Is he right?
Is he right?
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Yea, he's right, vidya stories are usually shit made for teenagers and faggot 20-somethings that never aged beyond 15.
Probably, writing in games is often worse than movies, and both are shit compared to actual books. Games and movies are not all about writing tho.
He's right, but it doesn't undo the fact that he's a pretentious faggot who supports bestiality.
He's retarded. Has he not been paying attention to the sort of movies that have been coming out for the last decade?
He's right, because then it wouldn't be a choose-your-own adventure, it would just be a singular narrative without any immersion. Funny how video games and movies are different, huh?
Yeah probably Life is Strange's story isn't actually very good and the ending is atrocious. People like it cause of the time rewind gimmick and because the characters are decently likable
Surprised YMS had time to play it between fucking dogs though.
Life is Strange is mindnumbingly stupid.
>it would just be a singular narrative without any immersion.
You mean like Life is Strange?
hella whatthefuckever awesomesauce amazeballs
He's right.
If people who write "cinematic" games were actually good writers they would be writing movies, TV shows, or books.
>choose-your-own adventure
When did I get to choose again?
Movies have awful stories more often than games. Any mediocre game has a better story than capeshit in general and 95% of action movies. But games, like movies, aren't all about the story as there's scene composition, cinematography, photography, sound design etc that can make an almost plotless movie good. Same goes for games since I doubt anyone plays Mario and Zelda for the intricate stories.
That being said LiS is a pretty bad game and this guy is retarded.
He's right, but he's still a dogfucker.
>Action movies
Well there is your problem
The end was fucking terrible, agreed, but pic related was kinda clever imo
100% right it is garbage
>when you have two files named maxresdefault in different folders
anyways, redline is cool
I'm pretty sure that it would become quite popular among teenage girls if it was a netflix series like 13 reasons why
Anyone with taste already disliked it in its current form.
It at least made great degenerate porn
Can someone elaborate on the dogfucking stuff?
just passed by this thread assuming you meant redline was fucking terrible
i'm glad your taste is intact, user
Yes and this applies to 99% of games praised for their story.
>story about young female lesbians
ya no one in the media or social media is going to shit on that anywhere except for Sup Forumstards
Yes, which makes game journalist claims about "artistic" games like TLoU and LiS all the more laughable.
Double true for her story
This applies to anything with a story
There will ALWAYS be people who hate a story or thinks it's bad, no matter what
Correct. I don't think I've ever encountered a video game with writing that would pass in other mediums.
Plot in video games are usually shit and that's a fact
>eating animals is okay
>having consensual sex with them isn't
bioshock infinite could be a movie I bet
Half Life is a straight line buddy.
Yes, the bar is significantly lower and devs exploit that
Life is Strange is shit but he's still a faggot animal fucker
Why the fuck did I read Life is Strange as Half Life?
>a singular narrative without any immersion
Choice doesn't immerse me.
Competently developed narratives do.
The only (((game))) I've ever played that made me feel this was not the case was TWDS1, and even then, in hindsight, there are many scenes that are just weak.
It's not significantly lower than the vast majority of action/scifi/horror movies that are churned out on a regular basis. You'd have to be completely in the dark on what kinds of movies get made to believe otherwise.
What criteria are we going by? Because I'd nominate FFXII. The quality of its story is debatable, but its localization is top fucking notch.
copy that
>more immersed by cutscenes than player agency and actually making your own decisions and weighing and experiencing the consequences of those decisions
you literally may as well watch it on youtube if you're going to say the choices in LIS aren't essential to its story. are you more immersed by movies than you are of real life?
>narrative can only be told through cutscenes
>the choices in LIS aren't essential to its story
Did you reach the end?
They aren't.
Immersion literally means "deep mental involvement"
So yes, I will be more immersed in a well-made story I have no control over, as opposed to a garbage story with choices.
>Is he right?
100% yes.
Vidya players have low standards when it comes to writing.
Remember when GTAIV was the Citizen Kane of games? Then Bioshock. Then The Last of Us. Then Gone Home.
It doesn't help that at least half of the target audience is 12-17yrs old.
explain the dogfucker meme
Part of the reason Life is Strange is so awkward is because it's French. It bugs me how Anglocentric games can be sometimes; if the game was set in France and the dialogue was performed in French it might have been a really cool game.
the journey is just as important as the ending
we're tlaking about LIS specifically buddy
>muh journey
every time
>the journey is just as important as the ending
Except for when the ending either retcons or invalidates the entire journey
There is no point in any of your choices because at the end, you get to
>delete everything
>kill everyone
The entire game is either completely retconned, therefore erasing your journey, or everyone fucking dies, also pretty much erasing your journey.
A mixture of this and most "narrative" driven games are made by people who couldn't make it in Hollywood so they dumped their unwanted shit into vidya instead.
>One is for nutrition
>Other is for a deviant fetish
Fuck you for your shitty stupid opinion that dumbs down gaming.
Being a different medium doesn't excuse it from having shitty writing and how it implements its shitty writing.
No. Because story based games aren't meant to be like movies. The dialogue is realistic and fits the characters excellently in my opinion.
>story based """""games"""""
>experience a different story everytime according to your choices
but no apparnetly all that different content you get doesn't matter because the last 5 minutes of the game
>teenager dialogues written by 40 years old men
It really needs some explaining WHY people so adamantly defend shit like Life is Strange.
Oh right, muh waifus and muh lesbians
Odin sphere would make a great anime.
I think it might lose a bit of it's magic if it moved to 3d though.
What if MGS games were actual movies?
>tfw Alien and Terminator went the way of MGS4
>everything may boil down to 2 options but at least everything before it is just barely more open than a CYOA book
>NYAAAAHH! We must conserve the pure meaning of the word "game". NYAAAHH!
What would you call it then turbofedoralord?
Video games are made up of writers that couldn't hack it in a real artform like film or books. Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. It's a strength I'd argue.
>you're a fedora if you don't like interactive movies
sucks desu
Probably 'shit' or 'trash' or some similarly non-descriptive title.
then video games wouldnt be movies
fuck kojima
>teenager dialogs written by people who themselves were teenagers
seems right to me
That wasn't so bad but he did get suspiciously angry about it.
Way I see it, the animal can't consent so sex with it is rape. The existence of the meat industry and the apparent hypocrisy doesn't excuse that. I believe we should be getting our meat from bugs as it's more cost efficient and much more humane.
No, it would still be praised because of all the SJW critics that inflate the fuck out of shit like this.
In Japan, where video games are actually respected as an artistic medium rather than looked down upon, good writers do work on games.
What you're referring to is almost exclusively a western (American especially) problem.
You walk around and interact with objects and characters while being told a story and solving some mild puzzles. It's technically still a game, regardless of you fuck wits saying otherwise.
Can someone give an example showing what was so bad about Life is Strange's dialogue?
How is it more humane to kill significantly more bugs instead? Don't even pretend that it's not simply that cows are more endearing.
Wow, revolutionary opinion there Adam...
It's dialogue for teenage characters, so it makes people cringe. Yes, it's that shallow of a criticism.
The idea that a film about a blue-haired lesbian could ever be respected by critics on an international level is so utterly ridiculous that you would have to be retarded to believe otherwise.
nothing, it's hella good
So an interactive movie
Not when the journey is an illusion and the game just railroads you back into where it wants you to be.
People only liked it because of the sex.
God, that movie blows dick.
Redpill me on this movie
Heard someone talkin shit about game dialogue.
I'm not sure on the dialogue in Life is Strange honestly. But I do think it captures awkward youth really well with the power most of us would have loved to have at that awkward time, a giant do over button to not feel like we always said the wrong thing. Its a pretty good pairing. So I have to give the game some credit.
I could never tell if it was poking fun or celebrating some of the shittier things of pop culture these days though. Not sure if it was serious about some things or if its sarcasm game was just really strong.
It's boring. Nothing really happens except a few graphic lesbian sex scenes. And it lasts for 3 hours. Huge waste of time and has nothing to do with LiS (people should really stop associating those sluts to max and chloe).
>Huge waste of time
Sounds like LiS to me
They live shorter lives by default, take less significantly time to raise to maturity, don't feel pain or fear or misery and don't require rape techniques to be bred.
Nah. LiS is comfy, has a great soundtrack and gives you the feels, therefore it's not a waste of time.
>3 hours
Why the fuck do movies keep doing this. LotR I get its telling a long ass book adaptation, but most movie plots just don't need that kind of time. I don't want to be begging for a piss by the end.
It makes me feel like uninstalling it
>don't feel pain or fear or misery
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
Then how do we get milk and eggs