*brings star destroyer down with the force*

heh... i was expecting a challenge

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The ragdoll effects in that game were so good. I loved flinging literally everything and everyone everywhere with a flick of the wrist. One of the few Star Wars games where you actually feel powerful.

1 was a great game. 2 felt like it was a bit forced, and the story was pure garbage. There was also an impossibly stupid hanger part in 2 that acted as a real barrier for most players enjoying the game.

Why does everybody have a problem with this?

Yoda literally says that size doesn't matter and that the only obstacle is your own mind in Episode V.

Why does every star wars fag have selective memory about their shit-tier setting?

The main reason is because Episode V and VI are fanfiction and awful, especially relating to the Force/Jedi. "Star Wars" should've stayed a one-off.

Also Starkiller or whatever his name is/was has absolutely fuck all character in the games, so the idea of him transcending to this state of existentialism is surreal because he literally didn't have to transcend at all, they just wrote him doing it because they thought it looked cool.

most people I ask are because they think of him as a gary stu who can do SO MUCH MORE than the force users we know from the movies.

So basically nerds are mad their favorite characters are weaker than some character in a game.


>hundreds of years of knowledge and training with the force
>can lift a tie fighter but clearly takes deep concentration and energy to do so

>fanfiction tier oc
>brings down a whole tie fighter with barely any effort

There is a reason why Yoda's presentation of the force is much more memorable and revered than the stuff in the expanded universe.

Fuck you I liked it: the game

>>tie fighter
Yoda's presentation is memorable because you watched it when you were twelve. It's a gay little puppet with very little purpose or character besides moving along Luke's imaginary training and attempts to bridge Vader and Luke's relationship because that's a plot point, apparently.

>left handed
Is this a real character? Or is it fan art?

It's an issue of experience.

No one has a problem with Darth Nihilus destroying entire worlds through the force, and had Darth Vader himself done the feat I don't think anyone would have an issue with it.

The issue is that he's some no-name apprentice doing fucking amazing feats. I don't think he had even had something like an ancient lost holocron to explain where his techniques came from.

I enjoyed the first game a lot. The whole premise of the game was that you get to use the Force at levels never seen before and in that sense it delivered. I don't really care if he was a mary sue, able to throw around tie fighter and vaporize whole hallways of stormtroopers was fun.

Yoda was old as fuck though. Even with his mental mastery he probably had Alzheimers or something.

The opening level with Vader was pretty great. I loved being a dick and fucking with Stormtroopers.

I would have rather had the game be where you play as Darth Vader for the entire game. I probably actually would have liked the game.

Though Vader fucking with Stormtroopers is pretty out of character for him.

>pretty good force power
>still uses a gay red dildo saber
>not a black KATANA saber
pfft... got a ways to go still kid....

i don't see why the apprentice story had to happen at all, it should have been about darth vader's rise to power and terror building throughout the empire, purgin jedi left and right because fuck jedi.

THIS. shoulda been a vader game.
>there will never be a SW game where you are the bad guy properly and you build your empire.

kotor doesn't count since the 'canon' of the eu was the LS choices etc.

the only good thing about SWtOR was the class stories and getting to play you Sith Juggernaught as a noble demon (LS) that's still actually evil.

>able to bring down super massive ships with the Force
>still uses a fucking Lightsaber
What's the god damn point? What is he going to do with a sword that he can't do with his fucking mind?

Honestly TOR could have easily been made into a few pretty good single player games.

I loved the Imperial Agent because how many games actually let you play as the fucking secret police.

And playing a light side Sith was mostly fun because of how much you subvert everyone's expectations. Though LS Sith is more of a lawful evil where you don't go around going back on your word or kicking puppies for no reason.

Look cool. If I was the Dr. Manhatten of Force users I'd still have Lightsaber on hand.

Because pre-Disney Star Wars made a new protagonist every week for all of its side stories.

that's why i loved my LS juggy. you were evil without being a pants on head retard like DS sith INQ storyline. IA was top fucking notch too. really did explain how and why a tarkin could end up telling vader to STFU and wtf to do.

There are some Reborns in Jedi Knight II that use nothing but Force and Dark Side powers.

Being a retard was the best part of INQ.

Well all he really has to control is the steering system

and even in academy too.. they are very annoying on any difficulty unless you get absorption up and running in time.

i bet you didn't even play LS bounty hunter or DS trooper.

there's a bunch of really dumb bullshit in the old EU and I don't know why people complain about it these days

if they tried to work starkiller into the movies or new canon somehow I'd be annoyed, but it's a 7/10 game that got a 4/10 sequel and will probably be forgotten in another console generation or so

>are fanfiction

do you even know what fanfiction is you troglodyte piece of horseshit

The level of retard you could go with inq was unbeatable.
>you can't use this experimental drug we took from these alien bugs you have no idea what it will do to you

Something I've always wondered is why applications of the force are still so limited today. It basically boils down to physical buffs, telekinesis, and lightning if you're evil. Where's the pyro/cryokinesis? Hell I'll even take more creative applications of telekinesis, like shockwaves or dust explosions.

Disney only cares about nostalgia pandering so they try to keep force use really low like it was in the original movies.

i found it hilarious the ds inq could act like a genki high school girl high on sugar spazzing out and STILL be a rediculously evil motherfucker.

>arguably LS sith inq is even sillier because it drops out almost all of the evil puppy kicking for the sake of puppy kicking cliche evil

>1 was a great game
Mediocre game.

>>arguably LS sith inq is even sillier because it drops out almost all of the evil puppy kicking for the sake of puppy kicking cliche evil

I don't remember doing all that much evil as LS inquisitor. Instead he just made sarcastic remarks about everyone else being retardedly evil and/or trying to kill him while trying to get to position from which he could enact reform.

>I was shilled with the game being shit
>It's actually pretty good

And Starkiller isn't a mary sue by any means he's beaten up regularly and shits the bed the entire story.

Pulling down the Star Destroyer is the most impressive things he does. While he is crazy strong in comparison to the Jedi seen in the movies we know there were plenty of people who could do crazy shit too in the eu.

Maybe they could use the force to open doors and flush the toilet too... but also could just use their hands and shit in their pants trying all the time.

How did this guy manage to 1v1 jedi with no force abilities?

it's the snarking, you DID snark everyone right?

I need to go back and actually finish the stories before the game is shut down forever.

Episode V blows every other movie out of the fucking water you moron, I would go as far as to say every movie besides V is bad

But LS trooper had by far the most retarded ending, what with you freeing the Empire's best general in exchange for a few thousand POWs

Fucking this.

Even Sheev said it himself in the Dark Lords Rise of Darth Vader book that it comes to a point when you become so powerful that you basically transcend the need for a lightsaber, which is why he called lightsabers a Jedi weapon and that the Sith had no need for them.

When you're fucking pulling down Star Destroyers, despite it being operated by literally thousands of people, the lightsaber is useless at that point.

i want to see a jedi move a whole planet with the force, how many midichlorians does that take

Who was the strongest Sith Lord excluding Sidious or Dark Luke if he counts
Old EU included


He didn't pull it down, he was stopping it from crashing into himself.


>Pulling down the Star Destroyer is the most impressive things he does.
Its amazing how many people completely miss understand what is going on in that scene. He never once pulls down a Star Destroyer. He literally does the EXACT OPPOSITE. He tries to slow it down so when it does collide he wont die in an extinction level event.


>Episode V is shit
So you literally only like a New Hope? Or are your a prequel autist?

Either way you're wrong and stupid.

I always just remember him actually pulling it own in the original reveal trailer but I guess it was changed in game.

Imagine what Star Wars could have been if it wasn't been sold to Disney.

I'm guessing Marka Ragnos or Vitiate

Over? Done with? Finally resting in peace without anyone fucking its corpse? Nah, who are we kidding, it would still happen anyway


Basically he has no time to get off the planet with this destroyer baring down. So his only option was to try and slow it and safely crash it.

Those two scenes with Darth Vader were alright.

He nearly killed himself while doing that in the game, though

It doesnt help that everyone claims that is what he is doing.

In game what happens is that he sabotages a mining facility causing it to slam a rock into an orbital space station where the ISD is parked. It falls out of orbit and is going to collide at high speed on top of the player. There evac ship wont get to him in time so he is told to control the ships landing. The Ship still collides and fucking decimates the area it hits. It just doesnt kill him (though it almost does because its a fucking massive ISD)

I prefer it being dead than having to deal with another TFA. If I could unsee that thing, that soulless husk, the insult to imagination and free spirit once Star Wars pushed into so many mediums and fans.
Rogue One was pretty cool tho. Disney won't ever acknowledge it was better anyways.

I don't care, that part in the game was HYPE
Starkiller is for real shitting himself in fear and saves himself by an inch.

>It's a fucking Star Destroyer entering orbit

Among star wars donkeyfuckers there's certain factional opinions about jedi and the force. Obviously there's the "no flippyflippy swordfu! Jedi are errol flynn!" guys, but there's also the ones like this who didn't want any of it at all beyond kenobi's magical seance talk. Generally the more the force and jedi "are", the more diefags start getting angry.

Darth Millennial

Fucker transcended to Sith Wizard, best fucking cognitive force user to have ever lived who could see events happening YEARS before they transpired, grew a literal fucking third eye, and for a time broke the Rule of Two into the Rule of The Strong because being such a Gary Stu they had to find a way to kill him somehow with his clairvoyance. If he could see shit happening years in advance, a single apprentice would go absolutely fucking nowhere near him.



Fucking Millenials thinking they're so special

I don't understand the like for rogue 1. It was different, but it was essentially an EU fanfiction made canon.
Mystical Bojutsu Jedi Weeaboo in particular was one of the most absurdly stupid things in any SW film, and the X1999 ending was terribly worked.

Darth Insanius

Darth Nihilus destroyed whole worlds with his mere presence, not with active use of the Force but by being what is essentially a Force black hole that sucks all life into it. It was a plot point that he was so overreliant on his soul-eating power that, when he ran into someone it didn't work on, he turned out to be a complete pushover.

He got the power to kill worlds, but he paid a price for it.

Sort of glad you fucks finally convinced me to play TOR. The agent story was actually not bad, and all of the garbage MMO elements are virtually nonexistent.

>Mystical Bojutsu Jedi Weeaboo in particular was one of the most absurdly stupid things in any SW film

I had a bad feeling about it because I knew Donnie Yen could and would move faster than any other actor in the franchise, despite him being supposedly weaker than a jedi. However, I liked the character he played, so I could ignore that shit.

That video proves my point, it is all ready falling LONG before that. He isnt pulling it out of orbit, he is moving it into the canon to slow it down so it wont kill him when it hits

So yes thank you for supporting my claim. He isnt pulling it out of orbit, but guiding it so it slows down and doesnt kill him

[Angry Sith Noises]

>because you watched it when you were twelve.
lol if you think anyone on Sup Forums is old enough to have been 12 when the the movies came out.
Fuck, someone who was 12 when episode 1 came out would be too fucking old compared to the average age of the Sup Forums user right now
Someone literally born on the day episode 1 came out, would be 23 years old m8

So the idea that "it's a shit movie, you only liked it because you watched it as a kid" is fucking retarded.

Why didn't luke just bring down the Death Star using the force?

Darth Nihilus had a hard life

Bring it down where? Crash it into a planet? Seems like a pretty Sith thing to do.

*exits hyperspace behind you in a small fighter with quantum-crystalline armor that can withstand turbolaser shots and can ram through Imperial Star Destroyers without a scratch*
*fires a torpedo at your solar system's sun, supernova-ing it and destroying the entire system*
*hyperspeeds away*

heh, nothin personnel

Not him but episode 1 came out in 1999, not 1994.

At least it's not another "like the death star but bigger" kind of deal like the starkiller base

reminder that Force Unleashed is not canon.

Whichever one held a decent grip on their original self instead of becoming some creature that serves the dark side.

FU1 was full of TECHNOLOGY that should have become the standard in every modern vidya and it makes me sad that it's mostly ignored

Darth Vectivus

Had enough discipline to not become some insane megalomaniac, used the dark side of the force to make himself filthy rich and developed his own completely unique force technique. He also died of old age his apprentice apparently fearing him enough to not even try to kill him on his deathbed.

It's literally just God of War: Star Wars edition

Darth Icky

Mandalorians have a lot of gadgets designed to combat Jedi, as were used in the Mandalorian War. They still lost, but it helped.

Also he straight up loses to Maul and gets beheaded in front of everyone. Mandalorians can't 1v1 a jedi without tricks.

Did you know there was a PS2 version of this game, color me surprised. Was probably shit though without grafix and physix

>if they tried to work starkiller into the movies or new canon somehow I'd be annoyed, but it's a 7/10 game that got a 4/10 sequel and will probably be forgotten in another console generation or so

Don't worry
Starkiller/Force Unleashed was never canon at any point.
It was always alternative history.

>tfw you're the only one who liked grievous
>tfw he was written into being a literal joke

Wasn't he a real bad dude in the cartoons?

yes, until mace windu gave him autism with the force

kenobi finishes off a basically retarded version of grievous, windu is the one who put him into that state


Was Greivous in the cgi series?

>Was a extremely threatening Jedi Killer.
>Black Jedi appears, crushes your lungs, and gives you Cyborg Asthma.
>Proceed to cough and barely stay "alive" until your heart gets exploded by some asshole.

> until mace windu gave him autism
What? Never watched sw cartoons


R1 didn't have a strong plot, but at least it wasn't blatantly recycled either. The cinematics, environments, and vehicles were all superior to TFA's offerings.