That guy that says "the internet ruined easter eggs and secrets"

>that guy that says "the internet ruined easter eggs and secrets"
You have the option of not reading spoilers, you know.

Other urls found in this thread:

you do but you don't have the option of filtering people randomly spoiling things

>"if you don't like it just ignore it!"

>Good music
>Rock music

what did they mean by this?

Well, the joy is in discovering something that very few people have seen

You have the option of not going online, as well as they option of secluding yourself inside.

So, I'd say it's fairly easy to avoid spoilers.

>Wolfenstein Difficulty Settings.jpg

It's easy to avoid spoilers. Just avoid all human interaction and don't use the internet at all for weeks at a time!

>BJ and Doomguy.jpg

Society worked just fine without internet for thousands of years, I'm sure you can handle a few weeks.

So how godly you are is based on which side of your head you part your hair on?

Dont you know the good old days where rumors were spread among kids. These days are gone, because you can just google this shit. Never going to get my mew in red.

That rock music is by and large fucking awful, along with nigger rap and all that shit.
Rock is singled out as the product of Christian origin societies because they should most definitely know better you fucktard dipshit.

>there are people over the age of 15 that worked up over spoilers
Every piece of media that's executed well can stand on it's even with spoilers. And if you're actually afraid of being spoiled, simply just stop lurking places that talk about them like anyone with common sense.

Not on Wikipedia.

>Every piece of media that's executed well can stand on it's even with spoilers.
You're a moron.
>movie has amazing twist
>someone spoils it
>"Dude the movie is still good calm down man XD"

This. Pic related was getting its ending spoiled to people who hadn't seen it all the time, even when it first came out. Yet so many still enjoyed it because it was good and interesting all around.

Your post exemplifies what's wrong with people

I was going to post a major example of of this being a terrible argument but the post below you already did that.

Then who came up with the name Christian Rock?

The rock himself or hayden christiansen?

>>"Dude the movie is still good calm down man XD"
But that's a valid thing to say. If some twist at the end of something ruins the whole experience for you, then either you or the thing you were watching/playing isn't good enough to stand on it's own.

There's more to it than just any one individual being spoiled about an easter egg or secret. Stuff like this used be something entire communities would discuss and get engaged in. It took more effort and the level of certainty wasn't as high. You could almost endless discussions about just a single game's potential secrets. These days that kind of stuff has massively died down because finding the stuff you're looking for and separating the real secrets from the bullshit rumors is way easier.

>tfw browse Sup Forums and now i can't stop thinking about violence and pornography
At least i'm safe from rock music, for now.

>break cake's legs
>haha it can't stand on its own

It's not about "standing on its own", it's about spoiling a major twist being a genuinely shitty thing to do.

>tell the ending or big twist of something to someone
>know full well that they don't give a shit about it
>they'll never watch or play it
>the moment I do, every single fucking person around who realizes what I did starts bitching endlessly at me
>"but they wouldn't play/watch it anyway so why do you care?"
Normally I try not to hate people, but these fuckers need to be on a kill list somewhere.

Modern "easter eggs" are hardly easter eggs, mostly because the ESRB frowns on hidden shit that's an actual challenge to find, since it implies that a dev willingly witheld a part of their game

Data miners are the ones who are true cancer when it comes to surprises.

Shit like the Naboo Star Fighter and Buick from Rogue Squadron would never be possible today because some faggot would dig through the game files and ruin the surprise.

Some cancerous shitbag protestant fuckwit.

>I'm going to steal a really old filename joke and pretend i came up with it to get some (you)s
jokes on you, fucker, I'm not even going to reply to you, but you know who you are.

You want rock music? I know where you can get a lot of rock cds onii-chan

>that guy that says "secondhand smoke causes cancer"
You have the option of not breathing in the air, you know.

>game has a fun community puzzle for everyone to work together to figure out a secret together
>dataminer wastes the devs time setting it up and ruins the fun of community collaboration as he tells everyone the event trigger order 5 minutes after it's announcement

Why are you assuming that the person doesn't give a shit about it?
I already got stuff spoiled that I really cared about by retards like you who thought that "I didn't care".

>Even people who haven't seen PotA know it's ending because pop culture and it's new cover
>Even people who never seen T2 know the twist 20 minutes in because advertising and pop culture
>Everyone know who Lukes father is in the Star Wars Trilogy because who hasn't spoiled this twist already
>You can "just avoid it"
Maybe for a while after release but eventually shits gonna hit you whether you want it to or not
The internet just exaggerated the effect

If a movie is good, then you *should* calm down. Are you seriously saying that people who watch Planet of the Apes, Sixth Sense, and Citizen Kane for the first time after hearing about their twists can't enjoy it just as much?

>Have a 'friend'
>Playing a game I really like
>He starts going on about the the plot and about to spoil something big
>I tell him not to
>He does it anyway
>I punch him so hard in the head he gets a concussion.
I refused to apologize because what he knew exactly what he was doing and suffered the consequences.

Don't use franny for your shitposting you cunt.

Because no one really gives a shit about anything and I hate it. I want people to stop saying "I don't care", that's what is killing society as a whole. People simply not giving a fuck or thinking or feeling anything. Normies are the worst but no one is immune from this. No one.

Then stop hanging around people or places where they do those things.

Yes, twists are part of what makes things entertaining.
Something tells me you are one of those shitters that don't even pay attention to what you're playing/watching, you probably watch anime in a second monitor while shitposting.

as gay as it is, I don't know why devs put hidden shit directly in the files.

Like capcom trying to be coy with MvCI's roster but they went ahead and put the character names in the data structure in the goddamn demo

like fucking what

If you thought that was a shitpost, that's your problem.

Society hasn't changed due to the internet!

>Yes, twists are part of what makes things entertaining.
And people can be still be entertained when they know what's coming if the experience is good enough.
>Something tells me you are one of those shitters that don't even pay attention to what you're playing/watching, you probably watch anime in a second monitor while shitposting.
Why project this?

Why didn't you just ignore him?

It used to be you didn't have to worry about fagets digging through the files and spamming it everywhere for their 15 minutes of fame.

What really pissed me off was datamine fags spoiling the surprise reveal of Ryu and Roy for smash bros where Nintendo put them in, in an earlier update because they wanted them to be able to be downloadable and playable right after the announcements. Reveal was ruined by data miners and made it so that everyone was just yawning instead of getting hyped like the older days.

I remember feeling the same during the Pokemon craze. There was more mystery without the the internet. Now everyone seems to be on the same page. Only things I can think were easter eggs barely anyone knows like FF7 and MGS

Developers are discouraged from adding easter eggs and secrets as a result of the fact that the internet would simply reveal them so even people who dont use the internet are negatively affected and thus the statement is true regardless

>tfw you play an obscure indie game and find a secret that few other people have likely found

The type of people upset over "ruined easter eggs and secrets" are those stuck in the mindset of an anxious preteen. If it was really an issue, people wouldn't re-watch shows, replay games, or re-ride roller coasters. If it's enjoyable, it's enjoyable. Spoilers or not.

Shit, I look like the guy on the bottom and like the same things. Maybe the book has a point.

Star wars isn't ruined at all if you already know dark vader is lukes father, good stories are better than good twists.

It was a huge fucking spoiler at the time though to the point that Lucas had James Earl Jones speak different lines to Hamill during the scene and then privately had the lines re dubbed so even the film crew was didn't know about it to keep it from being leaked.

Just because everyone knows it now doesn't make it a giant bombshell

>devs don't have fun with their projects anymore to include easter eggs and secrets

I knew a guy who before playing any new game for the first time would read the full Wikipedia story summary, spoilers and all, to see if it was something he would be interested in.

Because they immediately get leaked or spoiled by data mining fags. Look at what happened with Binding of Issac where they had this huge puzzle for players to slowly do over the course of months by combining information from all their playthroughs. So data mining fag immediately ruined it.

You guys keep chiding data miners but they didn't spoil the Batman Arkham Asylum secret room. The developers did and that's even worse.

>shitter looks up how to cheese a game just so he can boast about being hardcore

He should've seen that coming and done a better job obfuscating it.

Tell that to youtube reccomendations and clickbait e-celebs

No matter your opinion on spoilers, you have to admit the internet and datamining has made devs less inclined to put in secrets.

yeah, but i dont have the option of convincing developers to put easter eggs and secrets back in their games after they all gave up on it because of datamining. also cant undo them being convinced it is better to take any content that would be an easter egg or spoiler and just sell it as dlc.

a good twist or secret can turn an already great game into an amazing game.
but if you get spoiler'd on that Twist, then you don't get to see the Amazing game that everyone else played, instead you just get a good game and end up one of those Fags who gets yelled at when you tell people that it wasn't that good because you missed out on discovering the twist for yourself that is the reason why everyone else loves it

> youtube reccomendations

>week before Xenoverse 2 comes out
>on Youtube for unrelated shit
>thumbnails everywhere spoiling the story and secret characters already because Bamco cocksuckers got early copies

>tfw dataminers spoil a community oriented secret/puzzle

Honestly, if I made a game, I'd seriously fuck with this.
>big secret that has to be pieced together by the player
>takes loads of bullshit to find
>if you activate it immediately, the game crashes and downloads steam files
>when you reboot, the secret now insults you for cheating
>it seems like there's no further way to progress in the secret
>if you do it properly, you get the full secret, but also get a code that doesn't make sense
>if you enter the code in the cheater path you get a brand new secret
>any attempts to run any kind of capture software through any of this crashes the game

Part of the problem is the huge amount of utter losers on the internet who want their 10 minutes of fame as well
They HAVE to be the first to discover hidden shit or to do shit because they have nothing else going on in their lives and that is the most they will ever accomplish

I'm bewildered. Mostly because I'm extremely new to Sup Forums.

I wonder how many easter eggs have still gone unfound

>any attempts to run any kind of capture software through any of this crashes the game
Guess I gotta pull out the old camcorder again.

Like with Petscop without the failsafes

is there anyway you can prevent a game from getting datamined or its resources from being ripped?

Shoo, you little monster.

Stop namefagging

We settled this debate already, spoilers objectively improve the experience of most things


not really any legal methods
though theoretically someone could do something like make a type of malware or something that that deletes the entire games folders if anything other than its specific exe is touched in any way, but that would get soo much flack and hate by paranoid morons that it would be career suicide for any dev to actually do it

There are cryptographic ways, but the patrician method is to design your secrets in a way that expects players to rip apart your game.

I came prepared.

Even Sup Forums has rules against spoilers. Dont be a faggot. But also mods ever enforce those rules among others GRs like GR6.

Better sleep with one eye open, boy.

Also the width of your collar.

Southpaws are of the devil and they part their hair from right to left.

>you will never try to search for Waluigi in Super Mario 64DS
And no I'm not underage grandpa


Anyone here watch Made In Abyss? Nanachi / bunny girl dies

people that cry about possible spoilers are worse than actually getting spoiled
and its be proven to enhance the experience anyway