>GTA 5, Fallout 4, Far Cry Primal, and Rise of the Tomb Raider run on an old POS 1st generation i3-530
>Yooka-Laylee doesn't
Is there a single Unity game that is well optimized?
>GTA 5, Fallout 4, Far Cry Primal, and Rise of the Tomb Raider run on an old POS 1st generation i3-530
>Yooka-Laylee doesn't
Is there a single Unity game that is well optimized?
>tfw no flip GF
>tfw no filp hooker to hire and take pictures of holding video cards
>tfw these images are 6 years old
original is from a Sup Forums thread and I edited the Sup Forums on the paper
>he doesn't have the nudes
i do have the nudes actually
Post links my dude.
its only one nude
That's kinda depressing and disgusting
>tfw no sweaty jungle asian GF
but seriously why is unity so shit?
any why is GTA V suddenly so well optimized when 4 wasrunning like total shit
>Girl bar wife
>No air conditioner
This farang will die soon
one nude with 5 0s
Man imagine having 2 graphics cards with 4GB of VRAM a pop in 2011.
It's like having one with 12GB now. No wonder all the jungle Asians want you then
shame she looks like a duck
It's happening anyway, the only difference is that now you are aware of it.
Absolutely disgusting.
I wish i knew wtf was happening.
i this some bar whore user brought to his house?
is this actually his wife or gf?
cant really tell any of that shit from the pictures.
>girl bar wife
tell me more
you can buy womenz in asia for marriage and money
Prostitution is huge in SE Asia: Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Phiilippines, Korea, etc.
It's fairly big in Japan too.
why do they stay in these marriages?
is it a really common thing for dudes to buy wives? or is it like people ordering mail order brides in the west (you hear people doing it, but you never actually see anyone who has done it)?
how are "bought wives" are percieved by everyone else?
legit curious
usually the man is old as shit so i assume they are waiting for them pass like a 40 year old filipina with a 65 year old white dude
>ywn mine bitcoins by day making millions and injecting fat loads of sperm into shiny skinned thai girls by night
because they life get a lot better. Usually they marry 60+ year old dudes from the west. Their pension is enough for a countryside mansion in their shithole countries.
>tfw work in factory with filipino women
>they they thicc as fuck
>those thicc hips and legs
Guess I know what my retirement plan is going to be.
It's actually fairly big in any country.
Some are better than others at keeping it hidden though.
Yeah but SEA is another level entirely, I'm talking about prostitution being a significant export, we are talking n estimated 10% of GDP or more.
Don't take me wrong, sluts exist everywhere but not in the same amounts.
Would a SEA be good wife material on a legitimate level? Or are they just good for mostly sex/ housekeeping?
just move after marrying and be somewhat nice and you are good.