Did ya beat him?

Did ya beat him?

Never even had a clue he existed.

yes and it was fucking pointless

I wouldve enjoyed maybe a secret ending, or idk, SOMETHING MORE

>mfw trying replay KH2 and remembering the 3 hours of tedium at the beginning

He wasn't even in the version I played.

Yes, but fuck his last 2 health bar bullshit. I didn't want too, but I had to cheese him with limit form the instant he dropped his guard. I'm not good enough to be like everyone else in the world that can kill him on Critical mode.

Yeah, at level 1.

How the fuck do you even play through the game like that? Did a normal critical playthrough for the first time in years and a lot of bosses are fucking bullshit, and this is coming from someone who can tango with some of monster hunter's nastiest motherfuckers.

Look at how Terra is holding that keyblade. His hands don't look right...hmmm...

Because some people know the exact timing of all the attacks of the bosses and can trap them some sort of cycle where you can keep hitting them without them regaining composure. I have no time for this and just try to get good and get hits in when I can.

I 100% KH 1 and beat the the secret hooded fella and sephiroth on the hardest difficulty. Gonna play 2.5 soon is this guy much harder then those two?

>equip fenrir and remove all abilities except negative combo
>hold forward, press jump, slash, jump, slash, jump, slash
>do this for about four minutes and he'll die without ever touching you

Oh man, sooooooo hard! How can other games even compete?

Terra's more fair than KH1's secret boss offering, but he's still extremely aggressive. I'd even say he's harder than Sephiroth even considering the latter's bullshit.

Yes, on critical without cheesing
It took hours but it was to the point that the fight looked badass by the time I beat him

>kh1 secret boss
Ok I can understand not fair, but cheesing him was 100x easier. Fucking tinkerbell is broke as FUCK.

Some people have incredible timing.

I watched my little brother beat Data Marluxia on proud mode at level 1 and it blew my fucking mind. He was always able to block all his hits at the exactly right time without fail. I had to beat all the Data battles via trial and error by getting enough practice from failing repeatedly to survive. I couldn't time blocks with that small a margin of error to save my life.

He's a pussy ass pushover babby's first boss compared to this god damn mother fucking hellspawn pain in the dick dipshit motherfucker.

I play kingdom hearts because I love the gameplay, but I don't have to feel like a god to enjoy myself.

This bastard gave me more trouble then sephiroth ever did.

He's pretty easy to beat consistently once you've seen all of his attacks

think you mean 30-45 minutes skipping cutscenes

Agreed, I also had trouble with the phantom at Big Ben. I never play my RPGS using magic(other than cure), so having to wait around for him was a pain in the ass. I think the hardest boss in the vanilla game though was Kurt Zisa

But he does unlock KH2FM's full secret ending

Ive only beaten the secret bosses with terra
after the sweat I poured into that I feel like I dont need them on ven and "ha all the frames are I-frames" aqua

Fucking how? He was piss easy.

>stand and wait for super slow traveling projectiles, block, block, block, run back and forth, stand and wait for more slow projectiles, block, block, block, mash x while stunned, repeat until dead

>tfw colorblind
>have never been able to beat phantom

Granted I only found out about the color coded stuff years after the last time I played because I didnt have internet until 2005

I beat him with Ven and Aqua but after failing literally no less than 100 times with Terra I gave up and accepted that I will never get the platinum trophy for BBS.

Because there is no hand inside, the armor is free to bend however the fuck it wants to