*ruins podcast*
wat do?
Everyone hates matt
Other urls found in this thread:
Reminder that even if Matt is the worst member of the podcast, all the best playthroughs have him in it.
Matt and Pat is the only dynamic that works for a longer series. Everything else is fine for one or two videos but doesn't work so well for something longer.
*quotes Simpsons*
I much prefer pat and woolie. I maintain that IHNMAIMS is one of the best on the channel.
>someone criticizes nintendo
>yeah but sony
he does this every time. It's like I'm on Sup Forums whenever I listen to him.
>not loving the simply epic influx of Ann Coulter jokes in Dead Space 2
I've seen shades of it before, but Matt really is just a swell, virtuous person, and I don't think he should be afraid to signal that as hard as he can.
>HA HA BIBLE BLACK *gets offended by hentai*
That's because the only time Woolie is in a playthrough, it's some obscure shit or some game where it's easy to pull the race card. The best playthroughs aren't because of the people in them, it's how well the guys can play off the material in the game.
"unironically tweets an article about misogyny and feminism in videogames"
Barkley was superior. Pat/Woolie and Pat/Liam are best 2 man combinations.
Matt: unfunny, twitter/tumblr boy full with retarded furry and feminist shit, ruin every podcast and still makes cheap jokes in videos.
Woolie: comfy starting a policenauts lp, suddenly a rant about the mistreatment of transgender people... ok.
at this point the only thing I watch of them is Pat and the streams with her girlfriend
Youre fuckin right and I appreciate that about you
>What is Parasite Eve I and II
>What is JoJo
>What is Dark Souls
The Pat/Woolie dynamic get better each time. I feel like Woolie is just nice and grounded, and Pat can play off that and be the angry midget he is.
He doesn't like Bible Black?
Alright bros, what Bloodsouls playthrough was the best? I'd say Bloodbourne with 3 in second place.
>Majima's the greatest
>Kiwami's gonna be great
>Majima anywhere system sounds hype
I was disappointed to hear that after all their shilling for it they never bothered show it in their machinima video
Remember: QA means you worked on those video games.
ok, i give you the first two but Dark souls?
any Dark Souls and Bloodborne with woolie on the controller was PAIN. you can watch in every lp atleast a couple of full episodes that are just woolie not knowing what left and right is and going on circles in the same place when the way out is clearly visible
yeah he hates it
>so how was your week matt
Matt literally started two best friends play. Theswitcher is his channel.
>eeeh i went on a vacation with my wife, next week we are going to the states again (every single week) then 40 minutes of DUDE NETFLIX and DUDE MOVIES.
see, thats your problem user. I know the Souls-likes will crush me if i watch them, so i only listen to them. Also, heres hoping that woolie is on the shitstorm a bit this year,
Matt started his own channel which is why they changed the name from switcher to best friends play. On his channel he's doing a LP of the Bible Black visual novel which obviously has a ton of sexual content which he is disgusted by.
I hate matt on the podcast and most of the videos he is in
But I unironically love his bug report videos and by extension that No More Heroes LP he did because he tested the game in QA
this, but shitstorms can be top tier comfy as background noise. Hopefully we get a full LP of Deep Fear or Carrier
His Bug Report series on his new channel is pretty fucking great
They would need to play quite a bit before they get to that system. So it's understandable if they didn't get that far just for a machinima episode.
Unless an LP is brewing in the background hopefully. Probably not.
the dead space lp is pretty decent.
All they had to do was talk about games
Don't forget to also casually spoil everything you watched
well Pat is going to japan in october so they started talking about recording the shitstorm earlier and specially recording "a lot of certain game" so they will probably end the shitstorm with an lp
Whose the e-celeb next to DSP?
So guys, at what point did you stop watching 2bestfriends play?
Don't expect to see much of him. They did the bulk of the recording early while Woolie was in the Netherlands because Pat organized to go to Japan during the shitstorm.
I watched every souls LP they have on the channel as they came out religiously, but those LPs are not fun because of them, but because the game itself is fun, they also work much better if you have not yet played the game, as you are, along with them, also discovering the game as they progress, without that, the quality drops hard on those
Why is this shit allowed? This isn't a video game.
black DSP
A week after Liam left. What is it about sonic games that demolishes let's play groups?
Move DSP and the nigger to the faggot zone
Add Ai-chan as the one and only Sup Forums approved youtuber
Like 2014, I watch them very rarely now.
>What is Dark Souls
A fucking huge trainwreck? Every Souls game where Woolie helms the controls is a massive, massive shitshow. It's so bad it actually becomes good, in a painful kind of way.
oh well, a man can dream
after until dawn
nothing worth watching after that
Woolie is not a mecha fan
is this from the woolie hole?
Shame, Omikron is probably their best thing. You had to have experienced it when it was coming out though.
Matt is not a Godzilla fan and Pat is not a Star Trek fan. What's your point?
Which is why the Yakuza playthroughs re the best ones, because there's no end of material to work with there.
>Woolie calling Mulholland Drive "old-school Lynch"
It was the second last feature length film he made.
I hate these stupid ugly cunts.
Do you think Matt knows he's the one that the fewest people like and that the majority of the fans actually dislike him a great deal? I figure he has to know by now with how much feedback there has been
He knows. He just doesn't care as long as he has his hugbox.
>That time the game glitched out and killed them despite whatever they did after a certain point
>Those multiple times they get actually angry at the game or each other
So it's safe to say Liam is actually never coming back to finish Sonic Unleashed right?
I don't mind that people like Let's Players, but why exactly these guys? 80% of the time when they try to talk about a particular work or say they're fans of something, they know incredibly little or nothing about it.
I didn't like Liam, but at least he was a real weeaboo about the things he said he was a fucking nerd about.
Yeah it's weird.
Sup Forums talks about these guys CONSTANTLY
>theyre shit
>the channel is dead
>x guy sucks
And they've been doing it for fucking YEARS.
I don't know why they care so much.
>That whole segment of Pat and Woolie in a shouting match over a door while Matt tries to pretend mommy and daddy aren't fighting
*laughs loud like a sperg over the unfunny parts*
why are you describing Sup Forums
Matt is absolutely aware which is why he acts like even more of a shitter as time passes.
In 2015 during Starfox Adventure and Despair girls when it finally clicked in my head that they weren't the same anymore. The only fun parts about them they still have are watered down.
>hey remember that part in -insert anime- where -insert anime character- does that thing
>haha thats just like jo jo where -insert jo jo reference-
>remember that comic book thing where HAHAHA
>here i'm going to say some ignorant shit about a thing i read on neogaf where i act like i know what i'm talking about
>lp funsies cmon like that time where woolie did some dumb lore shit
around danganropa where it got to the point id rather watch their old shit
>>lp funsies
That's from an LP this year. Why do you still watch them if you hate them?
Pat & Woolie
Pat & Liam
Pat & Paige
Matt & Pat
Woolie & Liam
Matt & Woolie
Matt & Liam
Why is this thread still here? What's going on with the hotpockets?
>matt spoils everything he watches
>gets shit for it
>pat spoils everything he watches, plays or reads, even things he hasn't actually consumed himself
>naw it's cool
they lack substance. their commentary isthey have little to nothing going on outside consuming media. consuming media is just their substitute for having any kind of personality. so if you dont autistically follow their shit and consume the same crap they do, it will fly right over your head.
they aren't even good as background noise anymore. they are incredibly loud and talk about nothing at all
>tbf danganronpa
I think I vomited in my mouth a little, I can't even imagine
I actually really like the Matt and Liam Symphony of the Night lets play which really surprised me. Felt really comfy and it was cool seeing Liam not relegated to house weeb spot and show his knowledge in other things.
>hey Sup Forums this playthrough is actually pretty good now even though they have been shit!
>check it out
>its shit
Why are you here?
The last episode of Star Fox Adventures redeemed the entire series, IMO.
I watch OneyPlays now. For now, it's better, but I'm not sure for how long. The first episode of their Sonic Adventure LP made me bust my gut laughing and all they did was joke about the opening cinematic. That's more than what I can say for 2BF for like 2 years now.
what is there to talk about with lets players, and these guys in general besides shitting on them. they haven't improved. its like seeing your favorite movie/series going to shit and hoping it will get better
eh with oney it gets dull fast because their formula is very exhausting and it will come as annoying later on if you try to ingest 10 min uploads of a playlist.
good thing about TBF was always their long uploads
Part way through Dark Souls 1 because it felt really uncomfortable watching Woolie not really getting that excited over the game but pretending he was because Pat was trying to hype everything up. Then I just kinda stopped watching after that.
A little after the Evil Within playthrough.
I really tried to give Matt the benefit of the doubt but he's just insufferable in like 9/10 of the videos he's in. Whenever he's on the controls he won't stop mashing himself into walls and trying to find collision bugs or he'll just flat out put down the controller for a couple minutes so he can go on a stupid tangent or tell a story, and even when he's off the controls his commentary never adds anything, he just halfassedly riffs off Woolie or Pat and tries to make witty quips
When woolie says things he doesn't mean what the words actually mean he means what he feels in that moment. Calling a movie from 2001 "old school" is retarded. Even a dumbass like woolie knows this.
So when that dumbass says things like this you have to analyze what the context is. This is how you learn to speak idiot.
They all are retarded why single him out woolie is the biggest whiner and pat is straight up one of the biggest I am never wrong till I am wrong assholes out there
>Pat started out as an over exaggerated version of himself
>Matt starts as a normal but kinda dopey guy
>Pat starts acting more and more like his normal self and becomes more and more likeable
>Matt starts acting more and more like an over exaggerated version of himself and becomes less likable.
Paige's livestreams with pat are legit better than anything SBFP has put out in the last year, it's unreal
I guess it helps that I'm one of those fags that only really likes Pat
Get a gf you thirsty fuck
Pat is really great but he needs someone to riff out to be amazing. I don't think he could do it solo, but I think him and Woolie have great chemistry.
this. their chemistry forms into the ultimate ball of cancer
Well they were all being idiots anyway, except for Matt for a change. When Pat said he just looked at his phone instead of the screen when they were in the car in the last episode of Twin Peaks I felt offended. I don't even mind if he didn't like it, but ignoring that great buildup because he just wanted a plot dump didn't sit right with me.
I have a gf you fucking virgin
I said I enjoyed the streams, not that I wanna slam Pat's girlfriend
I mean yeah I'd also slam Pat's girlfriend but that's beside the point
But he's not in Dark Souls.
inb4 b-but muh optimal builds.
b-but muh Pat didn't remember this minor detail!
Plague's playthrough is still the best just due to the fact that every Plague playthrough devolves into his madness mid way through
>Implying Woolie's hypocritical moral faggotry and Pat's "ow the" edgy, self centered pessimism don't make them the best duo.
>Ringed City stream
>Pat: "Wait is second, this place looks like... I think this is-"
during that hiatus after Omnicron. I gave zero fucks about any video they put up
After Dark Souls 1, but only really because nothing they've played recently has interested me.