Right click to fire both barrels!

it's a "the devs don't know how stuff works IRL" thread

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I guess every shotgun pumping after reload counts

it's a "the devs know what makes a game more fun to play" thread

So I guess you'd rather add an unnecessary step and slow down gameplay just to add pointless realism, huh.


okay why didnt they add flying in half life 2? why didnt they add dragons? or big titty monsters? that would have made the game more fun

Another Half Life example: this gun doesn't eject casings when fired. Apparently it uses caseless bullets - how environmentally friendly!

the game takes place in the future

suspend your disbelief for a second you /k/ autist.

But then why can we see an indent where an open bolt would eject casings? Wouldn't the slide be smooth?

It fires the whole bullet! That's 65% more bullet!

I can't think of a more boring gun in any FPS. Using this thing feels like you're shooting things with a shoddy airsoft pistol, I can't play HL2 without at least modding that thing into something decent.

Caseless ammo are actually a thing that exists. Not very common though.

how does it cycle

Sure, if you're 13 years old

What am I missing here? It looks like any other AR to me.

why do people say this. i always enjoyed using this lil popper. incredible for headshots.

>GTA doesn't model tire wear, fuel consumption
i want my money back you fucking hacks

>no charging handle

But wouldn't that mean you'd have to manually load the gunpowder and shit for each shot, like a musket?

The stock IS the charging handle.

Never go full retard, user

My memory is a bit hazy, but I recall that the forward assist was used to cock the gun.

lol no, it means the propellant is just a solid chunk that stays together without needing a case


Oh shit lol.

the bullet holds the propellant in itself
in theory this reduces material useage but in practise your gun explodes and overheats because there is no case to act as a heat dump

Not nearly as bad as CS:S using the forward assist as one

HL1 and 2 were made to trigger /k/

>But magic stickybomb launchers, invisibility watches and a toolbox that contains 3 different machines are OK
nice trips

>burst weapon
>fires full burst regardless of how long the trigger is held down


Where the fuck does it shoot the grenades from?

but this is an actual thing for some guns

>closed bolt gun
>doesn't give you +1 for chamber round

Pic related is what happens when you ban private gun ownership for an entire country.

My question is why the sight is so far back

>Gordon just carries readily available piping hot steel rods with him.

but user, the infinity-sign shaped magazine gives infinite ammo

amusingly enough that would be great at close range against lightly armoured targets
muh wound channels

nuh uh

This bothered the fuck out of me.

what, you don't?

you never know when you're going to need some red-hot rebar

Do you not see the battery attached to it?

Wouldn't the weight mean that the bow would be wound so tight that it would fucking explode if you touched it?

Why wouldn't you just doodle the symbol on your headband so all your guns get infinite ammo?

but like burst, its not commonly used because its garbage

The battery under the crossbow runs an electric current through the rebar. The electrical resistance of the steel causes it to heat up, the way electric heating elements do. You retard.

The 6-volt lantern battery?

I thought right click just meant you used two shells instead of one

why does gordon never have to recharge or replace that battery

>not recognizing the greatest development in munitions tech.

Batteries of the future, like the future half life takes place in, will be more powerful and compact than modern batteries.

The way I reasoned this is that since the SPAS 12 is able to switch between auto and pump in real life, but has been known to malfunction and fire if switched with a shell in the chamber, the right click is simply Gordon trying to switch the fire mode and then clumsily firing two shells in rapid succession. He switches it back to pump afterward, though.

OH Christ I never noticed that wtf the whole damn bullet??? And they arnt even going straight!!!!! I love mgs 3 tho

But human tech is clearly frozen in the late 80s, based on the computers and TVs seen in the game.


Mhmm... At least play the game before you talk shit.

it fires from a open bolt so no charging handle needed, like a mac-10

Oh God, what's happening here

>We need him alive, just shoot him in the leg!

nah the game just takes place in eastern europe

Didn't his flashlight battery constantly drain itself out?

You must be under the age of 16 if this was the best argument you could muster up

The pieces of rebar aren't hot until they're loaded into the crossbow though

Is there even a point to add a heating mechanic to a crossbow? Whatever gets hit by a metal rod going at 300mps is going to fucking die


Yeah they're just painted red to go faster

Jesus Christ, Call of Duty games had this shit right 10 years ago. Why fuck it up now?

What game does this?

...have you really not seen rusty pieces of metal before?

COD1 had the most realistic guns in the series. It's been downhill since.

M16A4 fires all three rounds per pull, no matter how long you hold the trigger

>they turn white hot in an instant

Wait, the thing on the bottom is a barrell?

>fall of humanity was 2000
>somehow develops super battery

Thats not what the crossbow bolts look like

>the devs have some semblance of firearms knowledge but also have a very strong sense of aesthetic

Respawn knows what's up with the JAE-100 stock.

If it's rebel made, why do we never see any rebels using it?

Similarly why does no one ever use one of the revolvers occasionally lying around?

>playing turok
>"pump the shotgun multiple times before firing to fire more shells at once!"
dumb as fuck, but it was a fun gun to use.

With enough current you can heat just about any wiring - or in this case rebar - stupidly hot.

The rebar turning so hot just tells you how much fucking current is running through that metal.

Make good games?

He is asking why one nonsensical thing added is okay, but other nonsensical things added isn't.

Contrary to popular belief, metal can be shaped into a variety of different shapes and looks. Doesn't stop them from having natural properties of metal though and, thus, can still rust. Also, that's exactly what the bolts look like.

That's exactly what they look like. Get your fucking eyes checked you deaf bastard.

there's a level of futility in complaining about weapon realism in games with Plasma and Laser rifles.

The degree of it is different depending on the context. A gun working differently in fiction opposed to reality impacts the setting less than a giant dragon flying around in the sky for no reason.

>using "current" as something that can be quantified
You are not qualified to talk about electricity.

Look closer; the charging handle is ON the bolt.

This was a little surprising given the game's other wise very realistic portrayal of firearms (using .223 in a 5.56, reloading rounds, +p ammo, etc).

user, if you accidentally close the bolt on an open bolt weapon and there's no way to charge it, you're going to have big problems with combat. You can still close the bolt on an open bolt weapon.

No, it's a joke. That's where the shells are stored, it's called a tubular magazine. Standard for most shotguns.

>there's a level of futility in complaining about weapon realism in games with Plasma and Laser rifles.
Only if you're retarded and think people are referring to what's physically possible in real life when they say realism.

second, lower barrel


>silencers make the gun compeltely inaudible to anyone but the shooter

It's not hard to make a realistic looking weapon when you're copying a real one in the first place.

Stop defending a silly weapon design

>plasma rifles
>physically possible

Then they shouldn't be using real life guns.

ESL please leave.

>You can put a silencer on a revolver

Metal rebars don't rust? Holy shit, you learn something new on Sup Forums every day. Besides which, it's less about defending a silly weapon design and more about proving how much of a goddamned idiot you are user.

Fallout: NV
>Very realistic representation of firearms: various ammo, ammo reloading, etc...

Fallout 4:
>Convert the pipe rifle made from the bargain bin at Home Depot to .50 BMG. Also, everything is on the wrong side of the gun.