I never played Sup Forums's favorite game, MGS3. My question is should I play the original MGS3 or Subsistence? I've heard Subsistence only got released because people were bitching non-stop about the fixed camera so it's not the original vision of the game as far as I understand. Are both versions worth playing?
I never played Sup Forums's favorite game, MGS3. My question is should I play the original MGS3 or Subsistence...
> Sup Forums's favourite game
>not mgs2
MGS3 is good is a reddit meme lmao
The overhead view I grew to love, however all the enemy's in the game have pretty good sight compared to the previous games and you don't have the radar either.
So you had to adapt some meticulous pace of looking around when you were in cover and only moving when you knew the cost was clear. Not for everyone.
Subsistence has both camera modes anyways, so you can just decide which version you like better.
What you heard about the camera is wrong. It is changed but not because people bitched about it. Subsistence is just a re-release with ab unch of stuff added. Play it. You should probably play Twin Snakes and MGS2 first though.
>Twin Snakes and MGS2 first though.
>Twin Snakes
are you retarded or just a teenager?
Name one thing about twin snakes besides a cutscene or two that makes it inferior to the original.
shooting while using first person view
shadow moses map wasn't made for a game with that
Original Iso camera was just not suited for MGS3 level design. It really needed a 3D controllable camera to make the harder difficulties more engaging.
Play Subsistence regardless, the overhead view is still there you can just now switch between the two.
What was wrong with it? I never had a problem with it. Plus you don't even have to use it. You can still play it like the original.
Play Subsistence, it's the same game but better. The new camera is much better, it's how the game should have shipped to begin with.
>What was wrong with it?
makes it too easy
I agree. MGS3 is really where the series started shifting away from the traditional arcade style stealth.
the voice acting is way worse
Reddit's favorite MGS is 2 though
Snake Eater is garbage. People should get the MemeHD re-release on PS3/360
>He is another idiot that thinks MGS is better than Twin Snakes
Subsistence performs worse on the PS2. The game's engine isn't built around the draw distance necessary for the FOV in Subsistence. HD Collection Subsistence on PS3 is the way to go for this reason.
Memesolid was never about arcade. The PS1 release is a mess. 40 hour cutscene, cringe b-actor voice acting, DUDE PSYCHO MANTIS READS YOUR MIND LMAO
The only Metal Gear that is somehow decent is Metal Gear Solid 4.
>he is another casual kid that thinks Twin Snakes is better than MGS
>recommending Twin Snakes instead of the original
It wasn't JUST the bitching, it was the fact that Kojima at that point in time was insistent on fully playtesting all his own games and got motion sickness from full 3D cameras, and he let that tidbit slip in an interview.
>The only Metal Gear that is somehow decent is Metal Gear Solid 4.
this is the stupidest shit I've ever read
>The only Metal Gear that is somehow decent is Metal Gear Solid 4.
>He thinks casuals even know about Twin Snakes
Hi autist.
Two challenges:
>Defend the voice acting changes
>Defend the changes to key cinematic sequences
I'll wait.
Snake Eater does have ways to play around the overhead camera. You can pan it with the right stick, and if you hit R3, it will lock in whatever place you put it. Subsistence is better, but I can't talk shit about SE when that's how I first played and loved the game.
Don't forget how they butched the cold, industrial artstyle of MGS1 in TTW.
Playing mgs3 in anything other than games default top view is a childbabyman.
Twin snakes >mgs1
>Defend the voice acting changes
Irrelevant because it's only 2 voices and all main characters are the same.
>Defend the changes to key cinematic sequences
There is nothing to defend because it's 90% like the PS1 except with some Matrix effects
So you're okay with these changes? When even Kojima dislikes them?
are people here defending shit snakes because they're nintenbros still salty about the ps2 shitting all over the gamecube?
I can't think of ANY reason besides that
>When even Kojima dislikes them?
Holy shit
There is the good autism and the bad autism. You are the gay autist.
>"Playing mgs3 in anything other than games default top view is a childbabyman"
>plays MGS1 with first person aiming added
Not him but
>voice acting
They originally intended to use the PS1 recordings but the English dub was literally recorded in Ocelot's apartment and shit like cars passing by was only hidden by the PS1's inferior audio fidelity. They had to re-record.
>key cinematic sequences
Kojima's idea. Japanese film director Ryuhei Kitamura (Versus, Godzilla: Final Wars) was the director of Twin Snakes' cutscenes and according to interviews, his first attempt was to stay very true to the original material. Kojima told him to make it more over-the-top and true to his own style.
The original camera sucks for real
forgot I was shitposting and not shilling this time
nintentards *
>Sup Forums - Falseflagging
How come Snake Eater got perfect/near perfect review scores then?
>hidden by the PS1's inferior audio fidelity.
That's not true though. I love TS but the truth is the audio recording had bad noise suppression, nothing to do with the hardware.
Kojewma was the one who wanted to re-record everything because he thinks he is a movie director
I used to think like this, but then mods stopped being a thing, and then in game options stopped being a thing. Now I just unmap anything I don't want to use.
>changes to alert system that make the game fucking casual.
>refilling health bars, which are at maximum from the start of the game, after every boss fight
>torture sequence is shortened to THREE. threeeeeeee
MGS3 will disappoint you if you go in thinking it's some kind of masterpiece.
Characters are stupid, dialogue is borderline nonsensical outside of technical bits, bosses ALL suck every single one without exception.
The End is overhyped, it's not even a "slow" boss fight if you play it properly. That's why a lot of people recommend you overly cripple yourself just to enjoy it.
Every single fight is just "shoot the enemy a few times then move into some kind of cover" over and over no matter how you play.
The camera sucks even after they fixed it, and the primarily outdoors environment doesn't really work with Metal Gear Solid's aesthetics.
It's also short, and I mean like you can blow through it all in about an hour on European extreme without really trying that hard.
All the characters are extremely hard to like.
MGS1 had the best characters, MGS2 had the best plot and effects, MGS3 had some cool stuff but it was crippled by a lot of autistic shit.
Some of the boss fights had cool concepts but the actual gameplay for them was either frustrating due to moronic small issues with the core game's design or laughably easy since you could abuse issues without trying.
Don't fall for the "chronological" meme, MGS3 is a shitty fucking game in the series to start out with, Peace Walker is a little better but it's boring and easy, start by release and appreciate the fact that MGS1 is literally just the older Metal Gear games but in 3D.
MGSV is still by far the biggest fucking disappointment in the series. Nothing even compares, if all the posts about people working on it are true we got 1/10th of the game that it was suppose to be thanks to fucking consoles holding development back a million years.
>Why are gaming journalists corrupt and retarded
This didn't start in 2014.
The only way to enjoy metal gear solid 3 is to skip the first 3 minutes seconds of the game otherwise you know what happens
I won't tell here because there are people who didn't play it but if you happen to watch the first 3 minutes right before the game starts the experience is ruined
They were all paid.
Huh. Well, that's what I remember reading. Interesting though. In any case, the original English dub was bobo as fuck and they had to re-record despite the first intentions.
Hold on a second. If it had bad noise suppression and you didn't hear that on the PS1 (and you would on the GC), doesn't that mean what I said is completely true?
I hate Kojewma so much I can't wait for him to die and Konami make a MGS game without him
Everything good about 1-3 happened due to some people in his team. MGSV he took control and fucked up everything.
oh......OK then
just let him tucker himself out until his ban from his containment board gets lifted
The recording itself is bad (according to the director). Both GC and PS1 playback audio at 44.1khz/16bit
So then why would it be unnoticeable on the PS1 and yet so noticeable on a GC that they had to re-record? This doesn't make sense.
why every MG game made by others team suck even more than 4 and 5 then?
except gbc mgs, that game is cool
Konami already made an MGS game without him. You can play it on your very own Pachinko console, peasant nigger.
According to Kojima it is noticeable on PS1 that's why he didn't even consider using the same audio files on the gamecube.
AC!D 2 was good also but I think Kojima partially oversaw both of them.
This, honestly.
Kojima loved the original MGS1 English dub so much he found an excuse to re-release the whole game in Japan using the English dub.
I think you're full of shit
spin off with a completely different gameplay, I was talking more about the NES versions, Portable Ops and Twin Snakes
It's redditors like you who ruined resident evil with muhhh 3rd person view
MGS2 is worse in literally every single way
That's why we call him Kojewma: The Hack.
He thinks he is a genius he just wanted to re-record the whole thing because he is an autist. The noise is not noticeable on PS1 except if you extract the voice acting and hear with headphones
No medicine screen
>Characters are stupid, dialogue is borderline nonsensical
I thought you were talking about 3 not 2?
PedoGAF fags?
Medicine screen was cool yo
Sup Forumseogaf worship him
That's a fat lie if I've ever heard one. Factually incorrect.
>thought you were talking about 3 not 2?
Pic related: You
I really liked it and thought it added to the whole survival thing.
>Raiden Insecure Simulator: Metal Gear Solid 2
pick one
Original MGS torture scene is where I'd heal up while going for big boss ranking. Literally the easiest way to get a full health bar without rations.
Interesting. I usually avoid HD remakes like the plague.
>japanese version also uses the english voices
>BB Mommy Issues Simulator: Metal Gear Solid 3
>Absolutely terrible
Pick both.
doesn't it perform better on 360?
>MGS2 had the best plot
Damn, just discredited yourself. MGS2's plot was nonsensical garbage.
>he bangs a milf
what is wrong with that? besides the whole Boss thing is just to make it appeal to normies
>being too much of a brainlet to understand the unironically kino ending
>Dude lol let's add a vampire, some edgy deviantart girl, and a fat dude as the main antagonists.
>Dude lets not just have snake be an autist. Lets have EVERYONE be an autist
>Dude lets make Ocelot be possessed by Liquids arm
>Dude Lets make Otacon fuck his mum
>Dude lets add in a russian chick with hairy armpits
it seems your the real brainlet
Gbc MGS was pretty great.
The only good thing about MGS2 is the script before the Ocelot fight
The rest of the writing is a 16 year old drama and Raiden being a pathetic insecure beta
This guy gets it. MGS2 is trash of the trash
they arent the antagonists
I bet you think Silent Hill 2 is great for the same stupid fucking reason.
So does anyone here prefer Snake Eater over Subsistence? Is there some sort of debate between the two sides in the community or does everyone prefer Subsistence?
Not him but yeah
faggot. theyre good games
Subsistence is literally the original game with extra content, there is literally zero reason to get the original, which is VERY hard to find anyway because every subsequent version is based off of Subsistence. You can switch between the two camera modes on the fly.
>boss units aren't antagonists
I wish lovers of MGS2 would stop flattering themselves for liking a meta-narrative story, like as though the only way to dislike the game is that you didn't "get" its puzzle plot, even though metafiction is one the lowest forms of "complex" writing and MGS2's writing is simple ideas expressed in a dense format.
MGS2 is post-modernism for stupid people and kids whose only previous cultural exposure was video games and anime.
>plot was nonsensical garbage
>lol too deep 4 u
Okay. Explain how it was "kino".
MGS4 >Twin Snakes > MGS3 > MGS1 > MGSV > MGS2 > MGS5
MG Twin Snakes > MGS4 > MGS3 > MGS2 > MGS5
It's not noticeable on the PS1. It's noticeable on the GC. They had to re-record for these reasons.
That's the facts we have right now. I'm pretty sure anything you've said that strays outside this territory is a crock of shit.
The subsistence extras can be turned off, there's no reason to play the original over it.
>It's noticeable on the GC.
>but not on PS1
citation needed. It's the same 44.1/16
This. Regardless of which camera system you prefer, you should get Subsistence since it allows you to try out and swap between both. There's no downside.
>MGS2 is post-modernism for stupid people and kids whose only previous cultural exposure was video games and anime.
Silent Hill 2 is the worst in the original series, don't delude yourself.
Google the dev notes for yourself you retard
MGS2 is cool for these reasons, though. You have to understand that video games as a whole are infantile as a form of expression and that it would harness these ideas to any capacity is pretty friggin' neat. The interactive nature and the player's injection to Raiden as a role, where his original backstory is an allegory for the player's background as someone who is assumed to have played MGS1/VR Missions... I mean, I get that you get it and you're not impressed, but I think it's pretty fuckin' cool.
I meant fixed camera vs 3D. Are there people who absolutely prefer the fixed camera?
>he thinks the audio files suddenly become better when it's playback on a different system
>he doesn't know anything about how audio is recorded
That's the kind of people who worship Kojima and browse reddit.