What game being announced for the Switch would make you buy one right now?

What game being announced for the Switch would make you buy one right now?

no Half-Life 3

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OP Kills Himself Simulator 2017

I'm thinking of selling my switch, there is literally fuck all to play.

That is the last fucking time I buy a console on release date.

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

>buy a game at launch
>sell it just as games are coming out
your decision making needs work

Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.

Shenmue III

That's what's going to make me finally get a PS4

it's releasing for PC and has the hallmarks of being a very disappointing game, dunno why you'd wait for that of all things

New Metroid Prime so I already got one

>being announced
fuck that, I'm think about getting it if the rpg of pokemon sees the light

Monster Hunter but with Monster Girls!

I just bout one, I just wanted an alternative/companion to PS4 and seemed a better choice than xbox and so far so good

I just wanna use my damn switch man, I haven't played a good game on it yet besides breath of the wild.

Which is overhyped 7/10 at best.

Sacrifice 2
Or wonderful 102

Orange Box (it would probably be the same except for portal 2)

Bomberman, Splatoon 2, Mario+Rabbids, Arms

If you haven't played them before MK8 and Disgaea 5

Castlevania: The Castle War of 1999

Is this a meme? splatoon, rabids and sonic came out recently with odyssey and xeno coming soon

i'm wondering how long the salty niggers will keep trying the nogame maymay.

Mario rabbids has no depth, no towns and gets repetitive as fuck.

Splatoon 2 is the same as 1.

And arms is terrible.


You just have shit taste friend.

Sounds like you don't even like games tho desu

A Paper Mario (in the vein of TTYD) or a new HD Mario & Luigi game.

Fucking love the Mario RPGs.

Megaman Powered Up 2

do you even like video games?

The ability to play either the original Everquest or an "updated" expansion similar to what Online Adventures was to the PS2


If that's what you think then why did you even buy it?

It's not like we've been kept in the dark about the lineup for the system. Wouldn't have been hard to wait until games you actually want to play come out.

The only problem here is that you are a stupid person user.

I'd get one if there was a game that paid me $300. Why is 1 2 switch not a bundle? Why are these still in low stock? Fuck this console and its lack of games.

I'd buy it if Persona 5 came to it, but we all know Sony is going to tie down SMT like a dominatrix.

I bought one already for Splatoon 2 and BotW. Enjoying them thoroughly. Also nabbed the Gunvolt Striker Pack since I haven't played any of them before so it seemed like the best time to jump into the series. I'm happy with the console but I also have a gayming PC and a PS4, so I'm fine with it only having a few games I'm interested in.

Bunch of ports and gimmick games.

>doesn't like games
Yeah I don't see any of those games the equivalent of something that has been critically acclaimed within the past decade.

>Why are these still in low stock?
Apparently there's a huge demand on certain tablet/phone parts the Switch is using, which limits production.

Just shut the fuck up, go sell it and stop complaining. There are good games, you just have shit taste. Sell it, everyone will be happy. Good riddance and thanks for contributing to the console's sale numbers.

Again, that's your problem. You bought it despite knowing the lineup. Don't blame Nintendo for your shit taste in games.

The Switch has the best launch lineup of any system released in the past 20 years.

I wonder what kind of mental illness someone must have to invest in a console then actively avoid playing the games on it

Wario Land 7

Jesus Christ, stop whining. You made a bad purchase. Sell it and buy something you'll use if you think it's so bad.

personally i call it fucktardism. It's incurable.

I already have one, but what I want the most is a successor to TTYD that actually lives up. It'd make me so happy, but I know it won't happen.

I usually imagine that 80% of people who discuss a certain console on Sup Forums do not own that console and are just shitposting.

TTYD was a fluke, it won't happen again

That's stupid. Understandable, but stupid.

discuss na, but shitpost, generally yes.

I already have one so I don't understand the question.

The switch isn't even expensive. It's roughly the same amount I give the middle aged Chinese lady every month at my local Asian massage parlor every month for my "regular customer benefit package"

The games will come, you already fell for it so you might as well not waste it. You were going to buy it anyway eventually since you like nintendo games.

>shit taste
Bullshit you faggots fawn over any fucking port and rehash of any game.

Name your top 5 games and then we'll see who has shit taste.

Kill yourself

Same, but the Switch has kinda given me hope though.

I mean, we're getting a 'real' Mario game, we got only the best Zelda's and they're even making Metroid Prime 4. It's like they've done a 180 from the WiiU.

Which makes me think we might actually get a good Mario RPG on this system.

most of Sup Forums are NEETs so can't afford to invest in every console

I agree, but a man can hope.
Chances are it won't happen though, Nintendo seems to think that Paper Mario isn't that big of a series. Color Splash was merely mentioned in a direct like it was nothing.

Animal Crossing or Smash. Otherwise I'll hold out another year or two until i can get one for less

you have delusional expectations of video games, 99% are not ground breaking and will not impress you the same way as when you were an impressionable child

either learn to have fun or stop playing video games

lol, I don't even own 5 games for it, but I'm still happy with it. Don't try to push your buyers remorse on me.

Not to mention, even if I did mention 5 games you'll justGO;
>"REEEEE those are baaad!!!

Here's your (You)

This world isn't good enough for Sacrifice 2. We're lucky we got the first one.

I mean, even ground breaking ones like BotW he finds average at best. He just seems like a grumpy autist. Like you said, he probably needs to stop playing video game.

I think it's more of a case that nobody in Nintendo knows where to take the Paper Mario series, and Miyamoto won't let anyone experiment with it because he hates Mario having a story

If you think this system is going to get anything good after Odyssey then you are seriously deluded. After that all you switch owners will be playing are half baked pseudo side scrollers and shit tier ports.

It was No More Heroes or Bayonetta. And we're getting NMH so I'll be buying one when that is released.

Fingers crossed we'll get Bayo3 as well.

lol, I'll be playing Xenoblade 2, Rocket Leauge, Owl Boy and Skyrim on the shitter post Odyssey. And there's nothing you can do about it.

Shit. Taste.

>implying servers for Mario Kart, Splatoon and ARMS will magically shut down after Mario Odyssey is released

Pokemon, Metroid Prime, No More Heroes, Dragon Quest, Kirby, Xenoblade, Pikmin etc

with Nintendo releasing Mario and Zelda early in the Switch lifetime it will let them focus on some of their other franchises which will be nice

Breath of the wild is overrated, all the dungeons are the same and the shrines are a fucking joke.

I bought wiiu after fatal frame 5 jap announcment, so I guess fatal frame 6 would do.

the puzzles in those shrines and dungeons are by far the best in the franchise

physics puzzles > boomerang

It's not perfect but it's an easy 9/10 and one of the best, if not the best Zelda to date.

I know this is trolling but the Switch lineup is actually really well spaced out. at least with first party AAA games.

Or maybe game developers have been getting lazy, I sure as fuck wasn't a child in 2007 and games were still good.

I definitely like some games that came out 2011-2013.
You're just another one of those retards that's helping ruin the already destroyed industry.

>Sony is going to tie down SMT
Sony is going to tie down Persona*. SMT5 is coming to the Switch


I know I'm a minority, but I find the shrines better than the actual dungeons in BotW.

The dungeons were barely dungeons, just a singular area with some moving parts. The shrines offered way better puzzles.

It was obviously your first Zelda game then.

Those were the easiest and samey samey dungeons I've ever played in a Zelda game. And I recently played twilight princess and that was pretty fucking good in terms of difficulty.

Very true. I find myself never putting the Switch down since release and it's not like I've been buying all the games mindlessly (didn't buy Splatoon nor ARMS).

>buying a console for one single game
>spending 400-500 dollars just to play a single game
It had better be game of the century.

Spotted the bandwaggoner

Did you just reply to the post twice?

>I definitely like some games that came out 2011-2013.
you sound underaged or just shit taste because 2017 has been a better year than any of those

oh and btw if you're one of those dramatic types who think the industry is ruined why did you buy a Switch?

I wonder if Bethesda™ could be working on bringing another great game called Fallout 4™ with the new feature Creation Club™! I'd buy myself a copy and a bunch more to give out to my friends right away!

Nothing that has a remote chance of happening, honestly.

Even if the Switch gets cracked and piracy becomes a no-brainer like the 3DS, I still wouldn't buy one. It's overpriced for what it is, and the games it provides are just casualized / streamlined versions of better games available on PC.

It even sucks as a portible console with its 3 hour battery life, I'm better off running PS2 and Gamecube emulators on my Galaxy S8 at 60FPS 4K resoluition for 4-5 hours than playing fucking BoTW at 20FPS 720p for 2 hours.

>why did you buy a switch
Animal crossing and Monster hunter.
obviously monster hunter in the us isn't happening and worlds is coming to pc.

And animal crossing isn't going to be announced for a long time.

>2017 good
Name one good game that came out this year.

I've played almost every Zelda and BotW has the best gameplay in the series

nobody cares about the dungeons, same fire temple and forest temple etc recycled each game the most overrated aspect of Zelda, just something contrarians use as a desperate effort to hate BotW

When is Mortal Kombat gonna be on there? They made a shitty MK9 port for the Vita, why can't they make one for the Switch?

I'd rather play the witcher 3 if you're talking about open world.

>The switch isn't even expensive. It's roughly the same

What's expensive is the software in the long haul. This is especially true for Nintendo since you'll be lucky to see a game on a 20% off sale 3 years after it's been released, whereas with PC and PS4 you see half priced games 4 months after they've been released

BotW has better gameplay, The Witcher 3 has better graphics and story

>no Half-Life 3
If experience has taught me anything, generally, the longer a game is in limbo, the worse it gets.

Please stop replying to this retard, he's clearly seeking for (You)s at this point. He got destroyed and got told to shut the fuck up so now he's samefagging to get (You)s.

ahh, you bought a console for two games, wise investment

What the fuck is so special about it? It's practically inferior in terms of gameplay mechanics.

Oooo you can
>dye your clothes
>tame horses
>has little gadgets
Big fucking deal, almost all rpg's have this.

I also want to add the fact that cooking isn't even important in this game, the recipes are a joke.

You're a joke


it's mostly the application of weather + physics engine + combat + climbing + gadgets + exploration tied together

I mean if you're a boring player which I suspect you are yeah BotW might not seem that great but if you make the most of the game engine it's pretty fun, better than The Witcher

>buying a switch

Nothing new

Who said new? I said it's got better gameplay than The Witcher 3 (which also does nothing new)

What? I'm the OP and I haven't posted in the thread until now.

>2007 and games were still good
lol wut?
2004-2007 years were terrible for gaming

>new F-Zero
>full fledged pokemon game covering multiple regions, ideally a game with nothing new but all regions and all pokemon
>an actually good new Fire Emblem
>non retarded Mario Party
> Cheetahmen III

Smash Bros
Mario Party
Maybe a decent shooter

The climbing/stamina/flying mechanics in an open world with BotW's mountainous terrain? Yeah it is new. What other game feels like this to get around the world?

>Nintendo console
>One of the most notoriously violent series in vidya