UNIEL is on sale

Buy Yuzuriha's game

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Maybe you should include this too


Isn't this an outdated version?

I'd say it's better to buy a cheaper old version for someone wanting to start the series than to pay 60 for the new version when it comes out and then regret buying it




>new version of a niche fighting game announced
>I know, let's release the old version on PC and charge a high price
>Should we offer the updated version when that comes out?
>Naw. Not in the plans

>I know, let's release the old version on PC and charge a high price
Wasn't it always 30 bucks when it came to PC?



But what if you like and support the fighting game scene you enjoy?

what do these characters have in common

If you already like it than you'd have both games. This is mostly with newcomers in mind. 7 bucks is pretty cheap.

Artist's favorite?

I was thinking of giving this game a shot; old version or new. The only anime fighter I've played before is GG xrd. What are the differences between the two?

UNIEL is mostly bare-bones in terms of content compared to the newest release, UNIST, which is without a doubt the most complete release the series has gotten. The acclaimed tutorial and mission mode plus the story mode for those who care are in the newest one while in UNIEL, the closest thing you got to a guide are a few videos explaining the mechanics and character spotlights online. There's a few balance difference in the characters of course, UNIEL is the era where certain characters completely outshined the rest while UNIST mostly has the characters on an even playing field.

So I played a bunch of matches today to practice my Yuzu a bit and got to play a purple ranked Yuzu for 38 matches. I lost all 38. This dude was doing next level shit.

Oh and more importantly, 4 new characters in the newest version

So there's no sign of ST getting released for PC? I guess I have no choice than to give this one a try and learn what I can. Thanks!

Hope you saved some replays. Just having that visual aid at your disposal is helpful.

>If you already like it than you'd have both games.
I don't want to buy the game three times again, okay? Fuck, post that pic with your like 12 copies of [st] and all the preorder bonuses if you want, but I ain't doing it.

You niggers STILL making daily threaads? Fuck off to VG already

I didn't, but I added him as a friend and he told me I could ask for advice and shit.

I wouldn't write [st] out so soon. The localization is still slated for later this year so it's still plenty possible for a PC release to follow after it comes. If French Bread and Akys decide to be smart, they'll have the PC version out in a timely manner. They seem intent on having [st] be the main title for a while since by the time UNIEL's console release came to the west, [st] was out in arcades in Japan


Right. I realize you've gotta be patient with the releases, but I'd rather learn which character I enjoy the most and the feel of how the game flows.

I plan on buying the localized console release and the PC version. For the record, that wasn't me, that was someone who wanted every single piece of pre-order bonus.

Hence why it wouldn't be a bad idea to get a feel for the game with UNIEL in the meantime

>this still hasn't happened for real yet

Come the heck on French Bread. There's tons of placeholder slots for characters in [st] already.

You still haven't learned what daily means, do you

They aren't that big a studio, don't ask for the world.


Cool, thanks user.

Why is she so flat?

>making a general for a not daily thread that only occurs at night and rarely even gets 100 posts
Also wrong thread. Thats unist. This is uniel while to the untrained and retarded eye might be the same, theyre actually not the same.

Too much exercise got rid of all her body fat.

Since UNIST is the most complete version, should I wait to pick that version up or just pick up UNIEL?

Might as well get UNIEL since it's only $7. Still no [st] release date for NA, or you could just buy the jap version and get started.

Pretty much


Alright, I pick up UNIST then UNIEL when it comes out. Any recommendations on characters? My only experience with fighters is Tekken and I main law. Im also trying learn narukami on P4A to prep for the blazblue cross over battle thing.

Everyone really has a different feel so the honest recommendation is to try everyone out or just watch these

Well, that's good at least

News in 2 weeks!

>Finally have the night free from work after like 2 or 3 weeks since I last played
>No lobby, unless I missed it or something
>Sleepy as fuck now
Goddamn this sucks. My Oreo is rusty as fuck from not playing for so long.

Lobbies are Sun-Thurs, at least when that's when I'm available. Unless the regulars start making their own lobbies during the weekend, I think it'll stay that way

>Tfw tsukuyomi isn't a playable character
>cri everytiem

Support only ability. Also, it's Strix

might try for an earlier thread to garner slightly more interest over the weekend. Even I might just get the PC version for the hell of it and play with those who were left behind


One is essentially a nun, the other is a brat, and the other is literal waifubait

If only I had the Enkidu version of this