You're given $300 million and 6 years to make your dream game

You're given $300 million and 6 years to make your dream game

What's it about and who do you hire?

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i steal the money and run off

I rather keep all the money.

give kojima a blank check and get bjs from japanese groupies in the corner of his studio while he slaves away on his masterpiece.

would take the money and buy a nuke to destroy sony forever.

don't lie, you know deep inside that you want them gone unless you're a shill, which will make you reply to this out of asshurt

3d platformer collectathon. Based on a cross between DK64 and Mario 64. Will have multiple characters you can switch from, each character has different mechanics and skills to traverse the level ( I don't mean different fruit guns, I'm talking like the difference between playing as Knuckles, Sonic and Tails in a 2d Sonic). The levels are, of course, full of platforming challenges you must maneuver. Collectables are color coded but can be collected by anyone.
It has a minimalist story about a young girl finally getting her wish of breaking free from mundane society and exploring the world on the adventure of a lifetime.

Isn't there one dev that blew almost all his ~1million kickstarter money on booze and hookers or something. dont exactly remember but that's what i'll do too

i license star trek and make a game in the vein of starwars kotor set during ds9

i use the remainder of the money to retain a private detective the locate anyone who might own a working prototype of mother 3 for the n64DD or n64 and make an offer they can't refuse

I throw 10 million at Team Cherry to make Hollow Knight 2 and keep the rest of the money

keep all and hire some amateur programmer to make a crappy unity game to be released as early access with lots of future content

You seem like my type of guy.

I would make a full 3-d voxel baised melee clone

apparently there were three developers, and two of them drank all the funds and left the third holding the bag

An isometric RPG based in a Fallout-esque universe, set in post-nuclear London with a 70s aesthetic and developed by Obsidian/written by Josh Sawyer

I'm guessing $300 million on an isometric RPG is unprecedented so it'll probably have a massive amount of content/a life-sized map

If you want something done right, do it yourself. With that much money, you can live a worry-free life and devote it to perfecting your game.

You're given $6 and 300 million years to make your dream game.

What's it about and who do you hire?

Have fun getting ambushed by Nintendo fans in your sleep.

I make a pong clone for 5 bucks and spend the rest on hookers, blow, and Narcan

make a 20$ flash game in 3 days than blow the rest on pokemon cards & incest hentai.

I would basically make rise of nations 2. There isn't much to improve on, so most of the money would be spent making the game the most detailed and beautiful RTS ever made.

It's about whatever the Gamemaker tutorial says it is.

Whoever can get me that money back + profit

I'd start my own company and hire myself and few other competent, talented people I know

Just gotta wait for inflation

Atlus makes a magical boarding school game.
Pretty much dream harry potter game. maximum comfy.

only good post in this thread

a Doom game where all of Mars city is "open", and you actually play a real defensive role with a marine squad and save/work with civies and security, instead of just everyone dying before you meet them. the city can be overrun by demons, you can lock down portions, set up quarantines, checkpoints, etc.

the perfect rpgmmo

Tetris but with naked anime girls.

Most anons here would run with the money... Sup Forums has no right to complain about videogame devs and publishers being scumbags

aa2 but impregnation themed

lol "ant simulator"

Ace Combat game about the Esovakian Civil War. Project Aces.

Half Life 3

something really well optimized but stick a bitcoin miner in it and pretend it's horribly optimized

This, literally fpbp

I don't even know what I'd want to make anymore. I'd rather use the money to get the fuck out and never return except for food/electronics of other kinds and fishing+hunting supplies.

Even if I made the game I want, it's not the game 99% of these young underage tasteless shit stains with no standards want so it'd sell like shit. If you want money now, and you're pandering to the west, just crank out boring reality simulator trash with weapon weight, QTE's, stamina, hunger mechanics, and pretty graphics.

If you want money from the east... Just make it a uguu~ hack n slash dungeon crawler with self hate inducing drop rates for items from enemies, and give it a dressup simulator cash shop. Also make sure its on a fucking phone, because lord knows dedicated gaming devices don't matter anymore. GOTTA HAVE THAT FUCKING OVERPRICED SMARTPHONE.

Nah. Fuck it. I'm creating the most Satanic DRM company ever.

Life-sized world simulation
Where you sit at your computer and watch porn and complain online about video games as your life wastes away

>Young girl.

Take a fucking seat.

> add obsidian, money, fallout, zero deadlines and blend

I came he too post this.

>You're given $300 million and 6 years to make your dream game
$300 million jesus
I'll take guild wars 1 design of public hubs but instanced outdoor worlds, and instead of fantasy, its a sci fi freelancer sequel.
I poor the money into making it look good 'enough' but mostly into content, ships designs, weapons, enemies, locations, animations, ship control, soundtrack and storyline, including top of the line voice work.

Gameplay will focus on player skill and ship control, but the ship choice itself will play a large factor in what you're doing, racing, smuggling, dogfighting, scanning, mining, assaulting stations.

I'd make the game of primitive anaerobic bacteria.

Pull an Anita and put that 99% shit in my bank account and present some turdlets on a paper plate.
Bitch is a Jew cunt, but she's just as cunning as you'd expect a Jew cunt to be.

Being a fan of ye olde flight sims of the 90's, I would endeavour to create a sort of free roam helicopter simulator set in an alternate universe that's equal parts steampunk and 1980's cold war.

The setting in a nutshell would be:
You're a mercenary who is employed by a world power in a territorial squabble for an island archipelago. You start the campaign by waking up on a ship and walking to mission control where you review daily taskings or "contracts" these could be anything from reconnaissance to dropping off troops or even airlifting supplies. You can also get rare missions where you conduct commando raids or rescue pows etc.

once you pick a contract you inspect your aircraft and take off, and conduct your mission. you complete it and get the monetary amount the mission was worth. The world has a day/night cycle so you can conduct multiple ones per day. You can only conduct night ops if you have the necessary equipment IE NVGS and instrument landing systems.

it would be primarily a sim since you're dealing with managing the systems of the helo, which you can also upgrade as you see fit.

I have a lot of thoughts about the systems of the game as well its intricacies which would be too much to type here. Feel free to ask if you're so inclined.

ok ok I got a good one

World of Warcraft

but with ANIME

Mario Bros. Souls-like

Probably an mmo jrr tolkien universe similar to skyrim but with chatbots as npcs which change hostility or overworld depending on keywords in how the conversation goes.


Youre a child survivor of the Dutch ship mutiny Batavia. After leaving wallabi island for the mainland by yourself having escaped near murder, you traverses the Australian outback delirious from lack of food and water.

The game becomes increasingly surreal as time goes on and adopts a kind of Van gogh starry night paintily look to it.. Turns into a "journey/rime" kind of game and you end up running into Aboriginal gods like the rainbow serpant and make contact with some aboriginal tribes, which can go either way.

i know abos dont like their culture being apropriated, but i really think their tales could transfer very beautifully into a gaming experience