Would you like to see Nero back in DMC5, or would you rather the game just focus on Dante?

Would you like to see Nero back in DMC5, or would you rather the game just focus on Dante?

All I want is a DMC not made by british

remove both Dante and Nero and have Vergil only

Depends, does he get new shit to play around with now that he's the owner of the Yamato? If not, I'd want to pick Dante.

Gameplay-wise Nero was actually pretty cool, I wouldn't mind him coming back. If Itsuno's just expanding on what's already there then the ideal would be to have Nero, Trish, and Lady playable with their own unique styles and Dante playing as a combination of all three. Hell, throw Lucia into the mix, then you'll have a Swordmaster (Trish), a Gunslinger (Lady), a Trickster (Lucia), and Nero can take on Royalguard. Give the four of them three styles each, one unique to them and two which Dante can also use by pressing the respective button twice. Then let Dante use all their weapons on top of Rebellion and E&I.

But Capcom would never allow that, it might be fun.

I've got some questions. So I saw a copy of the DMC collection for 20 bucks, is that worth it? Should I also buy DMC4 with it?

I'd love to see Nero back with devil arms that have the same depth as Red Queen. Also his own styles would be cool too.

Let the series die. Capcom will fuck it up.

Yes because there's a whole lot of room to improve his gameplay mechanics. With Dante my brain can't think of a way to go further than what he is in 4 other than giving him better weapon sets

I'd love for Nero to return, preferably with Vergil.

let team ninja make the next game and I wouldn't care what fag they put on the cover

whats wrong with nero's gameplay?

let me play as sparda during his rebellion instead of his decendents

More Nero would mean more Kyrie, and I'm always up for more of that dry ginger pussy with dick sucking lips

They should have all three switching off beating the shit out of each other!

Nothing really. I'd just like to see him outfitted with more than 1 weapon to amplify his versitility. Not saying he needs to be a style switch madman like Dante but even adding one more weapon to his arsenal would take him to another level with all he can do with just red queen.

I'd rather a game about Sparda.

I think the idea in DMC4 of bringing Dante as an unlockable character is good but wasn't done very well. He is already an overpowered demigod by that time so starting with noob tier skills and weapons doesn't make sense and takes away some of the appeal of playing as him. The best imo would be to unlock an already decked out Dante and have him do the later and most demanding part of the game but please not mindless backtracking like in 4.

>Set around DMC2 time so he is OP as fuck
>Dark Souls style open world parts with optional paths with some of the atmosphere of DMC1 for the encounters with enemies

>Integrate Yamato in regular play and give him moves like Vergil
>Red Queen updated to use the exceed system for more things beyond being bigger versions of regular moves. Maybe different kinds of fuel for different advantages/disadvantages? Apply status effects on enemies on impact? There are many things that can be done but I don't think much beyond going in the same direction as Dante's Swordmaster so lowering Red Queen's importance in combat in favor of Yamato would be my choice atm.

>All weapons from previous games are available from the beginning to fill equip slots at the start of each mission
> Have lots of independent optional missions where he just goes and slays demons as part of his business together with Trish and Lady.

I want Nero and Vergil's movesets to be combined. Give him Yamato and Beowulf movesets (with Beowulf being punching the shit out of things with the Devil Bringer arm) and a new weapon, maybe a rocket spear. Swap between the four weapons with the D-Pad, and swap between Blue Rose and Summoned Swords with the unused trigger button. Have one of his taunts slick back his hair.

Boom, now you don't have to resurrect Vergil for arbitrary reasons and Nero can have some MOTIVATION.

>DMC5 has Sparda as the villain, because he rebelled against Mundus not to protect humanity from demons, but demons from humanity
You are now realizing that, except for DMC1, every single major villain has been human.

I'm just waiting someone to mod the dante BOSS into playable character vs playable character boss fight.

Yes I love Nero

As a unlockable not main or side


A merging of DMC4 combat and Dark Souls "open world" is my dream game

>Bloodborne with DMC combat
user I can only get so hard.

No. Nero is Japanese donte.

Capcom loves remakes/remasters these days, so just do a remaster DMC3 with style/switcher mod built in and rebalanced for it. I'd take that over a game with nero in it. Or remake 1, whatever, anything is better.

Nero's similarities to Donte are tangential and not anything close to being as bad. He's just a quick talking teenager. He doesn't make fun of killing kids.

For two great games and one solid one, yeah it's a pretty big bargain for 20 bucks. I'd say hold off on 4 until you play through the trilogy though, no need to spend more money if you end up not liking the series.

>Bloody Crow is Vergil 2.0

>souls game with good gameplay
what a wonderful thought

you're not getting dmc5 capcom hates you and wants you to eat a dick

What is wrong with his limbs?

Man Capcom is such useless team. They don't even have to make DMC5, they could even make a spin-off series focusing on Virgil and it would sell like hot cakes. Dmc fans are starving for anything right now.

i couldn't care less who's the MC, i want DMC4 levels of curazyy combos and shit in DMC5

I like devil bringer but I can never get ex-act down

What are you talking about?

Donte was created to be more appealing to the western demos.
Nero was created to be more appealing to the eastern demos.

They're both a poochie created by capcom for corporate reasons only. They're both garbage.

I hope DMC5 takes place after 2 because I'm sick of prequels to that game. I'd like to see Dante's adventures with the current cast.
However if we did get another prequal I want it to be the adventures of Sparda.

Ah so you don't actually know what you're talking about. I understand.

2 is pretty much non-canon. It should never be referenced again

not an argument

Well I can't really provide one since you didn't make an argument to respond to

DMC2 Dante
DMC3 design is disgusting

I made a statement, you said I'm wrong with nothing to discuss about why so. Just a waste of a post. If I wasn't clear enough for you then ask, otherwise it's pointless arguing.

You are wrong. That wasn't an argument. That was a fact that can't be disputed

His story would be badass as fuck but probably wouldn't make for cuhrazee game as much as an epic action one like God of War so idk how to feel about that.

If anything I wouldn't mind if it was a complete remake of DMC2 where they would rebuild the story to include elements and cast of the games after 2 and fix the multiple issues the original had.

I really like most of Sparda's design but those kneecaps are extremely distracting. I wish they were duller or he had more gold on him to balance them out. His collar isn't enough to me.

So what do you guys think about just redoing 2 with better writing? Most people hate it and if Capcom's refusal to make a game take place after it is any sign, they don't stand by it either. A Sparda game would be rad, but if they decide to keep the series going after that, they pretty much have to move it foward at this point. That, or try to reboot the series again.

Considering that over half the games in the series are unfinished and/or garbage, this series just needs to end.

>ass capes
DMC1 Dante is where it's at. I like his DMC4 outfit too for the most part but his pants with the dumb-ass zippers on his feet bother the shit out of me.

I'd like to see a more polished Lady gameplay
Or at least step it the fuck up with gunslinger, it is awful in 4
Also, Kaneko designs

It's implied that Sparda's personality was a sort of mix between Dante and Vergil. I think it would be possible to have a game follow him and still be cuhrazee in it's own way.

>but if they decide to keep the series going after that, they pretty much have to move it foward at this point. That, or try to reboot the series again.
I actually think they don't need to go beyond that if they don't want to. DMC universe is very under explored and there is a lot of space for developing the rest of the cast in day to day work at Dante's shop in the timespan between games. Also Vergil.

A reboot could be fine but after the precedent of Donte it would be risky even if it's well done.

his pants aren't a problem, the retarded chaps with fake cowboy boot leg warmers are what trigger you

Yeah that's what I meant. I'm a dumb third-worlder and I couldn't think of the right word.

I want Dante and Lady to fuck and made a kid and then play as him/her.

I think Nero needs a reboot.

Maybe he could have a faux hawk and a soul patch. His anger needs to be sharper, scarier, more aggressive. His dialogue needs some fucks thrown in for grotty realism.

The game also needs some pithy political insight to be more relevant to the real world. Maybe the big bad demon can be an allusion to Donald Trump. Something subtle like Make Earth Hell Again on his hat.

>No Lady in MvC

>Something subtle like Make Earth Hell Again on his hat.