Team bullies you when you're doing bad

>team bullies you when you're doing bad

>playing team games

Then leave the session if it bothers you that much. Judging by your reaction image, I bet you secretly love getting bullied and mistreated, fucking faggot. Same goes to those who are "shy" about turning on their microphone in a multiplayer game.

>You bully teammates when you're doing bad

Time to git gud if you don't want to be bullied again.

>black guy gets on mic
>boipucci starts ovulating

>team bullies you when you're doing good

>watching FOTM garbage

Every time, why are they so sexy

>Playing League
>You're midlaning against Yasuo
>He gets first blood
>Your team calls you a noob and shit
>You wipe the floor with him and carry the team
>All the while they're all calling you a tryhard and griefing you

By this point, I don't even know what the League community wants.

>team bullies you when you are not even playing
Why would they do that? At least I'm not dragging them down, I'm just afk. Geez~

Dumb sissy white bois.

>teammate tries to team kill you constantly because you killed him once when you were on separate teams a while ago.
>keeps screeching at you the entire time angrily

>act retarded and bully them until they do bad
>hit level 6 and use IOs ult to teleport some poor faggot into the enemies fountain and laugh over mic
Good times desu

>playing bf hardline
>the map with the tower and all the elevators
>you know the one
>throwing c4 in the elevator, sendung elevator, and blowing it up trying to weaken defenders
>get stuck in elevator when i dont get out fast enough
>plug in my mic, quickly throw down all my c4
>whole squad saw me do it, laughing their asses off
>killed 10 people
Team games with voice chat can be great if you have decent comedic timing


>Pussy out at the thought of Competitive Matchmaking in any game because I fear my team will shit on me for how I play
How do I get over this?

i play even worse on purpose every time this happens

the tears are worth it

they will, and you just ignore it

>friend and myself decide to git gud at attack helo in bf4
>I get 50/0 one game
>"lol mad cause bad"

>team bullies you when you're doing bad

dumb sissyposters

>Friend starts calling you a healslut IRL

>forces you to suck him off "to recuperate"
Is he going too far?

how do i find a strong tank to hold hands with while staying away from dps?

mages are ok too

I take it you do bad pretty often, right?

>team starts tilting and eventually just gives up
>still try to play to win.
>my entire team eventually leaves the game
>try to solo the enemy team
>fail miserably
>the enemy team commends me for not leaving and staying in the match
anybody know this feel?

Hits too close to home, really. It's called "losing with dignity"

feels good

20% of CS:GO ranked matches seem to have at least 1 guy give up and fuck off. What's worse, this happens at SMFC which makes me think a significant portion of people I play probably had their account boosted.

>tfw I'm the bully

>filthy frank
You're just the retard that everyone mutes as soon as the game starts


I wanna hug all the sissies

>voice chatting in europe
I'm the one having to mute every single russian, french, german, italian and greek players

>Bully them back
>Stop when it becomes a flame war
>Mute all
>Carry team to victory
>explain in detail how they are noobs, children and the wrong race/nationality
>get reported by the players that have no idea how to play
>Get punished
>struggle out
>effectively mute yourself as you climb rank
>become mmr win bot

>Sniper vs tinker
>He wins lane
>You picked sniper to counter their illusion line up
>Rape his team to death despite not winning mid

Gg ez mid

>tfw Aussie server
>all the players are either having bants or being total bros
>don't have to worry about BR's or Russians

Just leave you stupid fuck. You are dragging out a boring sure thing.

It doesn't matter what server you are on, the russians always invade them, even if they had their own dedicated servers

I've only ever met one russian while playing online, and he wasn't that bad.
I was playing Red Orchestra 2

The downside is youre stuck with a bunch of retarded wallabies

I live in western Europe and I can play in the eastern US with low ping.

lucky you, then you don't play the "right" games
red orchestra has surprisingly few russians

Russians don't like games with russians in them, because then they see how horrible they really are.
Just look at Company of Heroes 2, it got review bombed by butthurt russians for showing the Red Army's true colours

I know this.

>play cs 1.6 clan match
>team rage quits pretty early
>stay on the server for a while
>the enemy team is pretty chill
>chat with them for a while
>they invite me to play with them on their server
>have fun with the enemy clan and their friends

Now that I think of it, my clan was full of weenies.

>letting yourself get bullied

>one guy calls the whole team noobs
>he dies first
>continues to talk shit from beyond the grave

Some people just actually don't like hearing their own voice when they can help it.

it's because their government gives them propaganda, if something shows the true colors then they will think you're just trying to mock them and take it as enemy propaganda

Is this bait? Americans are the biggest consumers of propaganda.

>team says it's fine when you're doing bad

>enemy team disrespecting your team in all chat in some sort of third world language
>They lose
>Repeat back to them what they have been typing throughout the game without any idea of what it means
>They get mad and blow up in post game chat

League is a silly game. If you can handle what you dish out you're a moron

Not american, I don't know. But I know for a fact the russians give propaganda to their people. They want them to belive the finns are some evil nazi lovers for example

The US wants half it''s population to believe the other half are nazis.

>Being divided is our strength.
>Diversity is strength.
>Weakness is strength
Literally newspeak and double think.