What happened?
What happened?
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Developers decided Graphics were better than gameplay and TECHNOLOGY
Normalfags happened
Focus of development resources. Infinite was focused on (visual) presentation and set pieces to the extent that other features such as interactivity were undermined.
A grenade would destroy the light, not make it go back and forward
>Console war fags show off graphics to one another.
>Developers put money in developing engines and projects into graphics.
>Budgets ballooned.
>Systems suffer, graphics improve.
>Console war fags show off graphics to one another.
Games became more complex to develop
Producers continued to suck dick and be unable to schedule things properly so shit slips even more now
>just focus on making the first third of the game pretty to sell it, guys
That's some heavy duty shelf on the left
Improved graphics at the expense of physics.
Horizon and it's floating rocks are the only TECHNOLOGY I can remember in a recent game
They've come so far i've even begun to wonder if they even buy the games they're shitposting about
floating rocks?
what the fuck is that trash on the right?
this has to be bait
Bioshock Infinite, I think.
Fully dynamic lighting was one of those things that started to take off before the hardware was ready. Having more than just a few lights on screen in Doom 3 could grind to a halt on a GeForce 3 or Radeon 8500 (which is what the devs were targeting) and it wasn't because Doom 3 was badly coded - the engineering under that game's hood is some of the finest graphical programming ever done.
The more you compare the two images the more obvious it becomes just how little is going on in the 2013 image. The shadows around the world geometry are baked in, which is why the explosion and glowing fragments don't actually light up the room in a believable way.
Bioshock Infinite. A game that promised way too much and delivered far too little.
Where the fuck... is 2017?
FUCKING 2013 user?! ARE YOU A FAG?
Milspec bulb
All the shrapnel missed
Please open up a can of spaghettios and slit your wrists with the lid
>the engineering under that game's hood is some of the finest graphical programming ever done.
ID engine is fucking shit. ID engine looks like it belongs to 2011 you doorknob. Forstbite is infinitely better than the stupid carmack engine
I miss when Sup Forums used to have month long shit storms for games
people rather watch model details then physics.
pc gaming died
I also like how the grenade is also more realistic than what we see these days.
FEAR would have been a great game to have some earthquakes.
What a stupid comparison. FEAR is a horror game, so the lighting effects and physics of light sources would get more attention than anything else. If you look at the graphics and textures of FEAR they were pretty bad even for the year it came out.
>at the expense of physics
And framerate.
And gameplay.
>implying lighting effects and physics aren't the bare bones of any 3D rendered game
FEAR was made to be an FPS with horror second. Bioshock Infinite was made to be a cinematic experience.
They aren't.
Have you considered actually playing FEAR?
That's a rhetorical question, by the way.
Go play Bubsy 3D, then return and tell me whether you still believe that so I can tell if you're retarded or simply ignorant.
Fun fact. Most of the media becomes more sophisticated with time. People develop taste, become smarter or just want something new. Take music for example. All genres become more and more complex. Except for pop music. Instead of becoming more complex it becomes simpler.
then it isn't a surprise what is happening to the vidya industry since is basically a hollywood exclusively for kids and teenagers.It is really sad that such a short lived industry has burned out so soon.Maybe those corporate back in the Atari era were right,maybe video games were just a toy that would soon have its hyped faded out,they just misjudged the time it out take
>Totally ignorant opinion about music in a videogames board, probably some underage.
Everyone wanted 60fps/1080p.
You have to sacrifice processing power somewhere.
Let's not be delusional. Industry isn't dying. It's quality became worse. It is capitalism, it is undustry. Same thing is happening to cinema right now, including animation. There is just no motivation for developers to make a masterpiece. It is too expensive and probably won't be even appreciated, because masses are ignorant.
Do you have something to say other than shitpost? Or maybe you can prove that pop music becomes more and more sophisticated?
they made games to look in screenshot not in motion
I wonder what the next video game Arms Race is going to be centered around once we reach a point where it isn't feasible to improve graphics or frame rate any more. What will AAA companies have tunnel vision for once we can count the individual ass hairs on a ladybug? My hopes is that they will focus more on gameplay, but my gut tells me it's probably gonna be VR.
In BI's defense, FEAR had a really great physics system.
how did one pic trigger you this bad
Holy shit the comments
>physics only matters in vr games
That's hardly a defence, that's just admitting something is plainly better.