New Valkyria Chronicles when? Valkyria Revolution is just a weeb musou garbage
New Valkyria Chronicles when? Valkyria Revolution is just a weeb musou garbage
>Our game has a very unique setting and style to set it apart from all of the other JRPGS
>What should we do for the sequel?
>tfw i wanna beat the first game because it seems cool but i always lose interest in JRPGs after not long
Is 3 worth bothering with or is it as garbage as 2?
At Media.Vision
>Hey should we make another Valkyria Chronicles game?
>No, reviews were terrible for Valkyria Revolution and no one bought it. Looks like people don't want to play them anymore
God damn it
3 is better than 2 but evidently not as fresh as 1 was.
who makes these terrible decisions and why?
You can't be serious...
People don't want that musou garbage, they want the VR1 gameplay you idiot deveoper
3 is mile better than 2. Even then, 3 was very boring compared to 1. Each chapter always consist of filler skirmish which make a 30 hour game become 60 hour game.
Is 2 really that bad? I was looking at it in the PS store on vita and I'm tempted to buy it.
Vc3 is the best game in the series.
If only we could communicate. Write a petition or something.
>mfw VC1 stutters like mad on my PC because of some bullshit with my headset, of all things
>don't have speakers
Guess I won't replay it for a while :(
>not having a hard copy of the PS3 version and the remaster on PS4
>tfw I have both of these in my garage
Good for you, they are good tanks.
>playing on asia servers
The console version is the best version these days
1. maybe execs/shareholders are out of touch as fuck
2. maybe they do it just to spite their own developers/director/artists because they've been disrespected
3. shitting on the fanbase so they stop asking for another game
except in how its even more p2w than the PC version, which is saying a lot
How is it more P2W? Console still has the WTF E100, unnerfed arty and lights, no shitty grand battles. It's same the
I have come to accept that the quality of VC1 will never be repeated within a sequel. They knew the first game would risk alienating a Japanese audience over a modern war (sans swords) setting reminiscent of the World Wars. That is why the sequels have been set in a school or cast a band of flamboyant sword wielding misfits. I can appreciate trying new things, but to the extent of missing what made something memorable and enjoyable is just detrimental. Hopefully after this recent mockery, the series can rest a bit before Sega tries putting another spin on it.
You're going to have to settle for a PS4 remake of VC3 for the time being. Doesn't look like they'll announce it at TGS though.
If you want a VC4 then make sure you buy the shit out of VC3 Remake.
>the quality of VC1
VC1 was an unbalanced fucking mess though with a deeply flawed ranking system and terrible map design. Even if you didn't abuse Scout rushing they were still really the only units worth a damn if you wanted to clear stages in a reasonable amount of time. I won't say 2/3 are objectively better as a whole, but aside from the smaller maps they at least fixed the balance to the point that other units were actually feasible to use which gave you a lot more freedom in how to tackle maps.
VC3 Remake is the only thing I want.
let it die, please
I'd like Sony fund a Wild Arms 6.
4. they are severely mistaken about the fanbase
do you happen to have a source for the stuff in I'm sure I've heard them somewhere before but I forgot where
I think you misunderstood my use of the word quality, but I do acknowledge that VC1 is far from perfect when it comes to game mechanics. That is partly what makes it so painful to see the series being continuously mishandled by Sega.
If the only thing they change is making the maps bigger and combined instead of separated then it'll be a 10/10 in my book.
A source for the claim that the Japanese audience didn't like the serious stuff so they toned it down in VC2? Was in an artbook, and usually gets posted as an image. I don't have it though.
If the thread is up long enough I'm sure someone will post it.
>Pick this up and try it out
>Loved the shit out of it
>Like the setting, the alternate technology and how there's an actual warmachine to everything
>Don't even care that the design is anime as fuck, in fact I quite like it, it felt refreshing
>Then suddenly super sayian bullshit
>Instantly lose interest
I mean, they ARE great games, it's just that one thing that fucked it all up for me
VC3 was great, the only bad point was the size of the maps but it's normal for a PSP game
Most of the problem is just poor class design and the ability to freely select any character with your pool of turns just compounds it. When you have a character that is worthless at doing anything but blowing up a tank, or a sniper who only exists to kill crouching enemies its no surprise they sit at the base until something completely obstructs the path of your other units. I wouldn't even say VC2/3 do anything to alleviate this; these classes still are still shit at anything other than their intended role even if the maps being smaller means they can at least move from point A to point B without wasting half your turns.
Either warp backward to World War I or actually show us the ongoing World War II.
The return of the Valkyria in the first, second and third games should be one of those things that changes the world, by the way.
It was always a bizarre plot hole for me that the revelation that Valkyria still exist and can be used was never a big deal. To these people who based their literal religions and Darcsen extermination campaigns around the Valkyria, it would be like meeting a real life angel.
And finding out the Valkyria are responsible for the Calamity... hoo boy. The ensuing holy war caused by that little bit of news is going to make the Protestant Reformation look tame.
>he don't like to be cornered in fear by the one woman army
Her design was better with short hair anyways
Oh and not only that, there's four of them. I wonder if their religion has their own "Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" analogues?
It's not nearly as bad as Sup Forums makes it seem, but they do change things up and most people think it's for the worse. Some of the negatives people usually bring up:
Tone is much more light hearted
School setting
Maps are way smaller
Maps are broken up into 4-6 subsections
Max deployable soldiers reduced
Avon's laugh
There's also some complaints about item drops for getting some of the sub-classes, but if you're just in it to play through the story you don't really have to worry about that.
Think it's only $10 and it's definitely worth that. Even with those negatives I listed I still think it's a good game, just not as good as VC1. On Vita you can map the camera to the right stick so that's nice too.
I thought about writing a short story set in modern times after I saw that fanart of Alicia in combat fatigues.
The Valkyria in various countries would be treated like walking nuclear weapons after Selvaria sacrifices herself, and the ensuing MAD causes the Cold War. Selvaria gets canonized as a martyr. Everyone gets tested for ragnite sensitivity when they're born, and having a Valkyria for a daughter is like winning the lottery.
It is definitely better than II and lacks the scope of the first, but it is still missing the feeling of VC1. Something about the third game just feels off. Maybe the design shift? It kind of lacks the hints of a World Masterpiece Theater aesthetic seen in the first. Also, its different tone registers as inconsistent in my mind. It could be that the first left such a strong impression on me that any change to its nuance just irks me.
>there will never be a prequel of the first europan war.
>cast a band of flamboyant sword wielding misfits
That's not true about the third game at all.
>You will never live to see Isara Gunther, a Darcsen, credited with being the woman who invented powered, heavier-than-air flight
Why live
I understand the reasoning given in III for the appearance of their attire, but look at the soldiers in the first and third shown here . Now, compare their equipment and gear. Notice any distinctions?
Has there been any progress with the VC3 translation?
I started VC3 a while ago, sunk like 60 hours into it, and burned out around the time Gusurg starts acting pissy over the mission with the darcsen town or something.
How far in am I? I want to know just how much progress I'll be losing by restarting.
I really liked Wild Arms 1, are the sequels any good?
That art isn't a proper representation of their weapons in the actual game is what I'm getting at.
Insinuating that the cast of VC3 are all sword wielding soldiers is how you spot someone who hasn't played the game.
couldn't tell you about the others, but 3 was awesome
I'm not insinuating that they are all sword wielders, just generalizing their appearance. It would have probably been apt to say "melee weapon wielding" instead. My point is that giant swords, hammers, and gun swords coupled with the varying designs of the soldiers' attire are a far cry from the uniforms and realistic weaponry (barring giant Valkyrur lances) of the first game.
It's all VC2's fault, every melee weapon on display except perhaps the samurai sword and the bigass swordgun is from that game's melee class.
Yet III made it worse. At least in the second game the soldiers retained uniforms. I still think II is the worst of the 3, but III's degradation of the first game's aesthetic is quite visibly jarring.
Is VC2 and 3 still a scout-sprint-athon?
I couldn't stand how scout-abusing in VC1 was essentially THE best way to do missions.
Did they change it up in the sequels?
Vc2 is fencer abusing.
Vc3 actually has some proper balance to make most classes viable. It's the most balanced of the 3 with the most depth to the gameplay.
You can't really scout rush in the sequels for obvious reasons.
VC3 remake better happen. It's the best VC game and getting it on a console would be great.
That's neat. I'm thinking about picking up 3 and then patching it to non-Moon.
Thanks for answering my question though user.
>nothing at TGS
into the trash
That's where the money is.
Nips don't own PC's
Riela is the best Valkyria
I don't think we're ever going to see a PC port of 2 or 3, unless Sega's willing to put in some work.
The reality of the situation is that the PSP-to-PC ports tend to fall too low on the graphical side of some people.
Unless they're willing to start remodelling and retexturing I doubt a bumb in internal resolution is going to help that much.
>The reality of the situation is that the PSP-to-PC ports tend to fall too low on the graphical side of some people.
They sell better on PC than PS4.
That might be true (it doesn't sound true, but I'm not bothered enough look up sales statistics to see if I can prove you wrong) but that doesn't change the fact that shit like Type-0's biggest criticism was the fact that it looked bad.
And even then, most PC gamers who WANT to play PSP games are usually smart enough to get over the incredibly shallow barrier of entry that is PPSSPP.
Second best after Aliasse
Because that remaster did look bad, it even ran badly. The PSP version is the one PC people translation and played via emulator.
>And even then, most PC gamers who WANT to play PSP games are usually smart enough to get over the incredibly shallow barrier of entry that is PPSSPP.
And? VC3 wasn't even fully translated so not really a shallow barrier. The vast majority of VC fans haven't even glanced at 3.
Just like how VC sold better on PC than PS4, any further port would most likely sell similarly.
This image hurts so much, updated version when?
part of me wishes warthunder devs would do these weeb crossovers that wargaming does. guess that's why they're called gaijin wwwww
inb4 they refuse to release it on PC again