sand. The sheer rage from your posts makes it clear to me that I've struck a nerve in you; deep down even you realize there's truth to what I say.

We'll simply have to agree to disagree.

I first played final Fantasy 7 about 2 years ago, I don't think it needs an update, the game is amazing

>blah blah dont care
>blah blah buzzwords, autism, etc
Oh I get it, you don't care so much that you have to reassure me that you don't care. Yea, that sounds about right.

Fuck you, you little scumbag twat.

I never said that other countries aren't racist. Western games sell like dogshit in Japan, and for good reason: They're targeted toward Nigger kids and Delinquint teens who think it's cool to blow shit up and be a piece of shit to other people for "fun" (Hence why this website is popular) and also guns are fucking boring for Japanese people. Americans eat that shit up to no end tho.

You don't even realize how deep the Nostalgia retards will go tho. They will literally complain if Sephiroth has a black wing at some point in the game (which seems like it will happen) like in Advent Children.

1 fucking Black WING will literally RUIN the entire game for the Nostalgia Fags, EVEN if it's literally the only change in the entire game.

>Oh guys, Sephiroth has a black wing before his final boss form, ENTIRE GAME FUCKING RUINED!!!! REEEEE

This is how sad they are. This is why FF7 Remake is being released episodically, because the Nostalgia retards will PAN the entire game based on little shit like that, and bankrupt the company.

>clearly struck a nerve
Nice trying to use Trigger tactics, faggot. And NieR: Automata is a fantastic game released by Square-Enix, JUST THIS YEAR.

Get your head out of your fucking ass and stop being brainwashed by social media, you facebook-tier twat.

The only reason NieR was so good was because Platinum games handled the combat, period. I'm not the one braindwashed, social media in fact is in bed with the game companies and wants you to shell out your hard earned cash on pretty much any piece of shit game companies churn out nowadays.

stylized prerendered environments give the game a sense of scale that realtime graphics will never achieve without making shit big for no reason

NeoGAF only cares about Nintendo games.

Why the fuck are you bringing up social media?

Nomura did KH combat, and that is perfectly fine.

I would like if they leave the game as is, but with a graphical update a la Braverly Default, since the character already look like chibis.

Automata is an enormous anomaly that went against literally everything and succeeded, mostly because Yosuke Saito threatened to quit Square, it's not an indication of modern Square practices.

Your undying devotion.

Can't ignore the fact every Automata thread is started from waifu-bait. I mean let's be real, all it'll take for Sup Forums especially to change their tune over the remake is if Tifa/Yuffie/Aerith have great designs. All of a sudden you'll have posts saying they can't wait for the game at that point. This board is incredibly juvenile in it's mindset for the most part.

A friend of mine likes to say (funny he never played FFVI) old games are more like opera: you have a more or less abstract scene and some complementary musical motif that present with a sketchy conceptual space to be filled-in by imagination.

Modern games have cinema envy and wants to be perfectly representational with music as background underlying, as per Hollywood practice.

Very different approach. Strong diminishing return on the later.

One of the biggest strength of video games was always the mixing up of different media - text, images, video + audio - in complementary form.
The recent years have been an impoverishment in some ways.

>Can't ignore the fact every Automata thread is started from waifu-bait.
every retarded shitpost thread filled with people who never played in Automata, you mean
2B is quite literally designed to shit on waifufags by being both already in love and not even the actual protagonist of the game

>Oh guys, Sephiroth has a black wing before his final boss form

Actually Safer Sephiroth's wing is dark rainbow colored (mostly purple). It being black would be a downgrade from his heavenly image.