Now that the dust has settled, how was it?

Now that the dust has settled, how was it?

2 was the best

the desolate hope was a thousand times better and fnaf is what is preventing scott about making a sequel

stop making this post

Scott hates all his old shit because none of it made him any money. When fnaf dies he'll stop making games.

Alright for the first few games, then went downhill fast.

I need Desolate Abandon.

2 was like a microcosm of what would kill the series quality. 4 and to some extent, SL, make it look better, but in terms of 1 to 2 it's a big fall, one that most horror series don't experience as much as FNAF did.
>retconning the Bite into being a big fucking deal when it was an improvised line in the first game meant to evoke mystery and wonder like The Thing's Norwegian camp
>a prequel for no reason but to provide an epic twist
>showing the serial killer on screen (albeit 8-bit but still)
>starting the trend of making all the animatronics into misunderstood, "sympathetic" characters when they're supposed to be horror villains
>players liked the foxy mechanic so i'll throw as much shit at them as humanly possible they need to keep track of
I could go on.

The first game was genuinely good and creative for its time, but none of its sequels ever managed to reach that kind of quality again.

Please, by all means do

I'd argue that 3 and Sister Location came close.

I kinda agree. Does anybody remember the very first threads about this game, trying to figure out what is even the pattern? Good times. I remember when the first user encountered foxy.

I remember. It was an user from Sup Forums who was the first person to beat 4/20 mode, too.

The game equivalent of a fairground ghost train.
3 was the best

Uh, as shitty as every single Sega CD game ever made?
also lurk more


I can't really hate the guy. Imagine making so many christian games and the only ones that are getting attention are the ones that have robots and creepy models.

Dude, stop. You look like a fool.

Never really cared about it because the idea of evil animatronics is just straight up stupid.

fuck off

first one was the best one

What was even the story of these games?

If you look at FNAF 1, it's interesting how Scott built up the game's progression. Ironically, in what's the least narrative heavy of the games, it has the best story out of the games. Maybe it's part of how it's weaved into the gameplay itself.

You are more engaged in Phone Guy's audio than you are in 8-bit minigames. Phone Guy's introduction and death is a clear, creepy little story. It's self-contained. No dumb sequel hook. No plot twist. It's just another guy getting his own little game over.

If Scott went back and remade FNAF 1, I assure you he would put in a minigame where a cartoony 8-bit guy gets dragged to the backroom at 5:59 am. And then the game cuts to black.

FNAF 1 was much more subtle than 2 overall. Phone Guy's dialogue in 2 has no story. It's a trivia dump. You learn that Foxy's his favorite... And that they're closing down. Gameplay-wise, you have a much more steady buildup.
>Night 1- Bonnie and/or Chica
>Night 2-Foxy
>Night 3- Freddy comes in later on
>Night 4- Freddy's here for real now
>Night 5-the "final level" (with 6 being something Scott probably threw in at the last minute)

The minigames 2 started also created a poor trend. They're not scary. They only serve to tell you stuff only wiki autists would care about. The Puppet was a depressed kid who was hit by a car. The animatronics hate this purple guy! Freddy was attacked by a purple guy!
Compare it to FNAF 1, which fleshed things out on a more subtle level. It wasn't perfect, but things like the changing decorations, posters, and signs were far more organic than slipping in exposition dumps. And actually creepy. Things like Freddy opening his head throws your attention off. It's unexpected, and kinda unnerving. The crying children on the walls tells you just as much as the crying children in the minigames, except here it's employed for horror and not trivia. At some point, Scott confused worldbuilding with lorefaggotry.

definitely a game thats more fun to watch than to play, watched markiplier play it then my cousin bought it and let me try it out and honestly it really wasnt fun I'd rather just watch jewtubers play it then waste money on it

It's not a great game but considering it's only like 5 dollars I'd say it's worth a buy

1 was best.
Others were cash-ins on the hype

>first year makes 4 games
>second year makes 2 games
>third year only makes 1 game
>fourth year now and not a game in site
It's dead, lads

Only temporarily. There's a movie coming that will undoubtedly re-spark interest in the series a few years from now.

I enjoyed it, but it's popularity and the autists that became obsessed with it killed all desire I had to continue playing it.

1 managed to get popular somehow
everything past that was a shitty cashgrab

>in 5 years time Sup Forums will be flooded by people calling FNAF a gem from their childhood

I almost never say this, but, somebody screencap that. Remember it when somebody says 'man, I still remember the first time Gold Freddy showed up' and references 8th grade.

Nobody actually follows the age rules on this website. I was 14 when I first started coming here back in 2006. There are people on Sup Forums now who played FNAF in 5th grade.

>you will never come home from school and watch let's plays of FnaF and then hop on minecraft with your friends
>the golden age of gaming and YouTube is over
>you will never dab again

Good post breh - but the lore meme has kept the games in popular rotation

2 was EASILY the worst, I feel like the only reason people say this is because it was their first, or something
