Just got this
Did I do good, Sup Forumsros?
What gpu do you have?
Just got this
Did I do good, Sup Forumsros?
What gpu do you have?
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You did bad.
I have a GTX 1080.
ive had it for over a year and everything runs max with >60 fps. cant complain
1060 3 GB
1080 TI, finished my building right before all this Irma bullshit. Haven't even played anything yet.
>Not a Vega 56
>Tfw GT 1030
If there was a stronger PCIE powered card out there for my low profile prebuilt I wouldn't hesitate to upgrade. 45fps at 1050p isn't terrible i guess.
Literally bought that one today boi
overclocked MSI GTX 1080Ti
also have an EVGA GTX 1070 FTW edition as a backup until I manage to sell it
You did better than I did, I got a 1060 6gb when I built my new PC last year
It's definitely a step up from my old PC, and I can run everything I want to, but I feel like I should have gotten an 1070 before the price hike
'I was gonna buy the 1070, but bought a 1060 6 gigabyte instead since I have no intention of upgrading my monitor to 4k anytime soon. Plus it was 200 bucks cheaper.
Just overkill for what I need.
I have a 1050 Ti. Frankly, I'm surprised it could handle Destiny 2 at 1080p/60fps. I have a 1440 monitor though.
overkill for 1080p
not enough for 4k
Actually, I just saw that I can get a 1070 for ~100 bucks more. Cancelled my order and bought that. Should be just fine.
MSI GTX 1080ti Gaming X. Pretty great playing everything at 4k.
That's nice then cause I play at 1440p
for how much is the real question. that is lterally what depends on if you have done well or not
i really hope that since bitcoin got fucked by chinese legislation that
GPU prices tank
>Gigabyte G1 GTX 1070
mein nigga
>overkill for 1080p
not from my experience
Yup I have a 1070 runs anything I can throw at it at 1080p. Plan on upgrading to 144hz soon.
>still running a GTX460 in my main computer
>have 8 GTX 1060s running in my ethereum mine
>can no longer resist, assemble a Ryzen build and use one of the mining cards as the GPU
>ran fine for a few days
>suddenly it makes a noise like a belt sander grinding a rock and starts shakes my entire case
>smoke starts pouring out the back exaust ports
>it smells extremely chemically and burns my eyes
>it stops after about 10 seconds and goes back to normal
>it does this about once a week for about a month and a half now
>it still works fine
Sounds like your capacitors are exploding. Happened to me once, although only one time since I returned the faulty part afterwards.
R9 290
It just works
>If there was a stronger PCIE powered card out there for my low profile prebuilt I wouldn't hesitate to upgrade.
There is
I'm still using my 780ti. Nothing on the horizon warrants an upgrade and I mostly play 10-20 year old games anyways.
GTX 750ti, GTX 950, RX 460
I upgraded from an HD 7870 a few months ago to an RX 580. Thank goodness I got one before the mining bullshit.
I have a GTX 1050 Ti.
The most recent game I've been playing on it is Nier: Automata and it doesn't run as well as I hoped.
On the other hand, Doom runs at a rock-solid 60 FPS so I think it's just Platinum's fault for the PC port being lazily made.
430€ :(
It's alright.
Since February and still good.
Isn't the timing bad at this point considering the prices and the new GPUs coming out yearly next year?
Whew lad. Why do you love hi-temps and a noisy fan?
How good is the 1050ti?
surprisingly so.
It's okay for its price and the cryptoschwein haven't driven its price through the roof.
You can play most games at 1080p on high settings at a good, often 60fps framerate, don't expect 4k60fps though.
It's really neat for the price
sounds good to me kek
High temps, maybe but it ain't noisier than my previous cards.
Couldn't wait desu
Good for you OP
Don't let the haters put you down
I still have a 970.
It gives me 60fps with mostly high settings.
I don't feel like it's worth it to upgrade at the moment.
My previous setup was SLI 580's.
You've got to be a special kind of retard to get a card at the near end of its generation at the height of a bitcoin mining boom.
is a 1300x and 1050ti good enough for 1080p gaming at 60fps
just bought a laptop with i7, gtx1050, 8gb ram
can i run nier auto and other triple A games with thid?
Rx 580. It can play Total Warhammer at 4k 30fps ultra settings
answer us you fucking dweebs
Just got a1050 Ti after my 960 burned out. Just gotta get a vga to DVI-D converter for my monitor.
Go watch some fucking benchmarks just like everyone else has to, retard.
Overkill for 720p
Good for med setting 1080p
no oc
i have this. the cooler is attached to the pcb with cable ties because it was just attached with glue before. i love it to death, but there are some games now that i can't get a solid 60 fps on with lowest settings, unfortunately
I've just bought an rx560. Suddenly realised that my 300w psu probably isn't going to cut it?
MSI Gtx 1080 Gaming X. I am very satisfied. Breaks the 2GHz mark (though not sure if that really matters) without a sweat.
And the cooler and the fans are EXCELLENT. Really quiet at stock speeds even when playing demanding games and with higher overclock the sound profile is really nice to my ear that it doesn't even bother me if I'm pushing the card.
Congrats, you can play games at 1080p on high settings with mediocre framerates for the next 2 years
Welcome to 2014
How much you want for it? Kik me at Zemedic
I got a HD5770 for 1440p.
Pretty painful
Whats the next series of cards after 1080? 1180?
I've got the 1080ti version of this and it's a great card.
Why even bother though
I thought 11xx as well but it seems like it's going to be 20xx.
You did bad, I have a GTX TITAN XZ
1050 Ti Mediumrace!
Whats the cheapest somewhat futureproof, non amd card I can buy right now?
Looking for something around 4gb atleast.
1050 Ti witha G4600 processor is enough for a poorfag like me.
A GTX 660
>overkill for 1080p
No such thing. I can make my 1080 choke at 1080p quite easily. Watch Dogs 2 runs at under 30fps when maxed out.
Why would you play watch dogs 2?
good shit
What's the best mid-high range gpu at the moment? I'm hearing a lot of conflicting opinions.
Same. I upgraded from a regular 980 and holy shit what a difference it's made. Coupled with a 144hz monitor it's been excellent. Very quiet as well.
I used to have one till it died on me one day. Been rocking a 960 ever since. Think it's been 2 years already
Gtx 970, although old is it still decent
the same
This but 1070.
>but it ain't noisier than my previous cards.
was it a 290
I came from a 770
not even the same planet anymore
I wouldn't. I pirated it as a benchmark.
>tfw computer died today
>can't even repair with usb, just says drive is locked
>cant unlock
I don't even have any reaction images lads
because you got it free with your GPU
i just got the 1080 version of that for $720aud shipped
are you me
1080ti from 770 checking in
1440p 144hz 100+fps ultra feels good
hows this for weird
6970 to a 290 then back to a 6970 then onto a 770 then a 390 then 390x and then a 1080
I had something similar lol. 8800 to some ATI mid-tier, killed the ATI, back to 8800, then to some $100 AMD, then 770, then 1080ti
meant for
You can get a low profile 1050Ti
Reporting in. Bought it 07/2016, been rock solid since then.
I was thinking about upgrading to a 1080Ti, but since I play at 1440p there's no real need, so I've decided to wait it out for Volta.
I don't get why you guys all feel the need to pathologically upgrade hardware. I haven't come across a game yet that was worth getting a new GPU for.
Yes I know, 8gb on triple channel, the third 4gb stick died a year back.
actually the same one as you, OP.
it's a really nice card, running it since last december.
>I hate vidya: the post
This fucking beaut right here
It works
You could have got a 1080 for like $40-50 more.
I'm still gaming on my GTX 660 and it looks like I'll be keeping it for several more years looking at these prices.
No you didn't, the new shit is just around the corner so you could have saved like 200 bucks and gotten a gtx 1080 when the 20 series comes out
I have an EVGA ACX 3.0 FTW GTX 1080, it's very pretty.
whats the best laptopor pc but i prefer laptops i can get for 230$
You can get a rope for 10$ and save the rest.