Why don't buyfags finish games? Or is it because they're PC buyfags? Post the console stats

Why don't buyfags finish games? Or is it because they're PC buyfags? Post the console stats

Because we aren't used to being so poor that we need to squeeze every drop out of everything we buy.

Are you so poor you eat every bite of your meals?

There's so much wrong with this post I don't even know where to start

Anime buyfags collect steam games like they are figurines, they mostly buy them, look at them for a few minutes and then never touch them again.


That completion ratio percentage is standard for all games regardless of the platform.

>Are you so poor you eat every bite of your meals?

>rushing through a game like some turbo autist to get to next one
Sorry you were born with defects user

That is because people don't actually play video games. People that buy anime games on steam still play an even smaller percentage than average.

Is the average Sup Forums user this fucking retarded?

>Rushing through a game is the same as buying it and then never playing it.

>finish games
>implying they started it
>op pic shows people that played it at least once
>entire point of thread is to compare the first achievement with the achievement for finishing the game
I got you a present. I think you need it.

*rushing through a game is the same as buying it, playing it for 20 min and then never touching it again.

>source:my ass
Did the voices in your head tell you how long these people have played the game for? I hope they aren't telling you to hurt people.
>never playing it
nice backpedaling.

I didn't get the Superstar achievement until near the end of the game for some reason.

Go look up the achievement percentages for games that came out 5 years ago, they are pretty much the same as for a game that released two weeks ago.

I buy games and sometimes it takes me awhile to finish/get around to playing them. I just finished dishonored 2 last night and am just now starting to play prey even though I bought both within the first week.

Same, I got it at Oil Ocean. It's probably bugged.

Is everyone in this thread an actual retard?

The game came out only 9 days ago. You can't expect everyone to have finished a game that's barely over a week old. Not everyone sits down and marathons a game right after they buy it.

People buy games on sale or for preorder bonuses and then play them later when they have time or finish the one they are currently playing.

that's the real not shitposting reply to your bait thread

>You can't expect everyone to have finished a game that's barely over a week old.
Nigger, I'd at least expect them to get to the first checkpoint.
So many games have achievement stats that look like this, where 30%+ of the players don't even beat the fucking tutorial.
Like, why buy the fucking game at that point?
Even in fucking Bloodborne only 80% of people have beaten the cleric beast.

>Are you so poor you eat every bite of your meals?
Amerifats everyone

I'm still playing buddy

>I'd at least expect them to get to the first checkpoint.

See and .

And again, the game is barely over a week old. A lot of the people included in those statistics probably bought the game yesterday. Furthermore, it's not unusual to buy a game with plans to play it more than a week in the future. It's also pretty normal for people to play games only on weekends, because they actually have jobs.

People also get games as parts of bundles, or as gifts.

people buy a gorllion games and throw them in their backlog and never play them. less than half of everyone has finished portal and think about how many memes that spawned by people who dont even play video games.

>Hey guys! Americans are so fat because they don't finish their meals! HUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRR

Great shitpost, friend.

>Post the console stats

They're probably even worse, given that you "people" just spend your time posting garbage threads like this one, instead of actually playing your precious two or three good exclusives.

Why would you buy a game at full price and then not play it until long after it goes on sale?

fuck off phoner

>Feels so inferior about not being able to afford anything he must bring up nationalities in a thread where it's not even remotely relevant

Yuropoor everyone


I want to own things not play with them

t. Collector


here's something to activate your almonds OP

>be achievement whore
>sonic mania comes out, i pre-ordered like 2 days before because why not
>game has no achievements
>kinda disappointed but whatever
>play through the game in one sitting
>friend asks me how many achievements i got
>you wot m8
>see in friend activity he got a few of them
>my steam shows no achievements, and obviously i didnt unlock any
>reinstall game
>achievements are now there
>I have 0

so there you go OP. On top of everything already said here, sometimes numbers are skewed because of things like these.

>replying to OBVIOUS, even SATIRIC bait


he is actually being ironic and ADVOCATING that you should be playing everything to the last bit, you fucking underage retard.

cool le epic screencap
kill yourself

On my PS4 right now and looking at the great Bloodborne. 59.4% of people beat Father Gascoigne which is the first boss.

I buy a game to have fun, getting achievements and 100% isn't my thing

wait im playing bloodborne and the first boss was a huge mutant bird, gascoine came after


kek @ the bumblistered impecunious among us

Depending on the route you take, you can fight either first, but the Cleric beast is technically optional. You have to fight Gascoigne to progress to other areas.

>mass replying
>reddit spacing

because my mood is fickle for what type of game I want to play. sometimes I'll start off playing a game for a quarter of the way through, and then play something else to the end and come back to the first game after.
also the price value difference is negligible for me. I don't have to worry about saving $10 or $20 dollars here and there.

>boss was a huge mutant bird
I don't remember a boss like that at all.

It's 4 hours long.

Well all the games like that were from before I could refund. I just found the game lacking in some way or forgot about it because a better game released. But now I refund all the time.

>OP beat the game without getting all the chaos emeralds

>My mood is fickle.
Tits or gtfo, inb4 I'm a dude but I behave like a woman.

most people buy games out of blind consumer hype even when they aren't really interested in them
like one of their friends will convince them to buy it even if they dont like it and they'll play it for 5 minutes then quit

how old are you friend? also you can't inb4 on your own reply.

Don't you see user, these neets have only 19 hours of free time per day, how can you expect them to beat a four hour game in less than two months?

Whats a good completion rate?
I've searched for it but I've found results from 10% to 70%
Pic not related.

Depends on what the achievements are for, for shmups most people don't seem to make it past stage 3.

post them

i was at 68% but my friends had me install a bunch of stuff to play online and i barely have any cheevos on those, except for terraria, where i have about 50%

forgot pic

If you don't earn at least 1 achievement you aren't counted towards the global earn rating.

I did have mine almost 90%, but mostly I play single-player shit and am a perfectionist so it ain't that hard to keep it close to 100%, dropped down to lower 80s for same reason you stated.

Then the first achievement should always be 100%, but it isn't. The "global earn rating" you've mentioned applies to individual completion rate.

possible someone had a bug like the one guy who said they didn't unlock for him and then that person keeps playing and unlocks achievements past it without the previous ones. But, aye I could be wrong fuck knows.

Actually yes, my dream is to have a decent meal everyday.

epeening and online social status
and a lot of people only get games to idle for cards on Steam

I have a short attention span and easily move onto the next thing that interests me before finishing unless its a REALLY good game.

For instance, right now I keep switching between playing
>Moero Chronicle
>Atelier Sophie
>Nights of Azure
>Megadimension Neptunia VII
>Resident Evil 0 HD
And none of them are holding my attention for very long. None of them are BAD games either. They range from mediocre to good. I just can't focus on them.

I get bored quickly and money isn't an issue so I Can move onto the next thing when I feel like it.

holy fuck sammy is really packin it on

I bought mania on release day, I play it for about ~1 hour on average some nights when I get home from work when I don't have other plans. I'm on lava reef right now.

Mind you I enter every blue balls stage I can and try to perfect them along the way which actually ends up taking quite a bit of time. And before you ask I've only actually died on a level six or seven times, I'm a bit Rusty at Sonic but I've played all the mainline classics to completion multiple times back in the day

Pc btw

I unironically don't understand why this post upsets you. If you can afford to impulse buy all the junk you want, then each individual piece struggles to keep your attention. I have 650 games on Steam, and I haven't even played half of them.

What percentage of the games you own are from glorious nippon?


On Steam? Probably not that many. Sony has always been my goto for JRPG shit.

>buy game
>install with anticipation
>game runs like shit because Denuvo
>get 3 simple achievements in 15 minutes
>refund or wait for patches

