Why is it so popular?

Why is it so popular?

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its fun

cos it's fun

I don't know, but once I realized all you do is fight over Redbull, I made a video about it.


It's fun.

Why is this hard to understand?

Ease of matches.
Perfect streamer bait.
No other "big games" came out since it's release.
Half the population of accounts playing at any given time are bots.

I'm about to play some with a buddy because it's fun

>No other "big games" came out since it's release.

Its fun, and even funner with friends. I wish they'd fix the fucking optimization though.

3rd worlders
normalfag shit
loot crates
low skill ceiling
also please make or stay in your general

I dropped this video as soon as you mispronounced "obscenities." You sound like a castrated Carl Brutananadilewski.

Very little skill involved, mostly RNG-based depending on what shit you can find quickly. AKA casual normie game for shitters.

Name three.

Destiny is the only big game and that literally just launched yesterday.

My friends love it so I play it

I'm really good at cs but for some reason being capped at 40 fps makes me suck ass, especially with reaction time

Essentially, I've given up being a great asset to the team. Feels bad man. The carry falls from grace

Stop shilling your shit video, faggot

you should really be ashamed for



such a horrible piece of ass video

literally the first time i ever posted it here.

Why are you defending such a shitty game?

>third world babboons
>fighting over a pair of pants and a redbull
>getting shot in the back of the head

Literally happens every game.

>capped at 40 fps
Because of the optimization or your rig can't handle it?

>Sup Forums unironically defends PUBG

i don't
this video is just really really bad
4 hours of experience
no real arguments other than i don't like it
calling people who like it retarded

idk lad its shit

how can he refund it with more than 2 hours played

>its fun

Never an argument.

Good thing he asked a question instead of posing an argument then huh?

>reddit spacing

I'm thinking about getting it but I'm still discouraged by their stream sniping fiasco. Is it really that bad? Could I get banned by mistake if a streamer was just really pissed off at me and I did nothing wrong?

A. It's very tense. The threat of easy permadeath, coupled with the time investment and massive number of players means there's a big feeling that winning is a big deal, and coming close is extremely exhilarating.
B. Despite this, it's actually fairly easy to get very high up just by staying by being patient and avoiding hot zones. It leads to the sensation that you always just barely missed the win and keep trying.
C it rewards skill but there's enough RNG to blame losses on.
D. The above + the potential for dumb shit thanks to the sandbox nature and how janky the game is makes it a good stream bait
E. Extension of Arma/H1Z1/DayZ p[opularity
F. Self Sustaining popularity. More people play it, stream it and talk about it, which gets more exposure and people playing it.
G. Addition of player item trading valuable means numbers are now even higher thanks to afkers and bots.
H. It's relatively cheap? Compared to AAA stuff anyways.

wow such contrarion
much opinions

>more people want to talk about it


>repeat 100000000 times

literally nothing new after 2 games.

you just bumped the thread from page 8 to page 1.

good job retard.
learn how to use sage you newfaggot

such reddit

back to re ddit with you fag

lootcrate bots
and gambling sites

just like csgo

>Playing solo
Seriously, this game is fucking SHIT in solo, but bearable in duos/squad.

It attracts the same kind of people that liked DayZ.

You forgot to mention the chinks who fucking REFUSE to play on their own servers.

>dumb newfags keep bumping

not at all.

DayZ is my favorite game and I don't enjoy PUBG.

DayZ = realism, survival, roleplay, huge map
PUBG = deathmatch in a circle on an already too small map

DayZ without zombies

pot calling kettle black, etc.
sage hasnt worked in years. no one says "newfaggot"