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a map you cunt
Not vidya.
I wish I was Princess Peach so I could tease horny men with my body
Go on....
>12 years
Reminder that he normally draws GTS content
Go on with what, user?
I'm only saying that I'd simply adore being escorted into an alleyway by several gentleman so I may hear of their troubles and wishes personally.
A Princess' duty is to see to her subjects, after all.
Fucking Andyposters.
I can hear it in my head
Peach isn't attractive at all. I don't understand why some nintenfags are so fixated with her.
>A Day in Life buildup plays in the background
none of them are
>it's not weird lots of people do it I bet
Uh, this is satire right?
This guy expected The Sistine Chapel of Rosalina cakes. I just don't understand the thought process.
At least post it for those underage anons.
That last face fucking slays me.
I sometimes randomly think about this fucking comic when I'm riding the bus or something and I actively have to force myself not to laugh.
the bowser version is better
So Peach thread?
Peach thread.
No you faggot, Andy Sweetie thread
Boasting in epic bread!
>nice butt and tits
>best waifu
I'm pretty sure Andy would want to go up a giant peach's butt
I wouldn't be suprised if he draw that already
What is wrong with that cake?
Do you mean cars or that one Viper Sogna game with the succubus
Giant women
Well, he has to finish drawing the map to that part before he goes in.
Do you guys think there will ever be an efficient way of passing down the torch to newfags?
Giant women stepping on gran turismo sport vehicles or giant Carrera and Mercedes?
I was really hoping this man's post was going to end with something along the lines of "...and as it started to melt. It dawned on me. I'm 26. My life is a spiral of failures that I always think I deserve because if I ever put effort into anything, somebody younger, smarter, and more talented than me will do it. Do I deserve to go to college? To take up a slot that somebody else could have when I don't even know what I want? Am I worthless? Is it too late to build worth? Why didn't I say yes to the only girl that ever liked me? My parents love me, I know, but they won't be here forever. I see it in there eyes, that they wish I could do better, but what pisses me off the most is I think they still think I can do better. I can't pick up these pieces. I don't know how. I'm in love with a space princess that haunts my dreams. I go back to sleep every time I wake up to catch these dreams because I don't want to face the fact that I'm supposed to be normal, that I'm not the main character of my life, that I've lost complete control.
This cake actually tastes pretty good but not as good as the cupcakes, the cupcakes were a bad investment, not going there again."
No, because of what the new likes and what the old likes are two very different things, making it hard as hell to pass the torch.
How do I stop being a NEET
Jesus fucking christ user
Who is this Andy guy?
post me in the screenshot! Whew epic with a kapitol KKK!
getting away from your parents helps
>le depressed 2deep4u loser xD
Get a job
If you've ever considered suicide but talked yourself out of it then i implore you to reconsider
Do you "depression isn't real" idiots not believe in other mental illnesses as well? What about OCD, schizophrenia, or being a furry?
woah....... so deep and emotional.....................
Can furries be treated with medication?
Yeah, they're called cyanide pills.
I've never found out any of the context behind the comic, only seen the comic itself.
I've always liked to believe that they're two total bro roomates who love giving each other the shit, and in the last panel Andy is being a sarcastic motherfucker and Peach is going "OHHHHHH SHIT YOU GOT ME GOOD"
Speaking of pills that cure shit, what are the names of those pills for gays/homos that i think they make them question why they're wearing women clothes and such. sorry for the shitty description.
Common sense.
user... you silly wanker.
anyways all i know is that the pill's name starts with a P. that's all i can remember.
Anyone else feel like a normalfag when masturbating to peach porn? I just feel like their are hotter, more obscure video game girls I could be masturbating to.
You are too blue-pilled, even autism and down syndrome are lifestyle choices.
I relish in the normalfag feeling. Peach is a top-tier woman - you'd be gay to not fap to her.
Lurk moar newfag
I personally feel like Peach porn is very mediocre and badly drawn compared to many other girls
I think it has something to do with better, more well known artists avoiding her because Nintendo goes after them
The thing is they give her tremendously big tits to the point it's offputting, and going too much on model makes her look like a blow up doll with an oversized head
I think pic related almost gets it, then again it was made in the early 90s
Anything that attempts to get people caught up like ED or KYM wind up being shitty and nobody likes them
You either lurk long enough to learn or you don't.
>You either lurk long enough to learn or you don't.
i miss when people actually told others to fucking LURK MOAR, i feel like i am the only one who still does it. the staff also used to ban/permaban people who refused to lurk to help keep the population comprised only of a certain type of person, Sup Forums was never a website where anyone was allowed to show up and post shit.
Glad to see that SA users are as wonderful as always.
That's not SA, though.
What is it then? That forum layout looks almost identical to SA.
Good idea, never too late to start.
Every now and again I'll drop a 'lurk more' or 'reverse image search it faggot', then almost immediately the reddit brigade shows up and pulls out the 'In the time you could've given me the sauce you blah blah' card
Fuck you user, I didn't need this
this thread is too vintage for me
and that is where mods should give them a month ban and tell them to lurk the fuck moar, with the next offense being a permaban from the entire site. Integrate or leave forever. We need staffers who aren't afraid to purge these idiots.
That still makes too much sense.
Only difference is no jaded alt-right 40-year-old mods to swoop in and permaban him for being a huge dork.
that's literally a term I would never use to describe anyone because it doesn't mean anything.
nope. Gotta kill LOL threads and let tumblr and reddit run rampant.
Benis :DDD
I love Kass!
I wanna be Princess Peach!
That's some insane projection, my dude
Just let the autist buy his bing bing wahoo cake
>it doesn't mean anything
All the fun of being a cockhead with none of the political ideology to go along with it.
On the left we call those kinds of people "Anarchists."
Except they have no real political sides. ''Alt-right'' just translates to leftist politicians describing ''people that speak out against me, I don't like it so I'll label them as criminals'', it Doesn't even apply to Sup Forums, they're just a bunch of unorganized idiots that claim to have swallowed the ''red pill'' yet RP as Nazis.
i doubt there is anything we can do either. the only way Sup Forums can be fixed is if an actual oldfag somehow gets a manager position, which can only be removed by hiro. but hiro is on record complaining about how Sup Forums isnt profitable, and cutting down the userbase by 75% or more means less people potentially looking at/clicking ads, and he would never approve of that.
I am aware of this issue, but was it ever a problem when Moot was in? You can still find a balance, like suspending access for a day for newfaggots, 3 depending on the gravity of the situation, doesn't need to be that radical about it.