with enough bitching and crying from few shitters, the good cuc ks at blizzard brought me back
With enough bitching and crying from few shitters, the good cuc ks at blizzard brought me back
Blizzard is going to kill him off and replace him.
Worst character in the game. Usually better to be afk than play him since he helps the enemy team.
Unless you're a low MMR shitter then he's probably still good.
>Game launches
>Everyone considers Roadhog free ult and a wasted pick
>Blizz begins nerfing everyone into the ground
>Roadhog stood still the whole time
>Now he's considered OP to everyone
Imagine what it must be like to be an Overwatch shill and have to defend this
roadhog is fine, learn to play, faggots.
>people on Sup Forums unironicaly argue that bullshit kills are okay
It doesn't matter how they fair in the meta.
Hook 1shot combo was retarded
Junkrat getting lucky with grenades or unloading everything wildly in close quarters is retarded.
Doomfist one shotting someone, especially when it seems to ray trace to the nearest wall, is retarded
It doesn't matter how often they get it off, when they do it's still bullshit. If a hero relies on bullshiton it's a flawed design and should be reworked
>Roadhog is fine
He's an ult farm with a hook that's useless when half the cast has a barrier of some sort and his ult gets shut down by way too many basic abilities.
People were crying that Bastion was OP the first week.
Metas change as people learn how to play the actual game.
>my ez one shot kill is not OP you're just a faggot
>Metas change
Just classify Roadhog as sniper then. Problem solved. Unless you think log arrows are totally fine. You probably do.
Not an argument
they are right
Either bait or somebody that has no idea how metas work and is parroting memes from Sup Forums
Roadhog was in a really bad spot because even if he was garbage, people would bitch as long as he could kill 200s in one hit.
Personally, I think the character was terribly designed, but that's no excuse to get rid of the only thing that makes him good.
A tanks job is to keep damage off the healers and dps
Roadhog was a joke he could throw his hook every 6 seconds and one shot majority of the cast
None of the other tanks could kill this efficiently let alone DPS characters
he has 600 hp.
The only reason I wouldnt consider Doom or Widow OP is because they are counterable.
You would have to literally pound the fucking pig until he's down, he just needs one shot to retaliate
Soldier 76 was the most balanced hero in the game and still got nerfed
Roadhog is countered by a Reaper or a Zen + any DPS.
No he wasn't. He was the number one DPS character in the roster because he was the only one OP enough by himself to fit into triple tank. The only reason you even see good genji players nowadays is because for the entirety of seasons 3 and 4 the only fucking way to stop soldier from doing literally whatever the fuck he wanted was to get in his face and spam double jump.
Soldier players fucking go to hell with your gay ass ultimate. I'm happy to see him sliding back into the dumpster where he belongs.
U are dumb
Can't wait until November when all the soldier players are too busy playing Call of Duty instead of wasting character slots in my matchmaking games
damn, you guys are like real in it. i just got the game last week and I'm not so frothing at the gameplay design.
of course i used to have a steam friend who would message me all the time about how flawed tf2 hitboxes were. later on he told me he has brain damage from a golfing accident.
Soldier is played because the game is a dumpster fire and he's the only thing that makes the horrendous "hard counter" philosophy work.
>Not picking characters based purely on their looks
>Another competitive game where everything gets nerfed and the only buffs get taken away before they go live
Fuck this game and the retards that play it
>Roadhog is fine.
>Never picked in ranked play past gold.
Yeah "Fine".
what now
I'm watching a Top 500 game with Roadhog right now. Then theres Harb.
If you are ever in a position that a roadhog somehow flanks you for a one shot kill it's your own damn fault, he's one of the biggest, slowest characters in the game, you should be paying enough attention to flanking routes that he can't fucking sneak up on you. Other than that stay behind one of the many barriers that this game seems to be built around and he literally can't hit you with it.
Nice job outing yourself as never having played the game. Hard Counters don't exist, and has never been part of the philosophy. It's advantages / disadvantages, most of which are map specific.
Even if we were to suppose you were right about hard counters, you'd still be wrong about Soldier fitting into it. Case in point Tracer and McCree, which is the one "hard counter" everyone keeps spewing about.
Except helix rocket and healstation make Tracer's life far more miserable than having to duck flashbang
You can't even one-shot anymore, you have to hit a right or left click first to guarantee a kill (unless you hook the dyke) with the combo, which makes it so much more obvious when he's after you.
Unless you have a mobility ability, characters move all in the same pace except for tracer and genji. You clearly don't know shit how this game works
>go to paladin hub Hirez devs literally shit on OW community being so dumb that Blizz bends over to make unnessary changes
they are right people should learn to play instead of cry
The only thing that made him good was terribly designed. That's the entire fucking point.
Blizzard should revert the nerf, then decrease the range of his hook a tiny bit and let Reaper wraith out of it.