Why is this allowed?
Why is this allowed?
Games can get shitty with some good idea fairy update that fucks up the fun to bring more shekles or whatever else stupid reason a dev might have. Look at robocraft.
Usually this happens when there is a major update ruins a game or changes a lot and people aren't happy with it. This sounds more like he's bored because he played it for 2000 hours which in that case he is fucking retarded.
I have 700 hours into War Thunder and i play it every day but it's fucking SHIT
Fuck him for having opinions I guess
Why is Early Access allowed?
I we're gonna talk about /egg/ games, then did they ever fix the memory leak in space engineers?
I guess they let people rate the reviews. That kind is never at the top.
>people can't have opinions
fuck off opinion police
>Playing game
>Good game
>Update changes litterally everything
>Game is different
>It's not the same
>No longer fun because you preferred the old game
>Stop playing and leave bad review
because is most cases you can't play the old version of the game anymore
the game has changed, so the review will also change
>game gets worse through shitty updates or other reasons
>change review accordingly despite playing for a long time
What's the problem, Valve Jew? Can guarantee that was made on a game that's fucked itself somehow
Why are you allowed to even breathe, when you can't even muster an iq above 70?
I had 700 hours in Ark when they released paid DLC before the game was even out. I'll be buggered if I'm not leaving a pissy review for that.
fuck off casual
I have 2000
>playtime: 0.3 hours
>playtime: 2,892 hours
Yeah, I don't get why they let people who can't read post on message boards either.
>be abused by father all my life
>since I was a child, until I left for college, constantly raped and tortured by him and my uncle, as well as sold to their friends
>drugged and starved
>survived thousands of hours of torture
>eh I suppose I reccommend it, since I put so much time into it
>the equivalent of playing 40 hours a week for more than 4 years
You can have an opinion on anything but if you can't back it up with actual arguments beyond "it be like this cus it do lol" then expect to be bashed on, especially if it affects the score of a game
Content changes, opinion changes with it. Very common with F2P games and their inevitable "game will die by the end of the year, we need to milk it dry NOW" updates.
>family analogies
what do you want you limp wrist fuckface, a guy who played 30 minutes with a shitty 3 word review?
i dont understand this criteria. would you not want a no lifer to explain in several paragraphs how the dlc is worthless and the game is unbalanced or the devs dont communicate? this is the kinda shit you wouldn't get from someone with 2 fucking minutes in the review
>used to be fun
>early access
you are literally retarded if you need further explanation
by the end of early access the game had morphed into something that was no longer fun and was reviewed accordingly, and the play time did not suddenly go away
>i dont understand this criteria
It's Criticism Deflection 101. Fanboys will look for any excuse to discredit a dissenting review of a game they like, even if their criteria is arbitrary and inconsistent, because they can't refute it.
this might be the worst analogy ever concieved
>Eat at the same restaurant almost every day
>Really enjoy it
>They change some stupid shit on the menu
>It's suddenly terrible to eat there
>Guess I still have to recommend it because I spent so much time eating there
I could say the same about Sup Forums.
Because it's so boring NOW, it USED to be fun, read the fucking review. I would trust this guy over the nonstop stream of faggots who barely put an hour in the game and give it a thumbs up.
A good game is good no matter how many hours you put in.
Just because it takes a long time to realize it's shit doesn't mean it's not shit.
God I don't even want to know how many hours I've put into Sup Forums since I've started coming here in 07
>play a game for 2 hours
"You haven't played enough to dislike it"
>play a game for 2000 hours
"You played too much to dislike it"
That's what OP gets for the worst argument ever conceived
You can get addicted with bad shits. I don't know how that some people seems couldn't to grasp that fact.
I don't even want to think about how many hours I've put into this shithole arguing with random nerds that I'll never hear from again
I spent 2000 hours on dota and I regret every minute of it
and i could say far worse about existence in general
You aren't allowed to change your opinion over time
I have fun with Fortnite and probably have 400+ hours in it now. I would NEVER recommend it to newcomers as everything besides the gameplay is so fucking bad.
>TFW been in since mid-Alpha
>game journalist paid to play the game for three hours and review it
>someone who's dumped hundreds of hours and dollars into the game
Who would you trust more to tell you the quality of a game?
more like
>game is so good he plays for over 2000 hours
>he starts to get bored of it
>only 700 hours on Sup Forums
>as everything besides the gameplay is so fucking bad.
But isn't the gameplay what really matters?
He literally claims in the full review that Daybreak fucked up the combat system though
if you marry a woman with a gym body, and love her and sex her for 10 years, and suddenly she gets lazy and fat, are you not supposed to hate her and tell everyone she is a shit woman? that's what steam reviews are, even if you had a great 10 years your opinion is based on the last few hours of the experience.
>game gets update that ruins it
wow such a difficult concept you fucking idiot
Robocraft was like that. It was pretty good until they fucked it all to hell and back and made the cash shop uber jewy.
do you have a single fact to back that up?
>Why is this allowed?
A: He was only playing it IRONICALLY *tips fedora*
B (the more likely one): He's trapped in a terrible game that he can't seem to quit because of all the time he's already put in. Too many of us know that feel. When we tell you some F2P is fucking garbage that we've put hundreds/thousands of hours into WE ARE JUST TRYING TO SAVE YOU FROM THE SUFFERING HELL WE INHABIT. Heed the warning.
>are you not supposed to hate her and tell everyone she is a shit woman?
You're a piece of shit, user.
>"Game is honestly so boring now used to be fun but now the—"
So you deliberately cropped out the part where he explains why it's boring now, so that you could imply that he finds it boring only because he played so much of it. Care to post the entire review so we can see what a shitposter you are?
It's already been posted
Thanks. OP sure is a fag.
The real question is, can a game go from so good i played 2000hrs to i wouldn't touch it now.
i remember uninstalling after they tried the 'anti-cheating software' bullshit, sucks because it was a great game
TF2 arguably did this for a lot of people.
steams auto refund under 2 hours is the perfect amount of time. but reviews are meant for POTENTIAL BUYERS. just because you enjoyed it before, doesn't mean it is still good for new people. Especially when every game wants to sell out and cash grab
How much did you pay to have your dad fuck you in the ass?
shit analogy
OP isn't even real. Games don't go to shit just like that
please, I hope no one finds a way to see how many hours have been spent on Sup Forums.
Dear Diary, today OP was a faggot yet again.
>game is awesome
>tons more potential too
>great community forms, tons of excitement and fun
>sink in tons of hours pushing them limits and gitting gud
>company grows, execs and bureaucracy sets in
>key devs leave
>MBAs brought in completely fuck it up, blow off community
>so much obvious potential trashed and wasted
>community slowly dies as people peel off, first a few then in accelerating numbers
>tfw you finally have to put down the torch, cold and dark in a wasteland of dreams
>addicted to a drug
>want to get clean
>can't stop using
I wish this wasn't allowed
>OP isn't even real. Games don't go to shit just like that
Not usually no, although there have been some pretty disastrous slides in the past. But I doubt that reviewer wrote that suddenly, it was probably after months of increasing frustration as things gradually went downhill. The ones who quit at the first sign of shit weren't the ones who'd sunk in 2k+ hours.
H1 didn't go to shit right away with the combat update, but that was definitely the breaking point for a lot of people.
You're comparing something you choose to do to something you did not choose.
Come on, dude.
>he thinks that steam review is bad
You are like a little baby
Watch this
Which game, assuming it is an actual game and not a walking simulator
I have over 50 hours in Sonic Mania and I gave the game a downboat because of the DRM and SEGA lying about it
Just because I'm stuck in this pit doesn't mean I want others to join me
Rock of ages 2
Maybe don't play it for 2000 hours if you want to be taken seriously when you say it's shit you retard.
>play game for short amount of time
>play game for long amount of time
Fuck this gay earth
>games can't change for the worse
My profile has over 2,000 hours of TF2 on record. I haven't played it since 2014/2015 because of how shit it has become and I changed my review to negative.
There's only so much bullshit some people can handle.
>The actual gameplay is a mixed bag because some mission types just fucking suck and the main quest line literally forces you to do several of them to progress, upwards of THREE of them in a row, Repair the Shelter is the #1 offender, but more on that later
>In addition to Account EXP (which awards Skill Points, earned through play), there is also Survivor, Hero, and Schematic EXP, which are used to level up Heroes, Survivors, and your weapons and traps respectively
>It is awarded in relatively meager quantities that might get you a level if you are pushing characters at relatively appropriate power levels for the part of the game you're in, less than 1 if you're trying to max one out for your current progression point
>The game is a shoot and loot sort of thing
>Except there are two types of loot: Temporary and Permanent
>Temporary loot is loot you find from breaking shit and opening chests in game missions, weapons and traps as well as crafting materials
>Your inventory for these is quite limited and you drop excess on the ground, no exceptions
>Once you use the weapons/traps you find from this method, they are gone, poof
>Permanent loot is acquired through various Quests and the rewards at the end of Missions as well as Loot Llamas (loot chests)
>Loot Llamas cost 100 units of the game's premium currency
>You can get up to 50 of it daily (for the parts of the game that are at least half finished, 60 past that) from Daily Missions plus up to 20 from each Mission whose Timed Reward rolled it (really rare, reset every couple hours)
>Loot Llamas are the primary progression model, you can also buy the premium currency
>The loot that pops out of them is 100% random
>Loot has rarity tiers, white, green, blue, purple, orange, light yellow
If you aren't going to listen to people with experience why the fuck are you looking at the reviews at all?
I never noticed how this eventually becomes almost paradoxical.
>Most Llamas you open will be utter shit and even the tiny few that "Upgrade" (when you open it, it doesn't open and changes materials visually, can happen twice) will still be shit most of the time and only if you Whale your everloving fucking face off will you get anything decent
>Higher rarity items and Heroes (yes, who you can play as and how strong they are is limited by Loot Boxes) are very rare and also objectively stronger, twice over until Epic rarity for Heroes, than lower rarities
>Higher rarity Heroes and weapons/Traps have a higher Power Rating (overall strength) and also more passive bonuses at higher levels
>In Alpha, the drop rates were considerably higher and considered "Fair" among testers, even up to the last days when people were still pulling a decent number of higher rarity Heroes
>It's absolute SHIT in the current version "Early Access"
>There are 2 Skill Trees, one set that takes Skill Points (each Tier also takes one additional Skill Point per allocated node), and one that takes Research Points, a literal time-gating mechanic that is primarily minor stat boosts, inventory slots, and slots in your Squads and Vehicles
>Squads are where Survivors go, they're equivalent to gear in an MMO that you equip on your character
>There are some rules to making them do their best that I won't expound on
Once you unlock a Vehicle in the main Skill Tree (Points), you get access to Expeditions, a system wherein you can send your extra Heroes on 8 hour-long journeys on the respective vehicle to go get some loot of various types
>It's a pass/fail chance system where their power rating is divided by the mission's difficulty to decide success rate, the missions you get to pick from are randomized every few hours
>Drop rates of anything you actually want is so bad that even if you had a roster of FOUR fully-leveled Legendary Heroes (orange rarity), you'd still not be guaranteed the return of a BLUE rarity Hero on a respective mission
The meat of the game.
>A variety of game modes, most of which are "Defend this structure from waves of enemies"
>The other mission types of note are Rescue the Survivors (nothing to defend, hunt down Survivors and find their medkits/save them from enemies), Build the Radar Grid (build some towers against a predetermined grid of stuff you build, must match 100%), and Destroy the Encampments (kill packs of enemies around monoliths until the monolith explodes, repeat at next monolith)
>Repair the Shelter
Introduced early in the 2nd area, this Mission type is of exemplary note:
>You spawn in an area as normal
>Find the Shelter, which is effectively a bounce castle with a metal frame
>Running Diagnostics on it reveals that the Modules that power it are missing
>You and your party of up to 3 other players must hunt down the Caches (almost invisible diamond-shaped boxes that MIGHT contain 1 of the 9, you only need 8 however, Modules, but can also hold explosives, materials, or nothing)
>Every 9 minutes after Diagnostics is ran, you have to defend the Shelter for 5 minutes from waves of enemies from random angles around the Shelter
>The Shelter is also usually under a cliff, so it's liable that enemies will rain on the base and fuck your base over from all angles
>2 or 3 minutes into each hunting wave, a character named SEE-bot appears who yells "OW, MY EYE" every time he is hurt for literally all players to hear no matter where they are
>Enemies spawn around him continuously
>Turning him on and protecting him causes caches to become fully visible and marks a few with guaranteed Modules
>Each Module takes 1 full real-world minute to "install" during which the bounce castle puffs up
>They don't install during enemy attacks
>Once 7 have been installed and the 8th found, all timers stop
Crimecraft as an example wasn't F2P+P2W at first, it went bad when they intergrated steam players and made it 9/10 to 5/10, once they sold to some faggot publisher it was pure 1/10 P2W and wouldn't even touch with 1 inch dick.
Steam majority is babies, fuck em despite me being a steam user as well. Steam have to die.
>A huge 8 minute wave of enemies comes in a few minutes that must be defended against
>And then it ends
>Can take up to 50 fucking minutes unlike most other modes which take no more than 20 or 30
Fuck that shit so hard.
Then there's the updates.
>Intentionally ignore actual issues the game has
>Waste time making stuff nobody wants
All throughout Alpha they made change after change people hated, but they ignored all negative criticism about it. And when asked why they ignore it, they claim it's people being resistant to change and will get over it (they did simply because their cries fell on deaf ears)
>Hex map that was somewhat interesting replaced with generic map
>Constructors actually a must because they're the only ones who can make level 3 building pieces, now everyone can and 4 Soldiers is actually a viable team composition if your Constructor isn't one of only 3 good ones
>In an earlier Alpha build, you could literally just pick a Hero (class-locked) and then pick a skill set to use them with
>When they rolled out the Loot Llama system, they locked each Hero to a specific Skill Set on top of needing good RNG to get the ones you want
>Block Party was tested as an Event and loved, effectively a team-survival mode where you build a base and then it plays like CoD Zombies, matched with 3 others and you have to defend your 4 bases until you lose, finishing waves gets you new stuff from vending machines, etc.
>Top reward was a Legendary Hero if you survived the full time
>In a recent update, they "brought it back" in the worst way possible
>Still treating it as an event before the game is even remotely done
>Now called Survive the Storm
>You and up to 3 other players are dumped onto a barren area with only trees and Stone plus one random building for extra early mats
>Build a base for NINE minutes
>Then defend it for EIGHT AND A HALF
>Has 3 duration variants, longer ones give more (still awfully weak) rewards
>The shortest is 3 day/night cycles, lasting over FIFTY minutes
>The longest is 14 day/night cycles, lasting over FOUR HOURS
>The other half of the Event is Mutant Storms, which gives a Mission one positive bonus and 1+ negative bonuses, actually a good change
I could go on, probably, but I'm tired.
And a TL;DR:
>I feel strongly about the game and want it to be good, have for a long time
>It's not
>Don't play Fortnite
>Play Vanilla WoW for 2000 hours
>New expansion comes out
>It's completely unreasonable to dislike it
Sure user, sure
>right click on page
>'view page info'
You're as lost as we all are
Shouldn't have spent money on it.
Yea, tons of games patch their shit or new content goes in a direction you don't like. Every new rendition of the game should be treated as its own release, in a way. Consider the "enhanced" releases of Star Wars, for example.
Worst part:
>Support it having bought $40 worth of the in-game currency in Alpha, cause they was an ongoing event wherein they'd automatically give you the Purchase Pack of the same cost, guaranteeing you access after Alpha
>Do it when shit isn't too bad
>Then shit starts getting bad
I have like 500 hours in chivalry and it was really fun until they basically patched everyone and everything out of the game that wasnt Knight.
So it completely killed the game and there was no reason to ever play it again.
>Using Mozilla
There's your problem.
Not the same game I know - for me I bought into the Neverwinter beta and they had a rollback that cost me most of my character progress and a $50 in-game cash purchase.
Damn man, that has gotta fucking suck.
I hope Sup Forums isn't completely full of stupid faggots who can't agree that you can play a game for a decent amount of time that's not 2000 hours and still decide its not worth it.
I played a game recently for about 150 hours and in the end I decided it really wasn't worth it. Guess the game, it played me like a fiddle.
>are you not supposed to hate her and tell everyone she is a shit woman?
I mean, no, you're not supposed to do that, and it would make you a ridiculous asshole if you did.
>34,000 times
we've got to leave
Well, I at least read your whole long ass thing user because I know that feel. Seeing something super promising get shit all over by a retarded dev while an enthusiastic and solid alpha community spends significant effort telling them exactly the sort of stuff they should be doing but the dev blows them off is horrible.