Now that the hype has settled down, can we talk about Mania's uneven difficulty curve?

Now that the hype has settled down, can we talk about Mania's uneven difficulty curve?

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Let's talk about you sucking at videogames instead

Metal Sonic was worse. Had to youtube that shit for the second phase of the fight only to find out there's also a THIRD phase with a spik e wall chasing after you. Good god, that boss fight took longer than the whole Stardust Speedway zone itself.

It's very uneven. Some later bosses are very easy while some others are quite hard. Fortunately, there are no impossibly hard bosses or running mouth easy ones.

Levels, tho, I feel they are too long for their own sake and some are very fast pacing with god tier level design and some others, even same level but different zone, are incredibly slow and platform-y. Did someone complained zones were too short or fast?

Oil Ocean's act 2 boss just requires patience. Also, destroy the tentacles shooting at you first. Ignore the body.

Many people on Steam are already asking for a nerf for that specific boss fight. Hopefully they take note of all the criticism and adjust the difficulty accordingly in Mania 2. But then again, this was made by a small team of amateurs, this kind of oversight is expected for their first true commercial product.

what difficulty curve? the entire game was easy

I still think this one would have taken more victims if the AI tails didn't kill him or all the shitty youtubers.

This boss isn't hard, there's just some what I guess are glitches around it like some insta deaths when you fall into the oil rather than slowly sinking. Something to do with the rising platforms going beyond the death wall I guess.

The only level that's longer than it should be is Flying Fortress Act 2.

>People actually fucking time over against metal sonic
>There's people who actually took over 4 minutes to beat stardust speedway act 2
>And weren't searching for rings

Why are so many complaining about this boss. Is it 3D kids who never played a real sonic game before. Beat it on my first run with no fire shield and only ever lost of subsequent runs because of the platform bug

Some bosses can be killed by just getting hurt and picking up your ring back and some take forever with long ass scripted chase scenes and very short periods of vulnerability. Gameplay wise it's just bad design, even though some of the chase scenes do look cool. They're just not fun at all to replay.


Oh come on, you can get half the hits in for free at the beginning of the fight. It's not that hard, and frankly I'm happy there's a boss I died to a few times, almost like it's a boss fight and supposed to be somewhat challenging or something.

Also, it's more than half way through the game. That seems like a pretty reasonable time to throw something that might actually kill the player. Stop being a little bitch.

>that bubble section in hydrocity

Flying Battery 2 is long if you take the upper path, the trash path can be finished in less than 2 minutes with no effort

The only real trouble I had was getting back on one of the platforms after beating the boss as Knuckles.

They either
>go into the oil and die when
- the super ultra hyper mega telegraphed sinking thing pushes them down with it
- The tentacles shoot them and the rings go further than they apparentelly can chase for some reason

>Stay on the platforms and die when
- Fail to dodge anything and everything
- The same stupid sinking move puls them down sinking titanic style.

They die even with pic related (debug mode abused) somehow. I've seen three different youtube gamers die as super in this boss for easily avoidable reasons.

This boss is definite proof we need playable cream VERY clearly marked as easy difficulty.

This boss is easy, though.
If you have more than 3 brain cells it's not difficult in the slightest. Attack the guns when they pop up, duck in the middle of the platforms to avoid the tentacles that jump over the platforms, and then jump to avoid the lasers.
When the guns are destroyed, THEN attack the boss. Anyone who has played video games before can figure this out. The only reason you could get stuck on this boss is if you don't play video games or if you're bad at video games.

Got stuck here for like an hour. Kept killing that chibi Metal Sonic and eventually dying to fireballs.

You cucks are fucking casual, I'm not even a Sonic Fan, he really fell to shit during the 3d era and after replaying his 2d games they weren't as good as I remember, the autistic Sonic Fanbase has made it increasingly harder to enjoy Sonic as a character too.

In spite of that the Oil Ocean 2nd boss is easy as fuck, you pre empt him coming up the first time and wail on him and then the second time he comes up you do that again and he dies, I only died when the platform pulled me under, something I wasn't aware could happen.

Fucking casuals.

>special stage 5

hey can you delete this please

Just spindash into them when they do. Doesn't even matter at what point of their spin-dash, it works on most of the screen.

I think this is forgivable. Mania never really teaches players to use enemies to activate stuff in the enviroment. Its just something you just have to try once you realize things are taking longer than they should

I agree. Let's. These assumed truth threads are dumb.

>Can we talk about X is so Y?

How bout we talk about if X is Y? No? X isn't Y? Then you have no thrad about how X is Y because it isn't.


did you know you can control the bubble in all four directions manually

Hey, Chimpo..

isn't that just oil ocean's boss with Lava Reef Act 1 thrown in?

You should name that "Dark Souls Zone Act 2 boss (deprived build).webm" since you're using knuckles, who is usually at a disadvantage compared to other character choices.

Knuckles isn't disadvantaged in this boss at all though, but still.


>A problem


The second phase of the Hydrocity act 2 boss is too hard to beat without getting hit

If you try to beat it when it's moving around, yeah, gotta play a patience game and hit when he gets on the stick
...Or just pick Knuckles and abuse the wall

>people bitching about Oil Ocean Zone
>not the garbage ass Mirage Saloon Act 1
You shouldn't be able to fall off the plane. There should be a checkpoint right after you board the train.
They literally had two decades to figure out how to make plane platforming not ass.
That having been said, I'm slightly disappointed in Oil Ocean Act 2 as well.
Still better than Flying Battery Act 2

>There should be a checkpoint right after you board the train.

Bruh are you retarded?

You can't go down retard, it's a bubble.

The only thing they'd need to do is add an elemental shield of any kind to the last sub and it'd be as easy as the rest of the bosses.

looks like there are a bunch of casuals who don't know how to work that sucker to death.

You can't go down but you can slow its ascension

ye why is the last boss so pathetic just shoots missiles and dies in 20 secs

>struggling on metal sonic
I wouldn't call any of the bosses in this game hard, but VERY tedious just for the sake of being tedious.

This. They dropped the ball so hard on Metal Sonic it shot straight past Hydrocity. Literally all they had to do was Maniafy the Sonic CD race and it'd be perfect.


>Flying Battery acts take like eight minutes to finish
>even if I take my time in Mirage Saloon Act 2 it's over in like 3 minutes


>This boss is definite proof we need playable cream VERY clearly marked as easy difficulty.

The fact that Cream even exists is still insane to me. Did someone complain that the bosses were too hard or something?

Better video:

The Metal Sonic race in CD was fucking garbage. That was barely a fucking race.

>Oil Ocean Act 2 boss meme still going on

T-This is a joke, right? People can't really be having this much trouble over this boss...

>Knuckles isn't disadvantaged in this boss at all though
He is. If you fall into the oil, it's harder to go back onto the platform, since his jump is shorter.

Maybe if you're jumping from the bottom like an idiot

Chill out, just stating the fact that his jump is not as effective.

Boss isnt even hard, just buggy, I've died like twice to him pulling down the platforms while i was in midair and i just instantly fell through the oil instead of sinking slowly

It's effective enough for that fight.

You can provoke him into jumping by letting him attack you, rather than waiting for him to jump. Makes the fight faster

I wouldn't call it a "uneven difficulty curve", it's really just shitty game design.

While I didn't have any trouble with OP's picture, Metal Sonic fight was fucking bullshit. By pure luck I figured out how to beat him, you just have to spindash into the tiny silver sonic when he's spindashing. He'll bump right into Metal Sonic. Still, it's very bad game design and didn't feel like a fight at all. Wish they would have made Metal Sonic attack like Hyper Metal Sonic

I genuinely enjoyed this boss

>- the super ultra hyper mega telegraphed sinking thing pushes them down with it
Isn't that a bug? It seems like a bug

>final boss
>get teleported to the heavy rider section
>the screen doesnt scroll for some reason
>game over

He was fun and fair though. He wasn't as bullshit as Octo or Spider. He had a clear weakness and pattern.

I'd argue the only shit boss was the fucking Spider.

Sonic with Tails is the real easy mode of the game.

went in completely blind and beat it on my first try
you are bad at videogames