Other urls found in this thread:

Buzz bomber is super overpowered here.


buzz bomber is the best since you can fly and the other four can't do shit about it

Motobug is home

Chopper and Newtron are natural predators, though

Fuck, this thread makes me want a version of Sup Forumsermin with Badniks.
>Not choosing Grounder

>fly in air
>shoot Chopper to death because he's a chump that can only jump up and down
>Newtron is a cunt that hides in the wall so you can't do anything to him, fucking cheater

Buzz Bomber in a flash.
>can fly
>shoots a projectile
That or Chopper which can lunge at you by surprise.

Fuck the current Swat Bot meta.

>when the matroshyka bom main comes in

It's like vanilla wow pvp
>Buzz bomber is warrior
>Newtron is rouge
>Rest are other classes


we're talking about badniks not sonic's friends you dumbass


Is this guy still banned?

I only ever saw maybe 3 Newtrons despite playing Sonic 1 and 2 dozens of times, and they were red and silver, not green and yellow. I always thought the manual was lying.

Yep, along with the rest of the Metropolis three.

Where ma nigga catekilla?

not part of the meta
serious discussions only pls

No contest

>using animals to power animal-themed robot minions

I don't get a lot of things about Eggman, and this is one of them

Buzz Bomber is simply on another level compared to everyone else. His only bad match-up is Crabmeat.

Daily reminder that the E-100s will forever be banned.

Plesiosaur robot>>>>>every other robot


>There are Slicerfags in this thread right now
Use a real Badnik!


>using a natural uggo to power a supped-up sexdoll specially catered towards your fetishes and willing to fulfill your every wish
do you get it now

not canon

the mantis, the crab and the starfish robots are the worst things to be ever conceived

I choose the best badnik

You are like a little baby. Get a load of this.

C-Can I join in?

he only does the nesting dolls shit in mania though

Firefly without legs>firefly with legs

lmao wtf are you even supposed to be
no wonder you got shitcanned

Fuck those invincibility frames on the flashing attack

Splats doesn't have a single good matchup. I'm not sure why he wasn't scrapped.

Eggman's such an idiot jesus fuck.


>Not playing best girl

Seriously though, Buzz Bomber is the only one worth your time. Motobug is incredibly slow and has no form of attacking. Newtron has a long charge up time before he actually attacks. Chopper's only useful in water. Crabmeat's
decent, but compared to Buzz Bomber, he's nothing.
Bomb's the best here. Complete invincibility and a wide damage range. Only downside is having to suicide just to kill someone.

>There are faggots in this thread who don't use Redz

Daily reminder that this will be the next boss monster.

The fuck does Buzz' name mean in jap? Biiton? The fuck is a Beeton?

>being a chump
>not unlocking the boss characters

You're reminding me of Cybershell sperging out over the Jap names.

Between this pic and this thread all I can think of is this classic series of comics

>JP name: Rava
kills me errytime

>The time they allowed Supreme High Robotnik online
What were they thinking?


What's up with these names

CD wasn't really given the attention that the Genesis games were, and even today it's still a little more obscure. The badniks were never given snappy English names like the ones in the main trilogy.

How the fuck do you deal with this guy's anti-air?

Anybody hate the Octus evolutions? They always get too strong.

Some have english names in the original Sonic CD PC version help file, but they're exclusively "Ant Robot", "Grasshopper Robot", etc.

Buzz Bomber is top tier, Newtron is the only other choice realistically. Moto is trash, Chopper is only a Buzz counter pick.

Easy, you don't be a bitch boy coward that has to take to the air to feel safe

>check motora dot com to see the current state of OU
>they're suspect testing Orbinaut
>Shellcracker is still unbanned
>the Studiopolis Act 2 boss reignited the Weather Wars and Jawz II went from NU to OU as a result

Why can't we just have fun?

Nigger, Anything Goes is shit becahse of how strong the Phantom Heavies and Phantom Egg are.

>Not picking Crabmeat
It's like you anons want to lose

>yfw Colors ditched the generic sci-fi battle robots and went back to Badniks


Metal Sonic on the list is cheating.

Hotaru is the best choice in terms of functionality and maneuverability

Sasori and Makabu are for brutes who can master strength over speed

Bigbom is the faggot who isn't playing to win, but to annoy and mess everyone else up

How do I beat the final boss? He's so hard.

>Not using the updated roster


Someone bug Stealth for CD badnik names.

kabasira mains represent

What's the best badnik aesthetic and why is it 3&K?

I hope they weren't lazy bastards and actually named the bosses this time.


Isn't that scrapped badnik beside Splats from one of the Advance games?

That and Adventure. It's really out-of-place and interesting.

/Roller/ main checking in for a roll call.

who else /roller/ here?

captcha: COPE calle

Final final? Avoiding blasts is most important part. Aside from that just approach Robotnik from the correct angle.

>marble garden zone
>stage is full of spikes, rotating spike platforms, giant spikeballs swinging on chains
>"i know, i'll make a badnik that IS spikes, but they're FAKE spikes that don't hurt. but also it shoots at you."

eggman is a sick motherfucker

I can't watch those videos because he got Bat Brain's name wrong and I have the worst case of autism you've ever seen.

That design was so sinister I'm shocked that it wasn't in Mania

eggrobo forever
tfw you can only play as furries in sonic forces and not rogue badnicks.

They they let you play a cyborg?

I thought I was a mega autist for caring about the badniks because nobody ever talked about them, good to know I at least have company.

Tell what is your favorite type of Eggbots?

but i wanna play as a full metal egg shaped fuck

Why is Sonic the Comic so goddamn weird
jesus fuck

>that Egg Robo racer in kart mode

Eggrobos. Honorable mention to the not-Stormtrooper version of SWAT bots


Bigbom is OP as fuck

anybody else find it weird that so many of the badniks are based on insects but not all of them?

The Colors/Generations style oldschool Badniks.

probably because arthropods look naturally mechanical anyways

who /coconuts/ here


Is this Mania? I swear Splats is in Press Garden.

The stamp version does. If you use debug in green hill, you can spawn original Splats, but they never actually show up in the level

This guy was a cunt in Sonic Advance 1

>Splats is infamous for being left out of original Sonic's Green Hill
>Also left out of Mania's Green Hill

Was this intentional?